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ТЕМА: Погода
ПРАКТИЧНА ЦІЛЬ: формування продуктивних та рецептивних лексичних навичок:
введення та первинне закріплення 15 ЛО з теми «Погода».
РОЗВИВАЮЧА ЦІЛЬ: розвиток памяті, логічного мислення та вміння правильно
порівнювати, аналізувати
ОСВІТНЯ ЦІЛЬ: збагачення у учнів знань, навичок і умінь
ВИХОВНА ЦІЛЬ: формування навичок, переконань, професійно-значущих і
соціально-психологічних якостей особистості

Труш Неля Юріївна
Weather in the UK
The UK has a temperate climate. Weather here is very unsteady. It can change from being
rainy one day to sunny the next, or from biting wind and gales in the morning to snow in the
afternoon. Drizzle and fog are usual things here.
The hottest temperatures are forecasted in the summer. In general, it is hot and sunny with
only little precipitations sometimes. However, it can sometimes be cold and wet. This season
is one of the most beautiful and exciting seasons.
Following summer, autumn (or fall) brings much more cool weather. Heavy rainfalls are much
more frequent and it even may start to hail. Early frost might start to form on the ground
towards the end of the autumn.
Winter with its freezing temperatures is the coldest season in the UK. The temperature will
often be at zero degrees Celsius. There might be snow, but the UK does not get much snow,
mainly rain pours down in the winter. Ice skating, sledding and snowball fights are commonly
enjoyed winter activities.
When the spring comes everything begins to thaw. The temperature will start to get warmer
and the winds will not be as strong. Plants start to grow again and new leaves form. It is
always nice when the spring starts as it means the nice weather in the summer is nearly back
again. Many people in the UK complain about the weather, but as the weather changes so
much it is very interesting and gives the people something to talk about all year round.
Іменники Nouns
буря gale I'll fetch you as soon as the gale blows out.
мілкий дощ drizzle Then it started raining, a cold, ugly drizzle.
густий туман fog Because of the fog, we couldn’t see the road.
опади precipitations The seasons are marked by precipitations.
злива rainfall Usually a heat is followed by rainfall.
мороз frost The bees know when the frost is coming.
Дієслова Verbs
прогнозувати to forecast According to the forecast weather will be fine.
сипатися градом to hail Hail and snow cause treacherous driving conditions.
лити як з відра to pour down Heavy rain pours down on a sunny day.
розтанути to thaw Spring comes and everything thraws around.
Прикметники Adjectives
помірний temperate The climate in Crete is temperate and enjoys 340 days of sunshine.

(не)стабільний (un)steady Economic of the country has a steady growth.

пронизливий biting There are no biting winds, fog, snow or frost.
прохолодний cool The wine has to be stored at a cool temperature.

морозний freezing Corrosion is generally low for many materials below freezing point.

Мовна семантизація
synonyms to forecast means to say what you expect to happen in the future.
1) freezing Nowadays, the need to forecast emergency situations and for disaster preparedness
2) to thaw is becoming increasingly evident.
3) biting a drizzle means rain in small light drops.
Tomorrow, a high-pressure front brings a strong possibility of drizzle.
a) icy
b) to melt Контекст
c) piercing
antonyms The sublimation of ice crystals that's colder than a frost point.
1) steady
2) cool Heavy rain pours down on a sunny day.
3) temperate
It hailed so hard we had to hide.
a) unchangeable
He's been out in a gale often enough.
b) hot
c) immoderate
Наочна семантизація
Семантична решітка
precipitations season description
a rainfall autumn, summer precipitation in the form of water drops
of sizes larger than 0.5 mm.
a drizzle spring, winter rain in very small, light drops
fog to hail summer, autumn when pellets of frozen rain fall

Семантична карта
the gale blows down
freezing biting
the frost gets fiercer cold
the rain beat a tattoo
on the roof fresh

Компонентний семантичний аналіз
steady temperate freezing
referring to + + person weather day
unsteady + + +
referring to + +
climate cool + +
referring to + + temperate +

Семантичний блок


the snow thaws the fog is unlikely temperatures are

cool but not freezing
sunny days the drizzle happens
are forecasted hardly ever weather is unsteady

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