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Highway Planning for Autonomous

1. Saurabh Ranawade (131)
2. Shubham Gunde (105)
3. Tushar Bagul (104)


Pro. Atif Shaikh

 Introduction
 Literature survey ( in short )
 Problem statement
 Objectives
 Proposed Block Diagram
 Methodology
 References
 Technological advances, such as artificial intelligence, are being leveraged to
build our future smart cities with the intelligent infrastructure in which
driverless vehicles will be the key feature of the transportation network.
 Autonomous Vehicles (AVs), also called as automated or self-driving vehicles,
are a potentially disruptive technology with claimed benefits such as
1. crash reduction
2. reduced traffic congestion
3. enhanced productive use of travel time
4. fewer emissions
5. better fuel efficiency
6. parking benefits
For this major trans-formation in vehicle technology and technological
advancement in sensors, wireless communication, control strategies and data
management strategies have done.
Literature Survey:
 There have been numerous successes and studies on
autonomous vehicles
 Since 2004, the Defence Advance Research Projects Agency
(DARPA) has held three major challenges on robotic vehicles
 In 2007, the DARPA unban challenge focused on the research
and development of robot cars for urban environments which
had to navigate moving traffic safely while obeying California
traffic regulations

Despite of these advantages of the autonomous

vehicle, people having high expectations of
benefits like crash reduction, they are still
concerned about the following points:
1. Effect on economy and market.
2. The challenges that driver and AV’s
passengers, pedestrians, and other users of
the transportation network will likely face
3. Equipment failure and hacking issue
4. Traffic management problems
5. Effects on society
Taking these mentioned points into consideration, the objective
of our project to do survey on:
 How these vehicles affect economy and market.
 How the use of autonomous vehicle affects the daily life
problems like traffic, safety, vehicles that are already in use,
pedestrians and also its effects on society, economy.
 Problems due to autonomous vehicle on different aspects
 Solutions to solve these problems.
Block Diagram :
Explanation of Block Diagram :
 Socio-economic data are data about humans, human activities and
structures used to conduct human activities.Specific classes
include.demographics (age,sex,ethnic and marital status, education)
 It is first step in conventional four –step transportation forecasting
processes.it predicts the number of trips originating or distined
 Trip distribution is the second component . This step matches
tripmakers origins and destinations to develop a trip table which
displays the no. of trips going from each origin to each destination
 Mode choice models are used to analyze and predict the choices
that individuals or group of individuals make in selecting the
transportation modes that are used for particular types of trip.
1. Selection of Domain
2. Selection of Problem Statement
3. Finding Solution to problem
4. Literature Survey ( Research papers, surveys, blogs, books )
5. Finding out facts and statistics
6. Converting data into well defined form like table, pie chart,
graph which is easy to interpret
7. Conclusion
 M. Campbell, M. Egerstedt, J. How, R. Murray. "Autonomous driving in
urban environments: approaches, lessons and challenges." Philosophical
Transactions of the Royal Society of London A: Mathematical, Physical
and Engineering Sciences 368.1928 (2010): 4649-4672.
 S. Bagloee, M. Tavana, M. Asadi, and T. Oliver. "Autonomous vehicles:
challenges, opportunities, and future implications for transportation
policies." Journal of Modern Transportation 24.4 (2016): 284-303.
 Anderson, J.M., Kalra, N., Stanley, K.D., Sorensen, P., Samaras, C.,
Oluwatola, O.A.: Autonomous Vehicle Technology A Guide for
Policymakers. RAND Corporation, Santa Monica (2014)
 Bansal, P., Kockelman, K.M.: Forecasting Americans’ long-term adoption
of connected and autonomous vehicle technologies. In: Transportation
Research Board 95th Annual Meeting, Washington (2016

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