Review Test

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Review test

1. When Tabitha was transferred to the head office n New York

farewell party ..
a. Was held
b. Held
c. Is held
d. Holds
2. Last week the government .. several major changes to tax law for
small business
a. Announces
b. Announced
c. Was announcing
d. Has announced
3. The new office .. is now here and must be used for all formal
letters to clients
a. Station
b. Stationed
c. Stationery
d. Stationing
4. The conference is only its second day but we … three keynote
speeches and seven seminars already.
a. Will attend
b. are attending
c. Had attended
d. Have attended
5. A decision on the budget has ….. before the end of the week, or
all projects will need to be put on hold.
a. Made
b. To be made
c. Been making
d. To be making
6. Effective immediately, no one is allowed to enter the basement
storage area without prior … from security
a. Acquaintance
b. Acceptability
c. Authentically
d. Authorization
7. The … of the part was delayed by the strike
a. Manufacturing
b. Manufactures
c. Manufactured
d. To manufacture
8. You should contact a representative if your order is not … on
a. Deliver
b. Delivered
c. Delivery
d. Delivering
9. It has not … what caused the industrial accident at the Riverside
Business Park last night
a. Determined
b. Been determined
c. Been determining
d. Had determination
10. Management has not yet decided on a … for the team building
a. Locate
b. Located
c. Location
d. Locating
11. According to the IT Department , the new computer system
should … by the end of the week.
a. Be installed
b. Installed
c. Install
d. Have installed
12. By this time next year, we …. In business in this location for 25
a. Are
b. Have been
c. Will have been
d. Are going to be
13. The investigator has been looking into what … last week but has
not shared his finding yet.
a. Happened
b. Is happening
c. Was happened
d. Happens
14. The new … is able to speak six languages fluently according to
her resume.
a. Accountant
b. Accounting
c. Account
d. Accountable
15. While I attended the meeting , Sandra …. On the presentation
so that everything will be ready on time.
a. Is working
b. Work
c. Was working
d. Has been working
Choose the best word or phrase for each blank

Upton Community Credit Union

Upton Community Credit Union
3434 Mret Squre
Upton , UT 84017
Choose the best word or phrase for each blank

3434 Mret Squre Dear Mr. Mc. Cartney

Regret to inform you that your loan appllcaton …. Unfortunately, your
credit rating indicates that you have been more than two months in
Upton , UT 84017 arrears on your bills in the last 12-month period.
1. ..

Dear Mr. Mc. Cartney a.

Has rejected
Has been rejected
c. Rejects
Regret to inform you that your loan appllcaton …. Unfortunately,
d. Rejected
This means that your credit score is too low for us to loan you

your credit rating indicates that you have been more than two
money at this time as you are considered a high – risk borrower. If
you wish to re-apply for loan , we … you to wait six months
before re-submitting your application.
months in arrears on your bills in the last 12-month period.

16.. b.

a. Has rejected
d. Device
Once again , I am sorry to have to deliver this bad news to you,
and wish you … in your business endeavors.
b. Has been rejected 1.


c. Rejects
b. Lucky
c. Luck
d. Luckier
d. Rejected  
Yours truly ,
Nelson Amos
Loans Officer
Choose the best word or phrase for each blank

This means that your credit score is too low for us to loan you
money at this time as you are considered a high – risk borrower.
If you wish to re-apply for loan , we … you to wait six months
before re-submitting your application.
17. ..
a. Advise
b. Advice
c. Devise
d. Device
Choose the best word or phrase for each blank

Once again , I am sorry to have to deliver this bad news

to you, and wish you … in your business endeavors.
a. Luckily
b. Lucky
c. Luck
d. Luckier
Yours truly ,
Nelson Amos
Loans Officer
19. The computer system is outdated and really needs ….
Sometime later this year.
a. To update
b. To be updated
c. Updated
d. Being updated
20. On the way to the airport , we had to stop at the gas station …
up the car with gas.
a. Filling
b. Fill
c. Filled
d. To fill
21. We usually get updates from our branch offices … day but this
week nothing has come.
a. The other
b. Any
c. Every other
d. Another
22. ….. In the industrial district, the plan is not accessible to the
public for safety reasons.
a. To locate
b. Locating
c. For locating
d. Located
 23. Mr. Oskar Allard was hoping …. This year but once again he
was not , so he has decided to resign.
a. to promote
b. Promoting
c. To be promoting
d. To be promoted
24. …. To finish his presentation , Jason started to wish that he had
not volunteered to give the closing speech.
a. Struggling
b. Struggles
c. Struggled
d. Struggle
25. You must sign up for … workshop at least three days in advance
in order to reserve a place
a. These
b. Every
c. Another
d. Each
26. Two – third of the land we need … available for use immediately
and the rest will be ready within six months.
a. Are
b. Is
c. Is being
d. Are being
27. I think that $200 per month … too much to pay for office
supplies for our small office.
a. Has
b. Are
c. Is
d. Have
28. They ordered John …. out the contract that he signed with the
company even though he wanted to quit .
a. To finish
b. Finish
c. Finished
d. Finishing
29. …. To catch his flight, Jim rushed to the airport but was unable
to make it in time.
a. Hope
b. Hopes
c. Hoped
d. Hoping
30. Three weeks … the maximum vacation that staff members are
allowed to take.
a. Are
b. Is
c. Have
d. Has
 31. The …. Workers continued to work 12-hour days until the job
was finally finished.
a. Exhausting
b. Exhausted
c. Exhaust
d. Exhaustive
32. Neither the workers nor the supervisor … going to the
conference this year due-to the high cost of air travel
a. Are
b. Am
c. Is
d. Be
 33. the chairman left the meeting .. because the company had
made a larger profit than expected.
a. Smiling
b. Smile
c. Smiled
d. Smiles
Choose the best word or phrase
for each blank.
34. Family Sues Major Bank.
 Who is responsible for … care of your money ? One family thins
that bank is.
a. Taking
b. To take
c. Take
d. Being taken
35. The family of 92 – year – old Imogeme Mc. Garrity issuing a
major ban after her care giver, Spencer Schumacher, stole over
$100.000 from Mrs. McGarrity’s checking account …rent – free with
Mrs. McGarrity, Schumcaher was supposed to cook and care for the
elderly woman , but instead , he wrote checks using her account .
a. Live
b. Living
c. To live
d. Lived
36. The family of Mrs. McGarrity is claiming that the bank should
have been more watchful over … grandmother’s money.
a. Her
b. Their
c. His
d. Its
37. They claim that the bank failed to monitor who had access to
Mrs. McGarrity’s fund and say the bank is responsible because they
did not check whether Schumacher had the right ………. money out
of the account. They are suing the bank for the missing money as
well as court costs. 37 ..
a. Take
b. To take
c. Taking
d. Takes
Choose the best word or phrase
for each blank.
Live the Good life at The Colton
 The Colton is a 30-story residential tower … in the heart of up-
and –coming Midtown.
38. ..
a. Is located
b. Is locating
c. Located
d. Locating
39. Midtown is where the downtown core meets the south shore and
is quickly becoming one f the most unique areas in the city. the
Colton is situated within minutes of the lake shore and all the
amenities you need. Shopping is within easy reach, and there is a
brand new community center. Such conveniences will allow …
without a car.
a. You living
b. To live you
c. You to live
d. You living
40. Along with the great outdoor facilities available at your
doorstep, each unit has a private over-sized green space in addition
to the two community roof-top gardens where you can enjoy getting
to now your neighbors and growing your sense of community. Hurry
because two-thirds of the units … already been sold!
a. Have
b. Has
c. Are
d. Is

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