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Ethnographic Research


Is the Study of culture and social organization

through participant observation and
interviewing, as approach called “field work”

The study of people in their own environment

through the use of methods such as participants
observation and face to face interviewing.
Ethnographic Research
An ethnography focuses on an entire culture –
sharing group, granted sometimes this culture
group may be small but typically it is large,
involving many people who interact overtime.
Is a way of studying a culture-sharing group as well as the final,
written product of that research, as a process ethnography
involves extended observation of the group, most often through
participants observation in which the researcher is immersed in
the day-to-day lives of the people observes and interviews the
group participants.
Ethnographic Research

Study the meaning of the behavior, the

language and the interaction among
members of the culture-sharing group.
Thus the ethnography is a qualitative design
which the researcher describes and interprets the
shared and learned patterns of values, behaviors,
beliefs and language of a culture-sharing group.
Ethnographic Research
Defining Features of Ethnographies

Ethnographies focus on developing a complex, complete

description of a culture of a group, a culture-sharing

Ethnography is a holistic approach to the study of cultural systems.

Ethnography is the study of the socio‑cultural contexts,

processes, and meanings within cultural systems.
Ethnography is the study of cultural systems from both emic
and etic perspectives.
Ethnography is a process of discovery, making inferences,
and continuing inquiries in an attempt to achieve emic
Ethnographic Research
Defining Features of Ethnographies
Ethnography is an iterative process of learning episodes.

Ethnography is an open‑ended emergent learning process,

and not a rigid investigator controlled experiment.
Ethnography is a highly flexible and creative process.
Ethnography is an interpretive, reflexive, and constructivist
Ethnography requires the daily and continuous recording
of fieldnotes.
Ethnography presents the world of its host population in
human contexts of thickly described case studies.
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