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My Rights and Duties

in a Global Village
{ Lesson 10
 Every person is entitled to certain rights as
a human beings.
 Rights are what you are allowed to be, to

do or to have.
 These rights are there for protection

against people who might want to harm or

hurt you.
 They are also there to help us get along

with each other and leave in peace.

Let’s Go Further
 When people are not properly informed
about human rights, abuses such as
discrimination, intolerance, injustice,
oppression, and slavery can rise.
 Burnout of the atrocities and enormous

loss of life during World War II, the

Universal Declaration of Human Rights
was created by the United Nation.

Let’s Go Further
 In the global effort of men/women to
achieve moral order, it is essential that they
know and exercise their human rights.
 Youth for Human Rights International an

organization that help us to learn, to

understand, and to exercise our rights in a
global village.

Talk It Over
 In a global society where members belong
to different races with different cultural
background, different learning's from historical
heritage and different moral standards, there
could be different interpretations of human
actions, rightful or not, that may often lead
to misunderstanding.

Point’s To Ponder
 Our morality must guide us in all our
thinking, expression of thoughts and
feelings, and acting and reacting to our
socio-cultural environment.
 A high level of morality sets us apart from

individuals who claim what they are

entitled to but neglect the manner in which
the claim is conveyed.

Point’s To Ponder
 The values of equality, diplomacy and
lawfulness play an important role. But
rights alone are not all that is essential.
 Along with rights are duties and

obligations that must be performed equally


Point’s To Ponder
 A person is a rational being.
 His or her responses to stimuli can be

spontaneous or instinctive or a product of

his or her premeditated plans.
 However, person’s reaction my be

classified under types of reactivity.

Point’s To Ponder
 Emotional Reactivity – is the level 1 of
these type. Under this, ones behavior
maybe triggered either environmentally or
by interpersonal situations.

Point’s To Ponder
 Cultural Reactivity - is the level 2 of these
types., where the behavior has been refined
and ones desires and objectives have been

Point’s To Ponder
 Moral Reactivity – level 3, where behavior
is influenced by what one believes to be
morally upright and is dictated by the
difference between good and evil.

Point’s To Ponder
 Professional Reactivity – consists of the
disciplined and educated responses
including occupational learning. It is the
level 4 behavior in the adder of moral

Point’s To Ponder
 To optimally reach one’s goals, both moral
reactivity and cultural reactivity must be
tempered with disciplined reactions that follow
professional codes or instructions, formal
training, education or years of experience.
 He or she must reacts mentally, physically

and emotionally with etiquette and

executes his or her reaction with decorum.

Point’s To Ponder

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