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How To Identify Blue Stain From Mould

January 2012
What is Blue Stain?

• What causes the stain?

Blue stain is a common cause for the discolouration of timber certain dark
coloured fungi cause a bluish or greyish discolouration in the sapwood of
the tree. Stain colour can be blue, black, grey to brown, may also appear
as red, yellow or purple

• Is strength of the timber affected?

Blue stain has no effect on performance or strength of the timber

• Are there any health and safety concerns?

Blue stain poses no health risk and is safe to handle
Blue Stain….. is it the same as mould?

• Blue stain is not mould…..

 A simple test to determine if timber is stained or
has mould, lightly rub the effected surface.
Mould grows on the surface and can be
brushed off or smeared whereas blue stain
penetrates deep into the wood and cannot be

Blue stain can penetrate throughout

the sapwood showing up on the end
Examples of Blue Stain

Called blue stain it is typically not blue, as


Black stain can be confused with black

mould – the rub test will determine
whether it is mould or stain

Black stain Brown/green stain

Bluish grey colour is actually Variety of stains

blue stain

Examples of White and Black mould

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