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Islamic Ethics

Asst. Prof. Dr. Fadzilah Din

International Islamic University
What is Ethics?
 From Greek “ethos”—habit, custom.

 In Latin “moralis”—morals, custom.

 In Arabic “khuluq” pl. “akhlaq”

The real meaning

Ethics – the study of what constitutes good and bad
human conduct, including related action and values.
Morals refer to the conduct itself. Ethics refer to the
Study of moral conduct.

Ethics are concerned with questions of right and wrong,

duty and obligation, and moral responsibility.
Meaning: ways of doing things

 The customary code of polite behavior in society or among

members of a particular profession or group. Refers to
conventional forms and usages: the rules of etiquette.
 Decorum, suggests dignity and a sense of what is becoming or
appropriate for a person of good breeding: a fine sense of
 Etiquette is being polite. It is good manners. Etiquette is a code
of conduct, both written and unwritten, for basic behavior that
is socially expected from individuals in a society based on
cultural norms.
Example of Etiquette - Yoga Etiquette
: Tips You Need to Know

Whether you are brand new to yoga or if you are finally attending a
studio after years of practicing at home, there are a few etiquette
tips to keep in mind. You may look at some of these tips and think
they are common sense, but you would be surprised at how
frequently classes are disrupted by these actions. You may also look
at some of these tips and feel embarrassed that you never thought
of them. Very few people will say something to you if you have poor
yoga etiquette, but everyone will certainly notice.

Take off Your Shoes

Don't Bring Your Cell Phone
Check Your Odor
Respect the Instructor
 In Islam, ethics comes from thinking
about God– Ethics is a branch of `Ilm
 Knowledge that was derived from `Ilm
 A. Ethics
 B. Metaphysics
 C. Logic
 D. Epistemology
 E. Aesthetics
Ethics is derived from the understanding of the
concept of La ilaha illa `llah i.e. Kalimah

1. From the concept of ilah

ilah = an object of desire

anything one puts as a precedence in one’s life

or priority

Eg. Family, career, money, power, ones’ own

whims and desires, national interest, personal
interest etc., that are unjust, untruthful.
Your ilah (something you desire) has to be good and balanced,
otherwise you inevitably commit shirk.

Misunderstanding of the meaning of “ilah” can create a lot of


2. From the concept of Rabb – God as the Creator, Caretaker,

Sustainer, etc.

3. From the names and attributes of GOD—the names and

attributes of God themselves are ethical

[These are the reasons why Kalimah Tawhid is also called an

Ethical Statement]

In Islam ethics comes from thinking about God

Branches of Ethics
1. Descriptive Ethics (describe, explain, predict)

2. Normative Ethics
a. prescriptive & ethics of justification—why an action is good or bad
b. control ethics (how to make oneself and others act in the right way)
c. action ethics (judging the action and consequences) and virtue ethics
emphasizing the importance of good character and dispositions.

3. Meta-ethics (beyond ethics)—explaining principles.

What is Islamic Ethics?

Why were the prophets sent?

Why were humans created?

What is the purpose of life?

Sources of Islamic Ethics

1. Revelation 2. Muslim heritage 3. Human heritage
4. Reason 5. Experience
Jurists contribution to Ethics
An action is right if it is done with good intention and in
accordance with the Shariah.

An action is according to the Shariah if derived from the

sources of Islamic law.

Sources of Islamic law:

1. Quran 2. Sunnah 3. Ijma` 4. Qiyas 5.Maslaha or
masalih mursala (deduction from a proper principle also
known as utility or public interest)

6. `Urf or `adah or custom 7. Istihsan (equity, fairness

and consciencious, literal meaning is preferable)

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