English Horrors: María Fernanda Ferreira Montero

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María Fernanda Ferreira Montero
■ Scouring
■ Flank: a side, esp. the side of an animal or a person between the ribs
and hip.
‘Reinforced the left flank with more troops”

■ Flat:horizontally level
flat, white roofs on the houses of the Greek town.
■ Frighten: to (cause to) become frightened.
Your story frightened me.

■ Frigid:very cold in temperature.

a frigid climate.
■ Despite:in spite of;
I failed the test despite studying all night.

■ Despise:to look on with contempt or disdain.

I despised their actions.
■ Grab: to seize suddenly, eagerly, or roughly;
She grabbed at the railing.

■ Record:to use a special machine to preserve or keep sounds, images, or

other signals by copying them electronically so that they can be played
again or reproduced by a phonograph, videocassette recorder, etc.
This video camera can record and play back.
■ Corral: to confine in or as if in a corral.
She corralled me at the party and I couldn't get away.

■ Farmyard:a yard or enclosure surrounded by or connected with farm

The horses are in the farmyard
■ Tray: a flat, shallow container, used for carrying or displaying articles.
He carried his lunch tray to the table.

■ Try: to attempt to do or accomplish.

He tried to run, but he soon got tired.
■ Clutch: to seize with or as if with the hands;
hold tightly.
The little girl clutched her doll tightly.

■ Hold:to have or keep in the hand;

I held her hand as we crossed the street.
■ Shrimp: a small, long-tailed, ten-footed, edible shellfish found chiefly
in salt water. They counted out five little steamed shrimps for each

■ Shrimp:a small person.

He was just a shrimp in school.
■ Loopy; having or consisting of loops;
I was loopy last night.

■ Drunk:being in a temporary state in which one's abilities are affected

by alcohol;
Yesterday my friend was very drunk.

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