Marketing Plan

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Marketing plan

• This marketing plan is mainly based on the previous task and the company
on which it is based is NatureCare

• This firm offers their consumers with , eco-friendly beauty skin care


• The firm faces some of the cut-throat competition in the marketplace and

their main competitors are Jurilique and Botani.

Developing the marketing plan

• This marketing plan is updated after discussing it with the senior

management and the CEO

• The new strategy of the company mainly revolves around the niche

marketing to the target group n positioning their products as eco-friendly

and of high-quality

• There are mainly two main marketing objectives that will be inserted in this

particular marketing plan

• NatureCare must design some promising advertisements in the YouTube

with the help of the marketing assistant

• The legal proceedings will be completed by the operations manager

• The operations manager will be responsible in terms of developing their new

product that is the face wash within the 6 months

• In terms of selling their products overseas it is also recommended that the

company can also try the joint venture

• After the product gets developed then the sales manager and team will be

encouraging the consumers

• The marketing assistant of the company will have a great part to play in terms of

launching this product

• The marketing assistant will also be responsible for coming up with the brand new


• The advertisement for this particular product will be designed in an unique

Budget of the marketing plan
• The 60% of the entire budget will be mainly allocated for the joint venture

activities development

• 20% of the budget will be kept for the internet marketing along with the regular

marketing by the sales workers

• 20% of the remaining budget will be for analysing internet market after sales with

the joint venture

Business objectives for backing up the plan
• The new business objectives are created for the next 3 years and also with a

motive for increasing the sales of NatureCare and also their awareness

• The main consumer profile that is identified for the target group mainly consists

of the women who are working and their age is in between 25-55

• These target group consumers are those who wants high-quality, eco-friendly

Marketing strategies
• There are some of the marketing strategies that will be used by this firm

• Relationship marketing is the first strategy and it is quite effective for the beauty

related brand as it is the romance between consumers and brand

• The second strategy will be the online marketing and this will be done by the

digital marketing in terms of marketing the products using the digital technologies
The way marketing plan meets the marketing and organizational

• Marketing objectives are the goals of the brand and the marketing plan of this

company tends to outline this in a distinct manner

• This marketing plan took into account all of the resources that the company will be

requiring for meeting the marketing objectives such as: Money, marketing materials as

well as people

• This marketing plan is a part of the overall organizational objectives so it outlined the

The proposed strategic marketing mix and rationale

• The strategic mix that has been proposed in the task 2 is done keeping in mind of

the competitors

• The competitors of the brand already occupied the target market of NatureCare

but with their proposed strategic mix they will be able to meet their sales targets

• The rationale behind using the marketing mix is that the firm can better meet the

their target market needs

Overall marketing approach and rationale
• The overall marketing approach by the firm is designed in a clever manner for

meeting the objectives

• Firstly, NatureCare will be using a planned occasion for meeting their target


• Secondly, the firm will also be using an unique logo so that they can be easily

recognized like other brands

Choice of identified marketing strategies and tactics

• There are some of marketing tactics that is used for supporting the marketing

strategies by the firm

• One of the main tactics by the firm is using the social media where the users will be

able to share the information through images, messaging and other links

• Another promising tactics is having contest that will be giving the target audience

the chance for winning something

Importance of marketing plan

• This marketing plan is quite vital as it will be making the sales easier for the


• When NatureCare will be targeting their idea consumer in a smarter way

then it will be reducing their costs of marketing and enhance their chances

of converting the leads into the sales.


• In the concluding remarks it can be said that the new updated marketing

plan is designed for understanding NatureCare’s various aspects

• This marketing plan will be helping the company to reach towards the

foreign markets easily and increase their consumer base

• The marketing plan for the firm will be providing a list of tasks

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