The Importance of ITS in Urban Movement: M Noman Saeed 2k19-PT-MSC-TRAN-45

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The importance of ITS

in urban movement

M Noman Saeed
 Continuous Global Urbanization
 Trend of Developing and Developed
Countries in the past and the present

Figure-1: Globe of the World

Interrelationship of Urban Mobility

Figure-2: Urban Mobility Input Parameters

2.1 Traffic management and urban
 Framework of policy goals in relation to
traffic management is very important
 A smart transportation system can deal
efficiently with congestion, modal
integration and safety
2.2 Existing technologies

 2.2. 1. Traffic signals

 2.2. 2. Satellite tracking
 2.2. 3. Probe vehicles
 2.2. 4. Cellular data
 2.2. 5. Automatic number plate recognition
 2.2. 6. CCTV
 2.2. 7. Vehicle detection systems
 2.2. 8. Pollution monitors
 2.2. 9. Variable message signs
 2.2. 10. Road user charging
2.2 Existing technologies

2.2. 1. Traffic signals

Figure-3: Satellite tracking

2.2 Existing technologies

Figure-4: Probe vehicles

2.2 Existing technologies

Figure-5: Cellular data Figure-6: Automatic number plate recogniti

Figure-7: CCTV Figure-8: Vehicle detection systems

2.2 Existing technologies

Figure-10: Variable message


Figure-9: Pollution monitors

Figure-11: Road user

2.3 Evolving technologies

Vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) system

 German simTD pilot project with a fleet of 120 vehicles
 On-street trials in London by German vehicle
 ‘Spitsmeiden’ project in the Netherlands
 Co-Operative Vehicle Infrastructure Systems (CVIS)

Vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) system

 Still at research stage but has potential to play
significant rule

There should be productive working relationship between

Local authorities, manufacturers and academic institution
who are at the forefront of this research.
Example: German regional road authority Hessen Mobil
2.4 Key factors for success
2.4.1 Cooperation, partnership and interoperability
 Limited Capacity of Local Authorities at
urban/suburban/regional interface
 Joint procurement and contract management will help

2.4.2 Targeting individuals – optimising network

 Individualtravellers benefit from the advancement of ITS
 Diversionary route is advised if any obstruction/accident

2.4.3 Maximizing ITS potential/ minimizing human

intervention at operational level
 Humans should be focused at a strategic level determining
policy and managing processes.
 Checking particular camera and necessary actions is
required by humans but ITS has potential to offer a wholly
automated operational system,
2.4 Key factors for success
 Standards and harmonisation are important in
delivering effective ITS traffic management projects
 Rationale for regional ‘standards’: Reducing
procurement costs for field devices and fostering
Some manufacturers have established monopoly
due to the lack of the standards.
 Rationale for supra-regional ‘standards’:
Networking centres and enabling data exchange
Centre-to-centre data exchange is a mandatory
prerequisite for continuity of services. Initiatives such
as Universal traffic management Control (UTMC) have
created open standards and specifications for system
to system data exchange.
2.5 The importance of freight in urban
 Adequate facilities for freight vehicles are necessary
 Off-street Loading/unloading. Local authority to ensure
that other vehicles do not use the space in question.
 Website creation, allocation of the space on that and
an enforcement system that recognizes the
registration plate of a specifically booked vehicle

 More refined
ensure General
vehicles can
use it at times
when it has
not been pre-
booked by a Figure-12: Kerbside offloading
freight vehicle.
2.6 ITS traffic management links with
sustainable transport modes
 ITS information needs to be targeted at
individual motorists but also needs to make
them aware of other modes of transport
 ITS plays a key role in providing enhanced
public transport services, not solely in relation
to vehicle technology, but also core services
such as smart ticketing and journey planning.
 Examples include notification of the operational
status of public transport services and
identification of unoccupied parking spaces at
station car parks
2.7 London – Case studies for its traffic
2.7.1 Background
 In London current population is 8.6 million,
approximately 330,000 businesses, which employ about
4.6 million people.
 It is a centre of commerce and finance and major tourist
destination, attracting more than 30 million visitors per
 Population in the heart of the city decreased from 1940s
to 1990s as there was destruction during World war-1
 People moved from the Central area and resided in
suburban areas
 But trend changed from 1990s. and people are moving
to the Central areas.
 London’s expected population is to grow to over 10
million by 2030 and 13.4 million by 2050.
2.7 London – Case studies for its traffic

Figure-13: Central London Congestion Charging

2.7 London – Case studies for its traffic

Figure-14: London Population Graph

2.7 London – Case studies for its traffic
 Transport for London (TfL), created in 2000,
which is responsible for a range of transport
modes across the city
 5% of the total transport is under Tfl, while the
rest of 95% is controlled by 32 borough councils
and the City Corporation
 TfL is taking significant steps to improve
capacity, to mitigate against the negative
environmental impacts of public transport
 Buses with lower CO2 and NOx are being
introduced emission levels and some of the zero
emission vehicles; designing a new Ultra Low
Emission Zone, which is scheduled to be opened
in 2020
2.8 Case study 1 – Central London
Charging scheme

 ITS became an issue immediate issue for TfL in

mayoral elections of 2000
 One of the Candidates Ken Livingstone promised
to introduce a congestion charging scheme in the
central area.
 He was elected with 70% majority and instructed
TfL to introduce a Congestion Charging scheme
by early 2003
 ANPR technology was opted by TfL for the
payment and enforcement
 Multiple cameras were installed and care was
taken so that the person responsible should be
the owner of the car
2.8 Case study 1 – Central London
Charging scheme

Figure-16: TfL

Figure-15: Former London Mayor “Ken Livingstone”

with current P.M. Boris Johnson
2.8 Case study 1 – Central London
Charging scheme

 On the inception of the scheme particular

attention was paid to the capture rate of the
cameras which was in excess of 90%.
 Additional Cameras were installed inside the
area and the capture rate was increased beyond
 To improve capture rate of the cameras in hours
of darkness and bad weather conditions, infrared
illuminators were incorporated
 Foreign number plates also posed a particular
challenge for the cameras – they are able to
read all Latin script but cannot yet identify
Arabic script.
2.8 Case study 1 – Central London
Charging scheme

Figure-17: Boundary point of central London

Congestion Charging scheme
2.8 Case study 1 – Central London
Charging scheme
 On the inception of the scheme particular attention
was paid to the capture rate of the cameras which
was in excess of 90%.
 Additional Cameras were installed inside the area
and the capture rate was increased beyond 90%
 To improve capture rate of the cameras in hours of
darkness and bad weather conditions, infrared
illuminators were incorporated
 Foreign number plates also posed a particular
challenge for the cameras – they are able to read all
Latin script but cannot yet identify Arabic script.
 Enforcement of violation by foreign vehicles is dealt
with a bailiff company, which buys the debt from TfL
and pursues the drivers for the payment of the fine.
2.8 Case study 1 – Central London
Charging scheme
 The Congestion Charge in London is a flat fee (£5
when introduced in 2003 and since risen
incrementally to its current level of £11.50) equally
applicable if spent 11 hours, or merely entered for
even seconds
 Technology trials replaced ANPR with a GPS system
or DSRC tag and beacon scheme
 GPS didn’t help much as tall buildings in narrow
streets didn’t allow from all the four satellites
 DSRC tag and beacon scheme proved efficient but
the local residents, businesses, community groups
and other interested stakeholders did not allow for
the overhead gantries similar to ones used in road
pricing schemes in Singapore and Stockholm
2.8 Case study 1 – Central London
Charging scheme

Figure-18: DSRC charge point –

2.8 Case study 1 – Central London
Charging scheme
 TfL, during the DSRC trial, used roadside columns
rather than overhead gantries
 The cost of converting from ANPR to DSRC estimated
£60 million which was considered to be prohibitively
expensive and the scheme has continues to operate
using ANPR enforcement and payment technology to
this day
 In 2011 Congestion Charging Auto Pay was introduced
 Auto Pay involves an owner registering one or more
vehicles and giving credit card or debit card details to
 Advantage to TfL as as the number of PCNs reduced
from a high of about 8,000 per day down to a current
level of about 3,000 per day
2.8 Case study 1 – Central London
Charging scheme

Figure-19: DSRC infrastructure – Stockholm

2.8 Case study 1 – Central London
Charging scheme

Figure-20: DSRC roadside column – London road

pricing technology trials
2.8 Case study 1 – Central London
Charging scheme

Figure-21: DSRC ‘Short Arm’ column – London

road pricing technology trials
2.8 Case study 1 – Central London
Charging scheme
 An interesting byproduct of PCNs is that TfL
has been able to provide the police with
information on extremely serious criminal
offences based on information derived from
Congestion Charging non-paying vehicles
 Congestion Charging resulted to decrease 28%
of general traffic in the central area since its
introduction in 2003
 It has been refined and modified over the past
12 years to ensure better traffic and quality of
life for people in central London
Case study 2 – 2012 Olympic legacy
 The staging of 2012 Olympic and Paralympic
Games in London presented TfL with some very
serious challenges in terms of managing the
numbers of people attending the Games events


Figure-22: 2012 Olympics London

Case study 2 – 2012 Olympic legacy
2.9.1 Managing large groups of public transport users
 A Large group of people travelled by Public transport in the
London Olympics 2012
 Over 6.5 million use London’s buses each day and 4.5
million use the tube
 The challenge during the Games was to cope with patterns
of movement of large numbers of Olympic spectators
 3 separate slots, three different times of morning,
afternoon and evening each of which were attended by
80,000 people
 Public transport was the key means of getting people to
and from the events
 Data regarding predicted journeys of Olympic visitors was
based on post-code information derived from ticket sales
Case study 2 – 2012 Olympic legacy
2.9.1 Managing large groups of public
transport users
 Pinch points were traced from Oyster card
(Public Transport Smartcard) usage
 E-mail and phone number were taken from the
people at the time of card purchase and they
were informed about the rush hours via e-mail
and/or text
 TfL now also makes significant use of twitter
and Facebook for real-time communications
with its customers
Case study 2 – 2012 Olympic legacy
2.9.2 Managing road-based traffic
 TfL made a commitment to the International Olympic
Committee that the journey time between Park Lane,
where most of the hotels used by the Games’ family
were located, and the Olympic. Stadium in Stratford
in East London would not exceed 21 minutes
 Traffic coordination for the Games was carried out at
a newly formed London Surface Transport Control
Centre (LSTCC), which brought together controllers of
road network, bus controllers and the Metropolitan
Police’s traffic controllers.
 The advantages of having these key agencies working
together under one roof cannot be overstated. Critical
decisions could be taken at speed in a highly
coordinated manner
Case study 2 – 2012 Olympic legacy

Figure-23: 2012 Olympic Games – traffic

Case study 2 – 2012 Olympic legacy

Figure-24: Image recognition and incident

Case study 2 – 2012 Olympic legacy
2.9.2 Managing road-based traffic
 The LSTCC is now a permanent feature of traffic
management in London but it was the Olympics
that were the catalyst for its creation
 TfL engineers have devised a facility using
video analytics called Image Recognition and
Incident Detection (IRID)
 It automatically checks the set pattern and
there is no need for the Camera operator, most
efficient Olympic legacy project.
Case study 2 – 2012 Olympic legacy
2.9.3 Managing pedestrian flows
 London has traditionally been a challenging city
to negotiate on foot. It does not have a neat grid
pattern of streets like New York
 London Underground map is so well known and
is often relied on by local people and tourists
 TfL introduced a programme called ‘Legible
 New information roadside boards, maps and
signage with a characteristic yellow and black
colour scheme has been added
 Legible London also makes innovative use of
‘heads up mapping’
Case study 2 – 2012 Olympic legacy
2.9.3 Managing pedestrian flows
 The introduction of Pedestrian Split Cycle Offset
Optimisation Technique, or ‘pedestrian SCOOT’, is the
first of its kind in the world and uses state-of-the-art
video camera technology to automatically detect
how many pedestrians are waiting at crossings
 The system enables the adjustment of traffic signal
timings automatically to extend the green pedestrian
invitation to cross phase when large numbers of
people are waiting, allowing more people to cross the
 TfL is developing a ‘call cancel’ technology, which
can detect when a pedestrian who has pushed the
crossing button has either crossed before the signal
goes green or walks away, and therefore cancels the
pedestrian crossing.
Case study 2 – 2012 Olympic legacy

Figure-25: Pedestrian SCOOT at traffic signals

Case study 2 – 2012 Olympic legacy

Figure-26: Pedestrian SCOOT at traffic signals

Case study 2 – 2012 Olympic legacy
2.9.4 Managing freight
 TfL persuaded freight operators to re-time their
deliveries to avoid not only peak times but also pre-
peak, inter-peak and post-peak times
 During the three weeks of Olympic Games and two
weeks of the Paralympics freight companies made
considerable efforts to radically alter their delivery
 For out of the Hours deliveries, TfL encouraged larger
businesses in the vicinity to accept the delivery or
collection on behalf of the smaller business and
arrange for the goods to be transferred between the
businesses the following morning
 The Games offered TfL a golden opportunity to reach
large numbers of businesses and freight operators
Case study 2 – 2012 Olympic legacy
2.9.4 Managing freight
This has been sustained through:
 A). Establishment of a Freight Forum
 B). The strengthening of the Freight Operator
Recognition Scheme (FORS)
 C). Establishment of London Out-of-Hours Consortium
 D). Provision of more than 300 training courses
 E). Training more than 2,000 drivers in safe, urban
 F). Continuing to examine potential for increasing
 G). Issuing a weekly e-bulletin to more than 7,500
 H). Future production of guidance for Delivery and
Servicing Plans for new developments
 I). Ensuring that freight and servicing movement
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