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In the grasslands,
somewhere on the African continent,
success can be defined in terms of life and death,
Survival is a strong motivator.
Here’s a short story …
• When the light comes in the Eastern sky and
you the lightthat
sense comes
the insun
Eastern sky and
soon steal the you
sense and
that thesecurity
sun willofsoon
the night, the comfort
steal the gazelle and
starts toofstir.
security theHe knows
night, thethat if, during
gazelle startsthis day,He
to stir. he
does not
knows thatrun faster than
if, during the fastest
this day, he doescheetah,
not run he
may be
faster thancaught and then
the fastest he willhe
cheetah, bemay
be caught
and then he will be killed.
• Not far away, the cheetah stretches out this
far away,muscles and thinks
the cheetah of the
stretches outday
He knowsand
muscles thatthinks
if he does
of thenotdayrun fasterHe
ahead, than the
that if he gazelle,
does nothe runwill surely
faster starve.
than the slowest
gazelle, he will surely starve.
• The moral of this story …
The moral of this story …
It doesn’t matter whether you are a gazelle
or a cheetah …
• It doesn’t matter whether you are a gazelle
…when the
or a cheetah … sun is up …
… you had better be

running. …when the sun is up …

• … you had better be running.

Motivation Defined
• Influences that account for
– initiation
– direction
– intensity
– persistence of behavior
• An inferred process within an animal or an
individual that causes that organism to
move towards a goal
• Intrinsic Motivators
– A person’s internal desire to do something,
due to such things as interest, challenge, and
personal satisfaction.
• Extrinsic Motivators
– Motivation that comes from outside the
person and includes such things as pay,
bonuses, and other tangible rewards.
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
• Physiological
– Includes hunger, thirst, shelter, sex, and other
bodily needs
• Safety
– Includes security and protection from physical
and emotional harm
• Social
– Includes affection, belongingness,
acceptance, and friendship
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
• Esteem
– Includes internal esteem factors such as self-
respect, autonomy, and achievement; and
external esteem factors such as status,
recognition, and attention
• Self-actualization
– The drive to become what one is capable of
becoming; includes growth, achieving
one’s potential, and self-fulfillment
Motivation Is
• Internal motivation is self-granted and
comes when something is meaningful or
gives sense of purpose
• Examples:
– Job contentment
– Individual growth
– Achievement
Motivation Is
• External motivation is an action taken by
another person
• Usually involves an incentive or
anticipation of a reward
• Examples:
– Money
– Awards
– Performance feedback
Motivation Is
• Most people need both
• Organizations should strive to balance
internal and external motivation
Through Job
• Design
Job rotation allows employees to move
through a variety of jobs, departments, or
• Cross-training workers
– Facilitates career advancement
– Allows a hedge against absenteeism
– Reduces boredom
Through Job
• Design
Job enlargement means expanding an
employee’s duties or responsibilities
• Motivation is often increased when
workers are encouraged to take on new
skills and responsibilities
• Can fill strategic gaps by training in
several facets of work
Through Job
• Design
Job enrichment is an attempt to make a
job more desirable and satisfying
• Two ways
– assign more difficult tasks
– grant more authority
• Employees can find solutions to
Through Incentives
• Incentives are used to
– improve quality
– reduce accidents
– increase sales
– improve attendance
– speed up production
• Organizations often use incentives to drive
Through Incentives
• Intrapreneurship rewards the development
of new ideas
• Encourage employees to pursue ideas at
• The company provides funds, space, and
• Cash bonuses or awards for ideas and
development often given to employee
Motivation Through
• Learning opportunities can be a strong
motivational force
• Education and training are critical to
individual growth and opportunity
• Learning can help secure the future
• More powerful if perceived as leading to
something that motivates individual
Motivation Through Empowerment
• Empowerment means offering authority
and responsibility to all ranks of an
• Can give employees a sense of pride, self-
expression, and ownership
• Assumes employees want challenge
and personal meaning from jobs
• Requires long-term commitment from top
Motivation Through
• RelationshipExpectations
between a person’s level of
motivation and the expectations of others
• High expectations from others leads to
high performance
• Supervisors can communicate high and
low expectations
• After 2nd world war, Amercian system of mgt
was followed. As the people were not literate,
they asked the people to come with their hands
to work with the commands and controls in the
hands of one. It lasted for 30 years. But, it could
not sustain because of recession and unstability.
• Then, emerged Japnese system of mgt, Kaizen
i.e. the culture of “we consciousness” This was
called Total Quality Mgt. It realized the creativity
of every single mind and said”why just come
with yr hands, bring yr creative minds as
well”.So, they invited ideas, creativity, proposals
and suggestions from people. As too many
heads get together, the ideas start contradicting
and clashing. Due to ego, the best mgt system
can fail.
• Now, organizational world wants the hearts of
the people i.e. the organization wants self
motivated, committed and responsible people.
Lakhs of rupees are being spent by HRD
organizing trg programmes to motivate people,
to enable them to commit themselves and to
make them capable of taking up responsibilities.
That is to bring their heart to the workplace. But
after the training programme is over, very few
people get motivated, committed and are able to
take the responsibilities? Why? It is because
motivation, commitment and responsibility can
not be taught or brought about through trainings.
• The consciousness of the people has to be
changed through proper awareness
• Motivation can not be taught from
outside and it is for this reason that it
has been realized that nobody can
motivate anybody else. The motivation
has to come from within; it can not be
• In modern times, people have to be very
knowledgeable or informative in order to
enhance their level of discernment and
their capability to take decisions. It is only
then there is motivation to do and
commitment to take up the responsibility.
Wheel of Self Motivation
• Knowledge: It has to be digested to get
strength i.e it should not be mere information
but to be brought down to the level of
understanding. We have to be very much
selective and capable to filter that information.
We need to be self empowered to take in the
correct information.
• Power: Knowledge is power.
• Confidence: Will power gives us confidence.
• Initiative: On the basis of confidence, we have
the courage to take the initiative.
Wheel of Self Motivation
• Change: When we take initiative to do
something, we bring change.
• Mastery: When we work on changes to
be successful, we master it.
• Satisfaction: When we master change,
there is job satisfaction. And satisfaction
is the most important factor for incentive
and motivation.
• By this self motivaton cycle, it enriches us with
valuable experience which adds to our
understanding and enhances our knowledge
which in turn gives us more power .This induces
us to take up responsibility and commit
ourselves.When people enjoy their activity, they
spontaneously try to get more and more
• In this creative age, we can not depend on the
past experiences always. We have to create
new experiences with changing times otherwise
old experience may be killing us at times.
Again, we should have maturity to think where
to use the required experiences and in which
• You need some kind of motivational drive in
anything you do. At work, you may need your
colleague or boss to motivate you to accomplish
your task. At home, you may need your family
member to share some motivational thoughts to
keep you energetic in your pursuit of your
dreams. They can sit with you all day trying to
keep you motivated. Again, all these will be
meaningless when you yourself fail to
acknowledge that you need more lasting
drive to really keep your enthusiasm, that is,
your self motivation. This is the quality that will
separate you from the rest of the people.
Things to follow for self motivation
1. Stop worrying about making mistakes.
Making mistakes is one way we can learn and improve in
our life. The most important thing here is you realize that
you have made mistakes and do not repeat the same
mistakes again. You will learn the most from your
mistakes than any other way.
2. Feel happy about your life.
Happiness generates more positive energy within you.
This energy is important to keep you more optimistic and
enthusiastic about your life. Happy people are always
motivated to accomplish something in their life.
Things to follow for self motivation
3. Get out of your comfort zone.

You need to learn to get into unfamiliar surroundings to

explore better opportunities. Do not just stick around with
the same people, same known places, skills or work.
Explore new things that will enhance your ability to
achieve your goals and keep you stay motivated.
4. Think the unthinkable.
Nothing will stop you from thinking of goals you want to
achieve. You have to dream high in order to set high
goals. Everything starts with a dream. Do not limit
yourself in your goals and dreams.
Things to follow for self motivation

5. Read and listen to inspirational materials.

You have to start spending time reading
motivational books and listening to inspirational
tapes. But, you must also implement what you
learn from your reading and listening. New
things you learn from these exercises will give
you excitement and energy to work harder
toward achieving your goals.
Things to follow for self motivation
6. Resolve problems instead of running away.
Your ride to success destination will not be smooth all
the time. You will face difficulties. Do not quit when you
experience predicaments in your quest to achieve your
dreams. Frustrations and setbacks naturally form as
parts of your success venture.
7. Appreciate every moment of your life.
Think of what your life really is as of now. Appreciate
every moment you have currently. Thinking about the
past or day dreaming about the future will not bring you
anywhere. Appreciating your current conditions makes
you feel much better and realize the need to move
forward to achieve your goals.
Things to follow for self motivation
8. Finish what you start.
Once you have started something, finish it. Never leave
what you do halfway regardless of the end result. This
will make you accustomed to finishing any task you
initiate, which is important if you really want to achieve
your goals in life.
9. Face challenges one at a time.
Challenges are components in your success journey.
Take up one challenge at a time. Do not try to
accumulate and face them at one go. As the challenges
accumulate, you will only feel less motivated to face
them and finally unable to complete anything.
Things to follow for self motivation

10. Care less about what people say.

You may hear a lot of bad things people say
about you. Sometimes those bad comments
may come from somebody close to you. As long
as you fully know what you are doing to
achieve your goals, you can let those
comments fall into deaf ears. Thinking too
much about what people say will only make you
weaker and loose focus on your effort.
Things to follow for self motivation
11. Have a cause
• I can’t think of a more powerful source of
motivation than a cause you care about. Such
cause can inspire you to give your best even in
the face of difficulties. It can make you do the
seemingly impossible things.
• While other causes could inspire you
temporarily, a cause that matters to you can
inspire you indefinitely. It’s a spring of motivation
that will never dry. Whenever you think that you
run out of motivation, you can always come
to your cause to get a fresh dose of motivation.
Things to follow for self motivation
12. Have a dream. A big dream
Your cause is a powerful source of
motivation but it’s still abstract in nature.
You need to make it concrete in the form

of a dream. Your dream must be big

enough to inspire you. It must be
realistic but challenging. It must stretch
your ability beyond your comfort zone.
Things to follow for self motivation

13. you need to have hunger and not just desire. Having
mere desire won’t take you through difficult times
since you don’t want things badly enough. In many
cases, hunger makes the difference between the best
performers and the mediocre ones.

• How can you have hunger? Your cause and your dream
play a big role here. If you have a cause you care about
and a big dream related to it, you should have the
hunger inside of you. If you think that you are losing
hunger, all you need to do is to connect again to your
cause and dream. Let them inspire you and bring the
hunger back.
Things to follow for self motivation

14. Run your own race

The only competitor you have is yourself. The only one
you need to beat is you.

15.Take one more step

Just focus on taking one more step forward. Don’t think
about how to complete the race. Don’t think about how
many more obstacles are waiting for you. Just focus
taking the next step.
Things to follow for self motivation
16. Let go of the past
Believe it or not, one of the best demotivators is
your past. Your past can drag you down before
you realize it. Your past can give you a heavy
burden on your shoulders.
Today is a new day and you have the chance to
start again. No matter how bad your past might
be, you still have a bright future ahead waiting
for you. Just don’t let the burden of the past stop
Things to follow for self motivation
17. Don’t look for perfection.
Many a perfectionist gives up on a task
before he’s even begun, because he’s
afraid of not being able to do a perfect job.
This can lead to procrastination. A good
writer, for instance, accepts the fact that
he will probably write several drafts before
he perfects a piece of writing and he
enjoys it as part of the writing process.
Things to follow for self motivation
18.Use self-affirmation techniques.
Self-affirmation, also known as auto-
suggestion, is a technique for creating
positive changes. It’s based on the belief
that if you tell yourself something long
enough, you’ll eventually believe it. Self-
affirmations can help you create a new
reality, attract the things you want, relax
you, and make you healthier.
Things to follow for self motivation
19. Build an immunity to cynicism
– Cynicism is a destructive thinking pattern
– Maintain an open mind
– Avoid blaming management for every real or
perceived problem
– Take time to learn why changes are being
made and try to separate fact from
– Remember that bad news gets more attention
than good news
Things to follow for self motivation
20. Take action
– Take responsibility for the situation you are in
and take action to improve it
– Easier to blame others, but you have power to
do something that others won’t or can’t.
Things to follow for self motivation
✴ When you keep saying something to yourself,
you declare it to your brain and the universe.
Your brain thinks it’s real and the universe works
to manifest it. This is a tried and tested NLP
(Neuro Linguistic Programming) technique.
✴ One popular, effective affirmation is “Everyday
in every way I’m getting better and better.”
This affirmation has even helped people heal
from physical ailments. Note how it’s positive
(focuses on what you do want rather than what
you don’t want), personal (uses the word “I”),
and in the present tense.
• Self motivators are contagious and bring
other employees aboard to believe in
themselves so that they can excel and
build their confidence levels.

• Self motivators can create an atmosphere

where either you join on and become
productive or stay with the nonproductive
employees that are on a path to nowhere.
• Self motivators help to build an
enthusiastic atmosphere where all
employees can jump aboard and find
success in their work environment.

• The self motivators personal commitment

to excellence can be the inspiration that
other employees need to get motivated
and strengthen their own work
commitment to the organization.
• Self motivators are the individuals that
push themselves to excel and accomplish
the goals they have set for themselves.
Often they will go beyond the expected
goals and excel even further.

• Self motivators are the real leaders in

any organization and are key to
successful organizations.
• Self motivators can improve
other employees perceptions and make
them see that they can make a difference
and what they do is important.

• Self motivators can help other employees

to find their own direction and learn to
align their goals with that of the
organization they are working for.
• Self-motivation is an important quality to
have in the workplace, as if you are able to
motivate yourself, you don’t need someone
constantly standing behind you with a
whip in one hand to make sure you do all
that is asked of you.

• Being self-motivated means that you know

exactly what needs to be done and will do it
without having to be asked twice. You may even
go beyond what is asked for you because you
enjoy your job so much or because you want to
achieve success in your career. Whatever your
reasons for going the extra mile, self-motivation
can definitely help you achieve the things you
set out to.
• No employer wants to hire somebody
who requires constant supervision
because he or she is too lazy to just get
on with the job.

• It helps to be able to think on your feet in

any job and to deal with all kinds of
situations as they arise, rather than having
to continually ask the manager for help.
• Self-motivation means you just get on with
the job, without spending hours
questioning what exactly it is you’re
supposed to be doing. You find out what
needs to be done and simply start doing it
and keep doing it until you have finished
the task.
• Once your manager realises you can be
left to your own devices you don’t have to
worry about being watched all the time,
which gives you some flexibility.
Its all about the people
"The success of your organization
doesn't depend on your
understanding of economics, or
organizational development, or
marketing. It depends, quite simply,
on your understanding of human
psychology: how each individual
employee connects with your
company and how each individual
employee connects with your
Total Person Insight
• People who feel in control of life can
withstand an enormous amount of change
and thrive on it. People who feel helpless
can hardly cope at all.

• Joan Borysenko
• Author, Minding the body, Mending the
Do something small, right
Do aFull Body Workout in LessTha
Substitute healthy activities
for sedentary, unproductive
Overcome Procrastination Using Se
Get halfway there
Set a goal for yourself
Hypnotize Yourself Using theBest
Trade weight for cash
Get back on the horse

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