Arsitektur Programming

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Architectural Programming is the first stage of the

architectural design process in which the relevant values of the
client, user; architect, and society are identified; important
project goals are articulated; facts about the project are
uncovered; and facility needs are made explicit .

The architectural program is the document in which the

identified values, goals, facts, and needs are presented .

Programming is an essential part of the overall architecture

delivery process, which can roughly be defined as having
four stages: programming, design, construction, and
occupancy. Between each stage is an appropriate time for
evaluating the effectiveness of the previous stage
Collecting Data • Literatur
• Survei Lapangan

Literatur Buku, Jurnal, dll

Survei Lapangan Panca Indera

Panca Indera: Panca Indera dalam Arsitektur

• Penglihatan (Mata) • Penglihatan (Mata)
• Penciuman • Penciuman (Hidung)
(Hidung) • Pendengaran (Telinga)
• Pendengaran (Telinga) • Peraba (Kulit)
• Peraba (Kulit) • Perasa (Taste)
• Perasa (Lidah)
Analyzing Data
The competent programmer always keeps in mind the steps in programming:
1. Goals: What does the client want to achieve, and why ?
2. Facts: What do we know? What is given?
3. Concepts: How does the client want to achieve the goals?
4. Needs: How much money and space? What level of quality?
5. Problem: What are the significant conditions affecting the design of the building?
What are the general directions the design should take?
If the client and programmer are primarily interested in functional efficiency,
organizational and activity decisions may be made that could significantly affect
the form of the building.

If the client and programmer are more concerned with the social and
psychological needs of the users, prescriptions for form may be inherent in the
listed spaces, sizes, characteristics, and relationships.

If they are concerned with economics, it is possible that numerous material

and system opportunities, as well as potentially unique spaces and places, will
be eliminated from design consideration.

The point is that the values and concerns of the client and the programmer
will have a significant impact on the form of the building, because they choose
the information presented to the designer.

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