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Culture of


…is used for…
…talking to other people
…to read the news
…to listen to the news communicate through
social nets
…free visual calls to users from
all over the world completely
for free

…quick notes containing a few

Thousand of years ago, men could send
messages over a long distance. They used
the light of fires at night and the smoke of
fires by day. They used the loud sound of
drums to send messages across the great
forests of Africa. These means of long
distance communication were used for
Invention intern

line satelli

telephone Compu

telegraph cinem

newspaper ink

Pictures on the walls
When people could not read or write,
they drew pictures on the walls. This
pictures told the stories of their
everyday life, battles and culture.
People used to think that the first alphabet
appeared between 1700 and 1500 BC in the
Levant region, in what is now Syria, Lebanon
and Israel. However, modern archaeologists
found facts to show that the alphabet is
older and first appeared in 1900BC. It came
from Egypt, and other cultures copied it.
Means of writing
The earliest means of writing came from
The Greeksletters.
made the first writing
stylus and used it to write on wax-coated
tablets. Messages on these tablets were the
first private letters. Their inventor, a Greek
scholar called Cadmus, wrote letters like this
and sent them to his friends by foot
Ink and paper.
People invented ink before 2500BC. Some
books say that it was the Chinese, but
probably the Egyptians invented it at the
same time. However, the whole world
knows the name of the Chinese
philosopher, Tien-Lcheu, (2697BC), who
used ink to write with.
Paper came from China, in the second
century BC. The oldest piece of paper in the
world is made from hemp. The
archaeologists found it in a tomb near Xian,
in China. They think the Chinese made it
between 140 and 87 BC.
The first electric telegraph
The long distance
communication changed in
1832, when the electric
telegraph was invented by the
Russian scientist P.L.Shilling.
The telegraph could not carry
voices. People used a special
code to send words over the

The first telephone
The telephone was
invented by A. G. Bell,
who was born in
Scotland, in 1847. The
first telephone was not
at all like the one we use
every day. The person
who talked into it could
not hear; and the person
who heard could not
A. G. Bell talk
Telephone boxes
The famous British red telephone box was
designed by Sir G. G. Scott in the 1920s and
1930s. In 1985, most of them were replaced by
modern telephone boxes. The people protested
so much that the old red boxes were put back in
London’s streets
Phone box 1926

Phone box 1936

Telephone station
The first telephone exchange opened in
Moscow in 1882. At that time it served 61
clients. Ten years later, their number was 1400.
We can communicate with
each other by

omputer Fax TelephoneInternet

What is it?
The machine which is used for sending or
receiving copies of printed material, letters,
pictures, etc. along a telephone line
A method of using computer for composing,
storing and receiving messages over electronic
communication system
An electronic machine that can store
and recall information, do many
processes on it
An international network of computers. It has
electronic mail and provides a large amount of
A system for sending or receiving
speech over long distance
Official Statistics:
Top 6 most Popular
Means of Communication
Mobile P...

the Internet


Social Nets


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