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Communication Fundamentals

• Communication is the transfer of information,

ideas, and feelings.
• Its goal is to have the receiver understand the
message as it was sent.
• When communication is effective, it provides
a bridge of meaning between people so that
they can share what they feel and know.
• By using this bridge, parties can safely across
the river of misunderstanding that sometimes
separates people.
Elements of Communication
1. Sender
• Is the speaker or the communicator who has
his/her purpose, knowledge, interests,
attitudes, skills and credibility.
2. Message
• It is the key idea that the sender wants
to communicate.
• It is a sign that elicits the response of
• Communication process begins with
deciding about the message to be
3. Channel
• Channels are the way you convey your
message. These channels include verbal
such as telephone and face-to-face
conversations as well as non-verbal such
as e-mail and text messaging.

• Each individual channel has its strengths

and weaknesses in terms of
4. Receiver
• Is a person for whom the message is
intended or aimed. The degree to which
the decoder understands the message is
dependent upon various factors such as
knowledge of recipient, their
responsiveness to the message, and the
reliance of encoder on decoder.
Communication Process


Feedback Message

listener/decode Channel

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