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• Applications Systems-on-chip can be applied

to any computing task. However, they are

typically used in mobile computing such as
tablets, smartphones, smartwatches and
netbooks as well as embedded systems and in
applications where previously microcontrollers
would be used. *Embedded systems *Personal
computers *Mobile computing
• SoC usage areas: In fact, SoC can be used anywhere that
needs a computer and even can reach places the computer
cannot: The most important of which are mobile devices
and smartphones. Perhaps the current revolution that the
Android system and Apple's constant attempt to overcome
it with its IOS system increase the demand for these chips.
All the Smartphone is currently dependent on SoC as the
beating heart of it and with the rapid development we are
witnessing now, companies designed for SoC are working
hard to push it to the maximum Its limits in terms of energy
efficiency down to the raw performance it provides.
• Currently many things are being added to it: *
PCI-Express interfaces * Graphic processors
and others * SoC chips contain protocols for
interconnecting these many components, such
as AMM provided by ARM
• SoC system in general contains: 1- A DSP Core processor,
processor, or processor that contains more than one processor
core. 2- Sectors of memory of all kinds. "These are of small sizes
and do not make up for the need for additional external memory"
3- Clock pulse generators, including vibrators, which provide the
basic frequency, and the PL L circuits responsible for doubling the
frequency. 4- Surround circuits such as Counters, Timers, and RTC
(Real Time Clock) circuits. 5- Interfaces to the chip and usually
include the industry standards from USB, FireWire, Ethernet,
USART, SPI and others 6- Similar interfaces as ADC (Analogue
Digital Converter) and DAC (Digital Analogue Converter) 7- Voltage
regulators and power consumption regulators.
• : In fact, there are three basic ways to manufacture SoC, which are 1-
Special design: i.e. soC is designed from scratch in terms of the
distribution of logical gates and their association with each other and this
method takes a long time and a great cost but in the end gives SoC
distinct in all respects. 2- Design using ready-made boxes: In this way the
SoC is assembled starting from its basic components and followed by
terminals and this method results in some waste in the slide space. 3- Use
of FPGA chips: These slides are integrated circuits of a special type these
segments are programmable in order to give any circuit we want them
and the design here will be easier as we said these segments have their
own programming languages and perhaps the most famous vHDL, in all
previous design cases are based on slides FPGA in the process of
simulating the work of soc and capturing errors and problems before it is
produced in the final commercial form
A system-on-a-chip (SoC) is a microchip with •
all the necessary electronic circuits and parts
for a given system, such as a smartphone or
wearable computer, on a single integrated
circuit (IC)
• types SOC: SoCs built around a microcontroller
(μC) SoCs built around a microprocessor (μP),
often found in mobile phones Specialized SoCs
designed for specific applications that do not
fit into the above two categories, and
Programmable systems-on-chip (PSoC), where
most functionality is fixed but some
functionality is reprogrammable in a manner
analogous to a field-programmable gate array.
?What does System on a Chip (SoC) mean

• A system on a chip (SoC) combines the required electronic

circuits of various computer components onto a single,
integrated chip (IC). SoC is a complete electronic substrate
system that may contain analog, digital, mixed-signal or radio
frequency functions. Its components usually include a graphical
processing unit (GPU), a central processing unit (CPU) that may
be multi-core, and system memory (RAM).
• Because SOC includes both the hardware and software, it uses
less power, has better performance, requires less space and is
more reliable than multi-chip systems. Most system-on-chips
today come inside mobile devices like smartphones and tablets.
• SoC stands for system on a chip. This is a chip/integrated
circuit that holds many components of a computer—usually
the CPU (via a microprocessor or microcontroller), memory,
input/output (I/O) ports and secondary storage—on a single
substrate, such as silicon. Having all of these components on
one substrate means SoCs use less power and take up less
space than their multi-chip counterparts. SoCs are becoming
increasingly popular with the growth of Internet of Things
and edge and mobile computing. Take, for example, Intel’s
 September 2018 acquisition of SoC firm Silicon Engineering
Group and older acquisitions of Altera and others.
•  there are three different types of SoCs:
• SoCs that use a microcontroller (a chip with the CPU, RAM, ROM
and potentially other components). Example: Arduino boards
• SoCs that use a microprocessor (a chip with a CPU only). Examples:
SoCs for smartphones, like Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 845 (also
used for virtual reality headsets) and the Apple A12 Bionic SoC
used in the iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max and iPhone XR. Rasperry Pi
 and Intel's line of SoC FPGAs.
• SoCs for specific applications, which may or may not use a
microprocessor or microcontroller. This is known as an ASIC
(application-specific integrated circuit).

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