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About the company

V Cadbury is a global confectionery and beverage

manufacturer having its presence in more than 200
countries worldwide.

V The leading manufacturer with 70% volume share

of the chocolate market.
V —TRENGTH— Large teaming population of kids
and teenagers. ell established market. Vast
variety of products. Priced according to ndian
mind set.
V EAKNE—— Large portion of population
suffers from diabetes, cholesterol disorders
etc. Dental problems associated with
consumption of chocolates
V PPURTUNTE— nnovative uncultured
chocolate market in ndia such as sugar free
chocolate sector.
V THREAT— Cut throat competition from nestle
hat cadbury believes:-
V Corporate —ocial Responsibility (C—R) is at the
heart of there success. At Cadbury ndia always
believed that good values and good business go
hand in hand. Cadbury contribute 1% before tax
for C—R activity.
Commitment to the environment
V Migratory birds stop over at Bangalore factory!
ater is a precious resource. As part of Cadbury
ndia's efforts to continuously increase water
conservation our Bangalore factory has
constructed a check dam to store the rainwater.
This dam not only acts as a major ground water
replenishing source for the bore wells in the
factories and surrounding community, but is also a
stopover location for some of the migratory birds!
V Cadbury has pioneered the development of cocoa
cultivation in ndia. For over two decades, they have
worked with the Kerala Agriculture University to
undertake cocoa research and released hybrids that
improve the cocoa yield.There efforts have increased
cocoa productivity and touched the lives of thousands
of farmers.
V Bangalore factory: the sun shines at night ͙͙.
Acknowledged as 'Preserver of Environment͛ —unshine
now lights the pathways on streets outside our
Bangalore factory at night.DDRising energy costs, and
300 sunny days a year, inspired the factory to install 28
solar powered streetlights. t will reduce annual
carbon dioxide (a major greenhouse gas) emissions by
ten tonnes, playing a part in the effort to reduce global
Commitment to the —ociety
V Non-formal school set up by Cadbury for children of migrant
workers in Baddi Thanks to the efforts of the Baddi factory team
over 50 children of migrant workers living in and around our
Baddi factory will now have daily access to non-formal
education. Cadbury has set up a non-formal school as part of
our commitment to create prosperous, inclusive and healthy
communities. DDThis is the first phase of Project —AHYG an 18
month project which commenced in January this year in
partnership with an NG RUCH. The project reaches out to
over 400 poor & marginalized families in —andholi village near
our Baddi factory and apart from education, the other key
interventions will be on village health, sanitation, education &
water harvesting. DD
V Gurikha Project Community nitiative Programme under the
banner: Nutrition, Education, —ecurity and Love near our Malanpur
factory (MP). As a result, we focused on healthcare and education in
the nearby village of Gurikha. A nursery school was started and key
improvements were made in the primary school. DD The consultation
and a bit of lateral thinking led to some real social improvements:
fresh drinking water from a new village pump,a doctor's clinic, vet
services for milk producing animals and fruit trees for each
household to plant during the monsoons. They also helped increase
attendance in school.n 2005, the education programme supported
the ndian Government's Year of omen Empowerment. —pecial
focus was given to the rights and contribution of girls and to the
counteraction of female infanticide througha variety of initiatives.
V n 2005, the education programme supported
the ndian Government's Year of omen
Empowerment. —pecial focus was given to the
rights and contribution of girls and to the
counteraction of female infanticide through a
variety of initiatives.

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