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 NAME: Zuha Bint-E-Shahid

 Class: 1st Smester BSMIT-C
 Roll number: BSMIT-F19-189
 Subject: Anatomy

Submitted to,
Bushra Haseeb
The stomach is the dilated part of the alimentary canal between
esophagus and stomach.
Muscular organ.
 Churning of food into small pieces
 Formation of chyme
 Digestion of food
 Acidic solution
At the level of T10-L3 vertebrae
Lies in the epigastric , umbilical and left hypochondriac region
Normally J-shaped
Horizontal in obese person
Stomach contains;

 Curvatures
-Lesser curvature
-Greater curvature
 Sphincters
 -Cardiac sphincter
 -Pyloric sphincter
 Surfaces
 -Anterosuperior
 -Posteroinferior
 Notches
 -Cardiac notch
 -Angular notch
 Greater curvature
 Arising from the cardiac notch over the dome of the fundus and
along the left of the stomach to the pylorus
 Long,convex,lateral border
 Lesser curvature
 Extends from cardiac orifice to the pylorous
 Shorter,concave,middle surface of stomach
 Forms junction between body and the pylorus of stomach
known as angular notch

 Omentum is the peritoneum fold surrounds the stomach.

 1-Greater omentum
 2-Lesser omentum
 Anterior
 Abdominal wall
 Diaphragm
 Left lobe of liver
 Posterior
 Pancreas
 Left kidney
 Spleen
 Transeverse colon
 Superior
 Left dome of diaphragm
Parts of the stomach
 1-Cardiac part
 a) Fundus:This is dome shaped and projects upward.It is usually
full of gas.
 b) Body:This extends from the cardiac to angular notch.
 2-Pyloric part
 a) Pyloric antrum:This extends from angular notch to pylorus.
 b) Pylorous:Most tubular part of stomach.
Structures inside;
 Rugae
 Pyloric antrun
 Pyloric sphincter
 Pyloric canal
Arterial supply
 1-Right gastric artery; Branch of hepatic artery
 2-Left gastric artery; Branch of celiac artery
 3-Left gastroepiploic artery; Branch of splenic artery
 4-Right gastroepiploic artery; Branch of hepatic artery
 5-Short gastric arteries; Branch of splenic artery
Venous supply
 1-Right gastric vein; drain into portal vein
 2-Left gastric vein; drain into portal vein
 3-Right gastroepiploic vein; drain into superior mesentric vein
 4-Left gastroepiploic vein; drain into splenic vein
 5-Short gastric vein; drain into splenic vein
Nerve supply
 1-Sympathetic fibers; derived from celiac plexus
 2-Parasympathetic fibers; derived from right and left vagus
Lymphatic drainage
 Left and right gastric nodes
 Left and right gastroepiploic nodes
 Short gastric nodes
 -All lymph nodes eventually passes to the celiac nodes
 Stomach trauma
 Stomach is protected on the left by the lower part of the rib
cage.It protect the stomach from blunt trauma.
 Stomach can be effected in gunshot wounds due to large size.
 Gastric ulcer
 Occurs in the lining of the stomach due to acidic digestive
 Causes include smoking,stress.
 Gastric pain
 Sensation of pain in the stomach by the contraction or
stretching of smooth muscles in the wall of the stomach.
 Stomach cancer
 Cancer can occur in different parts of stomach.
 Gastroscopy
 Viewing of the mucous membrane of the stomach
through an illuminated tube fitted with a lens system.
 For direct visualization of different parts of the
mucous membrane.
 Nasogastric Intubation
 NG intubation is a common procedure in which
involving the insertion of tube from nose pass down to
the stomach.
 Emptying of stomach to decompose the stomach in
case of intestinal obstruction.
 Before operations of GIT.
 For obtaining sample of gastric juice for biochemical

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