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Cyber crime And Security

Pratik Raj Mishra

What is Cyberspace And Cybercrime

An electronic medium of computer system within which people
can communicate do research, or simply window shop.


Crime committed using a computer and the internet i.e.

where the computer used as an object or subject of crime.

-The first recorded cyber crime took place in the year


-The first spam email took place in 1978 when it was

sent over the Arpanet

-The first VIRUS was installed on an Apple computer in

Types of cyber crime

-Child pornography
-Computer vandalism
-DoS attack
-Virus Dissemination
-Software Piracy
-Net Extortion
-Illegal intrusion into a computer system and/or network. i.e.
Unauthorized access

Child pornography
-Abuse children/teens sexually
-More children would be using the internet and more are the
chances of falling victim to the aggression of pedophiles

Computer vandalism
-Damaging or destroying data rather than stealing or reusing
DoS attack
-Floods the bandwidth of the victims network or fills his e-
mail box with spam mail depriving him of the services he is
entitled to access

Virus Dissemination
-Malicious software that attaches itself to other software
(virus, worms, Trojan Horse)

Software piracy
-Theft of software through the illegal copying of genuine
Net extortion
-Copying the companies confidential data in order to extort
said company for huge amount

-Act of sending an e-mail to a user falsely claiming to be an
established legitimate enterprise in an attempt to scam the
user into surrendering private information that will be used
for identity theft

-Getting one computer on a network to pretend to have the
identity off another computer,, usually one with special
access privileges ,so as to obtain access to the other
Cyber crime threatens national security
-Ex union home minister Shivraj Patil said that the rising level of
cyber crime is an indication of an enormous threat to national
-Everything is being operated through computer and hence the risk
-India is at eleventh position , U.S. being the first
-Increase in number of cases reported
Cyber security
-Involves protection of sensitive personal & business information
through prevention, detection and response to different online

-Protects from attacks by detecting and preventing

-Install a firewall , pop-up blocker
-Ensure your virus definitions are up to date
-Use strong passwords , don’t give personal information unless
required(not even phone number)
-Use secure connections
-Disable file sharing , turn off internet when not in use
-Use spam filters , delete spam immediately
-Use various passwords for various accounts
-Don’t believe in everything you read online
-Open attachments carefully
-Beware of promises to make fast profits
-Be smart , don’t act foolish and help in spreading spam
The only system which is truly secure is one which is switched
off and unplugged.

So , only way to be safe is Pay attention and

Act smart.

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