SS&P Introduction Class 1

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Sales Secrets

2 Magic Words for Sales Success

Stop….. Selling

The reason why Everyone wants to buy

Because they only care about what interests them.

People hate to be sold but love to buy

Two things a customer ever buy—Solutions to problem &
Good feelings

How to Turn Every person into a Life long customer.
Active Listening
Your customers are desperate to be heard &
Selling is taking an idea, planting the idea
in your customers minds and making them
feel they thought of it..but do it ethically.
The Sales Process

The selling process

has 10 important

Customer Centric Selling
Understanding the type of customer

Creating a want in the customer

Suggesting product according to his needs and pushing the right


•Highlighting on the unique selling points of the product

How Salespeople Spend an
Average 46-Hour Work Week


Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 2- 6

The trial close is an opinion-asking question:
• “What is most important to you about our product or

While the close is a decision-asking question:

Without the risk of a final “no”, a trial close is like a report

card that tells you how prospects are accepting your solution
to their problems.

The trial close can be used any time during

the selling process to test the waters.
So the date you would be looking at starting our training would be

September 6th?”

“How do you feel about this product? Does it make sense to you?”

“What do you think of (insert your benefit here)?”

“How does that sound so far?“

“Did I miss anything?”

“What do you see as a next step?”

“Is now a good time to send you the paperwork?”

“When should we send out our technician?”

“Do you like it?”

Buying signals are the prospect’s way of showing
interest in your product or service. Buying signals can be a
change in his or her questions, actions, expressions or
comments, such as when the prospect:
• changes attitude, warms up
• leans forward
• changes tone of voice, up or down
• changes expression, eyes light up, or
• asks questions about the product.

When you spot one of these buying signals, you need

to be aware that the prospect is signaling a degree of
interest. This is your clue to trial close.
Personal Skills

P=Presentation with Confidence

E= Empathy in meeting and greeting
R= Resilience in handling rejection
S= Sincerity
O= Open Questions
N= Normally overcoming objections
A= Answering questions honestly
L= Looking for buying signals

S = selection of the product & service

K = Knowledge of products
I = Integrity
L = Listening skills
L = Leading to close
S = Selling up and selling on
Steps Before the Sales

General rule:

20% presentation

40% preparation

40% follow-up

The Sales Funnel

Chapter 10

* Exercise: Put yourself in your customer shoes!

Customer Types: Defensive

Characteristics Recommendations

Doesn’t trust any salesperson. Avoid mistaking their silence

Resists communication as they for openness to your ideas.
a have a dislike of others. Stick to basic facts. Tactfully
Generally uncooperative and inject product’s advantages and
will explode at slightest disadvantages.
Customer Types: Interrupter

Characteristics Recommendations

Intense, impatient personality.

Don’t waste time, move quickly
Often interrupt salespersons and
and firmly from one sales point
have a “strained” expression.
to another. Avoid overtalking
Often driven and successful
since they know what they
people who want results fast.
Customer Types: Decisive

Characteristics Recommendations

Confident in their ability to make

No canned presentations. The
decisions and stay with them. Open
key is to assist. Don’t argue or
to new ideas but wants
point out errors in their
brevity(being brief in duration)
Highly motivated by self-pride.
Customer Types: Indecisive

Characteristics Recommendations

Avoid becoming frustrated

They worry about making the yourself. Determine as early as
wrong decision. They tend to possible the need and
postpone all decisions. Want concentrate on that. Avoid
salesperson to make decision presenting customer with too
for them. many alternatives. Start with
making decisions on minor
Customer Types: Sociable

Characteristics Recommendations

Friendly, talkative types who are You have to wait out these
enjoyable to deal with. Many have customers. Listen for points in
excess time on their hands (e.g. conversation where you can
retirees). They usually resist the inject product’s merits. In place
close. of pressure close, friendly close
Customer Types: Impulsive


Close as rapidly as
Quick to make decisions.
possible. Avoid any useless
Impatient, just as likely to interaction. Avoid any
walk out as they were to
oversell. Highlight product’s
walk in. merits.
What does “adaptive selling” mean?

Adaptation means flexibility

Greater knowledge of products, company and customer leads to greater
Approaches to developing knowledge:
 experts
 company materials and trade publications
 asking for feedback
 analyzing successes and failures
 research reports (business and academic journals)
Adaptive Selling

An approach to personal selling in which selling

behaviors are altered during the sales interaction or
across customer interactions, based on information
about the nature of the selling situation.".
Difficult Customers

• Angry People
• Complainers
• Silent Types
• Indecisive Prospects
• Greedy Customers

Sales – Crimes you must avoid!
 Talking to people who can only say no.
 Meeting decision maker without preparation.
 Not using question based selling.
 Allowing your client to control the situation.
 Not realizing an objection as an opportunity.
 No small close
 Lies - even overstatements
 Not consulting

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