Lease User Guide - Process - ENGLISH 2017

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04/29/2020 Lease Administration – Users Guide

Lease Payment Process

Background Data: Subjects & Rules Definition

Locations Cost Rules Measure Types Subjects Responsibilities

We need to define all the parameters that are the basic data for the lease administration.
These functionalities are usually assigned to a process owner.

Lease definition: Edit / Update lease

Subjects Cost
Basic Recurring Cost Index
and Billing Measures Calculation
Information Costs Adjustment
Address Rules

We use this group of functionalities when a new lease is signed and when we need to change some lease parameters .
These functionalities are used to connect the lease with other entities in order to define the calculation rules for cost/income and for billing procedures

Payment process
Update Calculate Adjust Calculate
Update Define
Index Automatic Cost by Costs by
Measures Invoice
Value Measures Index rules
We use this group of functionalities each month to define the invoices amount. The order of these operations is fundamental because each
step is based on the outputs of the predecessor and gives input for the successor

Lease Payment Process
User Manual Index
Slide Slide
Background Data: subjects & rules definition 4 Payment Process
Locations Calculate Costs by Rules 21
Cost Rules Define Invoice
Measure types
Cost modification- Modify button 23
Approve Invoice
Printing Parameters (North America)
Invoice billing and due date 25
Lease definition: edit / update lease 6
Print Invoice
Basic Information 7 26
Subjects and billing address 8 Define GL Account 27
Measures 9 Associate GL Account 28
Recurring Costs 10
Cost Index Adjustment 11
Cost calculation Rules

Payment process
Update index value
Update measures 17
Calculate automatic measures 19
Adj Costs by Index 20
Lease Payment Process
Background data

These functionalities allow the

The process owner is able to define all process owner to connect the rule
the location data. for the cost adjustment to the
De definitions of Countries up to correct index: CPI, GDP
properties are the principal attributes
need to localize a lease
These functionalities allow the process owner
The address informations are the to define the enumeration list of the other
validating data for all the localization attributes of the lease:
fields (billing address, etc..) • Client /Vendor: list of subjects with their
information (payee or other)
• Account: accounting code
These functionalities allow the process • Companies: when the subjects are not
owner to define new measure unit and individuals, we can define the trust with a
measure type. company code
Each measure type represents one • Facility Type: the use of lease area
important attribute of lease. When the • Responsability Categories: the list of clauses
calculation of rent is based on a type
variable you need to define the
variable like Measure Type • Amenity
• Communication Type

Background Data- Printing Parameters
Editing Printing Parameters (Affected Countries: North America )

This new functionality has been provided in order to give the American
users the possibility to change the «Sent From» and «Payment Info»
fixed fields in the invoice templates.

Lease Payment Process
Lease Definition: Edit Lease

The first two functionalities for create a new lease are: These functionalities allow us to connect some measures (fixed or
- Information: basic information (lease type, date start, date end, status, variables attributes) and some document (pdf, doc, execl, ppt, zip,
etc...) etc…) with our lease.

- Subjects: the list of subjects connected with the lease, their role in the The measures are all the attributes that we want to store for our
agreement and their addresses lease, all the information that show us the value of the lease in our
real estate portfolio.

The Base Rent functionality is the most important This functionality allow us to This functionality allow us to define the rules for
because allow us to define all the recurring costs define how a recurring cost the recurring cost calculations.
and their split for each payee. A recurring cost is a can change based on the cost Here we can define how the value of the "amount
regularly occurring cost which describes the income adjustment index: CPI, GDP, base rent" changes based on the value of the lease
or expense and its pattern (how often it occurs, the etc… measures. We can express the price list (unit
time period during which the cost applies, and so We need to associate the rule costs) expressed in the agreement and when the
forth). You can generate individual Scheduled Cost to each recurring cost that is unit costs are applicable (date start, date end,
records from your Recurring Cost records. We can subjected to the adjustment. lease status, and so forth).
manage more than one recurring cost for each lease

Lease Definition
Basic Information

Activity: Real Estate Portfolio Management // Lease Administration // Process

Task: Edit Lease // Information Fundamental informations

Field Comments

Lease Code Primary key (unique) of lease

Lease Type Instrumental / Passive (standard value)

VAT Excluded Choose if the lease is subjected to TAX or not

Print Screen

Date Start Define the start of the agreement (legal)

Date Move In Define the date when you move in the lease (fisical)

Date End Define the end of the agreement (legal)

Lease Signed? Allow to manage and distinguish between signed lease and option
of lease

Account Code Allow to connect the lease cost with the balance

Project Status Extended / Development / Terminated / Base

Property Code Connect the lease with his plant location and his property

Button Comments

Select the “Save” button to save the information you have updated

Select the “Next” button to move forward to the next tab

Select the “Back” button to move backward to the previous tab

After this tab (after you have selected one specific lease) you can move between the tabs by selection of your interest tab
Lease Definition
Subjects and Billing Address

Activity: Real Estate Portfolio Management // Lease Administration // Process

Task: Edit Lease // Subjects Fundamental informations

Field Comments
Payment condition Express the delay between the date sent of the invoice and the date expected

How to pay Express the payment method choose for the partner (defined in the

Role Define the role of the partner in the lease (vendor, client, contact,
Print Screen

Partner id The partner field is not a text but you need to select it from the validation table

Date Start / Date End (Optional)

You can express that the partner is connected with the lease only in a defined
period of time
You can manage all the
contacts (individual or trust) RID authorization (Optional)It’s useful o nly for automatic Italian payment
connected with the lease. It RID authorization (Optional)
allows us to define the role request It’s useful only for automatic Italian payment
of each subject and manage
Billing Address The billing addres could be different from the principal address of the partner
the billing address. and it could be different from one lease to another (for the same partner).
Here we can define the address that we want on the invoice letter

Button Comments

Select the “Add new” button to add a new record (connect a new subject to the lease)
Select the button to update some informations of the record

Select the button to view the detail informations of the record in the framework below
Select the button to delete the record (it doesn’t cancel the partner but its connection with the lease)
Lease Definition

Activity: Real Estate Portfolio Management // Lease Administration // Process

Task: Edit Lease // Measures Fundamental informations

Field Comments
Measure type Select what kind of measure you want to store for the lease. You can connect the
same measure type just one time to the same lease. Identify the number of the

Date start / Date end Allow to define the attributable period of the measure value

Reading type If you select Manual, you have to manage the value by yourself. If you select
Print Screen

Automatic, Archibus will update it for you but you have to be sure that the
informations that Archibus needs for calculate the value are updated by someone.

Last reading The date of last reading for the data value.

Value The value read

The measures are all the
Weight It is a fixed factor apllied to the value
attributes that we want
to store for our lease, all Value with weight = Value * Wheight
If you select the reading type Manual you have to update that value.
the information that
show us the value of the Order By This information is the most important when Archibus makes the automatic
calculations that are connected each other. It describes the sort order of
lease in our real estate calculations.

Button Comments

Select the “Add new” button to add a new record (connect a new measure to the lease)
Select the button to update some informations of the record

Select the button to view the detail informations of the record in the framework below
Select the button to delete the record (it doesn’t cancel the measure type or the historical values but its connection with
the lease)
Lease Definition
Recurring Costs

Activity: Real Estate Portfolio Management // Lease Administration // Process

Task: Edit Lease // Base Rent Fundamental informations

Field Comments
Start / End Date These informations describes the period in which the cost occurs.

Amount – Expense This is the amount of cost (expense or income) that we can define recurring.
(Income) This is the total amount that will be schedule for each period.

Seasonal Start / End These informations describe the period of the year in which the cost occurs. If
Print Screen

Date you chose nov / feb and you have a monthly cost, we will have the cost only
for: Nov–Dec–Jan-Feb

Yearly Factor It’s useful for the forecast calculations and describes the fixed yearly factor for
the cost adjustment.

Cost Category You need to chose the category of your recurring cost. If you don’t find the
category you want ,you need to ask to your process owner to create a new

Period It describes how often the cost occurs. If you don’t find your period you can
define it like “CUSTOM “ period.

Custom Period (Days) If you select “CUSTOM” in the field Period, here you can define how many
days it is.

Active You can active or disactive a recurring cost. If it’s Active=NO Archibus won’t
create its schedule costs.

Button Comments Terms of issue You can define if the cost occurs at the start (advance) or at the end (arrear)

of the period
Select the button to update some informations of the record
Partner id You need to define who is the partner for this cost. If you have more than one
Select the button to delete the record . It doesn’t delete the scheduled and actual cost payees, you can leave it blank and select the “Multi Partner”.

Select the button when you have more than one payee and you want to define the % of

Select the button when you have more than one company that pay a lease and you want
to define the % of interest. 10
Lease Definition
Cost Index Adjustment

Activity: Real Estate Portfolio Management // Lease Administration // Process

Task: Edit Lease // Adjustments Fundamental informations

Field Comments
Description You can the select what’s the rule for the adjustment of your recurring cost.
Each recurring cost can have its own rule.

% Transmission This is the factor that describes if you want to adjust your cost only for a
percentage of the Index (CPI, GDP, ecc)
Print Screen

Date Index Start This is tha date of the first index

Adjustment Period This is the number of months for the second index (Date Index Start + Adj

Months Notice This is important only if you have defined a communication format (for payee)
Adjustment for the cost adjustment. You can insert the default value 1

Date Next Adjustment It describes the date when Archibus needs to adjust the cost .

Date Last Adjustment It describes the date when Archibus has adjusted the cost .

Button Comments

Select the button to see or update the adjustment informations for each recurring cost
Select the button if you want to see all the adjustment stored for the recurring cost

If the recurring cost is connected with a cost rule , Archibus will adjust the price list (unit costs), not the amount of
recurring cost.
Lease Definition
Cost Calculation Rules

Activity: Real Estate Portfolio Management // Lease Administration // Process

Task: Edit Lease // Cost Rules Fundamental informations

This functionality allow us to define the rules for the recurring cost calculations. If
you connect the recurring cost with a cost calculation you need to define the rules
that Archibus has to follow.

Field Comments

Adjustment Period This is the number of months from the present calculation and the
Print Screen

Date Next It describes the date when Archibus needs to calculate the cost
Adjustment value.

Date Last It describes the date when Archibus has calculated the cost last
Adjustment time.

Each time you are managing a recurring cost that doesn’t have a fixed amount
but it depends on other factors, you need to define the calculation rules and the
formula behind. The formula is expressed like : Quantity (measure) * Unit Cost
(price list) + Fixed cost (price list)

Button Comments

Select the button to see or update the calculation informations for each recurring cost
Select the button to define the price list rows that Archibus has to use for calculate the amount of the recurring cost.

Select the button to define the relations between the prices list. You need to use it if the calculation is based on a specific
condition (use the greater value and so forth)

Lease Definition
Cost Calculation Rules

Activity: Real Estate Portfolio Management // Lease Administration // Process

Task: Edit Lease // Cost Rules // Price List Fundamental informations

Field Comments

Recurring Cost Code It describes the parent of the price list.

Lease Code It’s only for check if the lease cost is right

ID Measure Type You need to connect each row of the price list to one measure type of your
lease. It’s useful to define where Archibus can find the Quantity value
Print Screen

Description You can insert your comments

Date Start / End These informations describes the period in which the price list can be use by

Fix cost It’s the fixed value in the formula: Amount = Fixed Cost + Unit Cost * Quantity
It is an annual cost

Unit cost It’s the variable cost in the formula: Amount = Fixed Cost + Unit Cost * Quantity.
It is an annual cost

Upper / Lower bound These informations describes the range of measure values in which the price
list can be use by Archibus. If the measure value is out of this range Archibus
can’t use this price row

Is Active? You can active or disactive a recurring cost. If it’s Active=NO Archibus won’t use
this row.
Button Comments
Status You can define that Archibus can use this row only if the lease status is ….

Select the “Save” button to save the information you have (insert the value)
updated Order This information is the most important when you define a relation between two
or more price rows. It describes the sort order of calculations.
Select the “Close” button to close the edit windows and go back
to the price list

Lease Definition
Cost Calculation Rules
Subjects and Cost
Basic Recurring Cost Index
Billing Measures Calculation
Information Costs Adjustment
Address Rules

Activity: Real Estate Portfolio Management // Lease Administration // Process

Task: Edit Lease // Cost Rules // Price List // Manage Relations Fundamental informations
Field Comments

Relation ID It’s the primary key for the relations. Archibus defines it automatically

Relation Type You can connect two or more price rows. if you select the follow values,
Archibus will calculate the amount with all the price list and than chose
-Upper : the greater one
-Lower : the lowest one
Print Screen

-Percentage: sum (if you create + %) or decrease (if you create a - %) the
amount value of a percentage.
In this case the formula will be:
Amont= (Fixed Cost + Unit Cost * Quantity) * (1 + or - %)

Percentage value It is the % value for the formula. If you want decrease the value you must to use
a negative % (es. – 6%).

Price ID It’s the Id Code of price subjected to the ralation

Button Comments

Select the button to view the detail informations of the relation (the list of prices subjected to it)

Select the button to create a new relation

Select the button “Add new relation voice” to add a new price to the relation (add at the list of prices subjected to it)

Lease Payment Process
Payment Process

The order of the operations is fundamental because each step is based on the outputs of the predecessor and it gives inputs for
the successor


First of all we must to insert the value of The second activity is the manual update for all the
the last month for each Index that we use measures connected to our leases. Archibus uses the
for cost adjustment (CPI, GDP, ecc …) values that we update for the calculation of the automatic
measures and for the cost amount definition. With these
functionalities we can update all the values we need with
a massive upload by an excel file.


With this functionality we update the
This step is ownership of a process owner because is the
value of all the measures defined
functionality for :
“automatic”. If we don’t do this Archibus
will use the old value or zero for the cost - Costs schedulation: it creates the scheduled cost, based
calculations and it's a mistake. on recurring cost or by a manual insertion
- Costs validation: we can transform the scheduled costs
in actual costs (approval) and they will be splitted for
each payee based on their % of interest
- Invoices : we can create the payment document as the
This is useful for the cost adjustment (unit sum of all the actual cost of the same: lease, date due,
cost and recurring cost) based on Index. payee


This step is for the definition of the amount rent of our recurring costs. We need to execute this operation after the step 2, 3, 4. This is
the most important functionality because it creates the rationals for the invoice payments. The results of this operation will be printed in
the invoice letters.
Payment Process
Update Index Value

Activity: Real Estate Portfolio Management // Lease Administration // Process

Task: Payment process: update data // Update Index Value Fundamental informations
First of all you need to be sure that all the values that Archibus uses
STEP 1: UPDATE INDEX VALUE for calculations are in the database. If some of these aren’t updated
the amount value of the recurring cost could be updated to zero.
Field Comments

Id Index series The Index name

Year The year of the value

Print Screen

1 - Choose the Month The month of the value

Index 3 – Add or update the value
Value The value that Archibus can use for the calculations.

With this functionality you can Each Index can have only one value for each
2 - Choose the add or update the index couple year-month.
year and the values for all the Index and
month of your for all the months you need.

Button Comments

Select the button if you want to refresh / reload the data for the web view

Select the button to create a new record

Select the “Save” button to save the information you have updated

If you move the mouse cursore to the left corner of the table, Archibus will show you the mini-console that is useful to define some quickly filter to the data showed

Payment Process
Update Measures

Activity: Real Estate Portfolio Management // Lease Administration // Process

Task: Payment process: update data // Equipment Measures Fundamental informations

Before using this functionality you have to know :
STEP 2: UPDATE MANUAL MEASURES - the Equipment code (look up between Archibus Equipment code and your
asset ID).
- the measure type you want to update ( you can find it in the Backup
information). If you need to use a measure type that you don’t find you have to
Field your process owner.
contact Comments

ID This is the id code of the measure

Print Screen

Lease code This is the lease code to which the measure is connected. If it is
connected to more than one lease (property) you have to leave this field

Site Code This is the site code to which the measure is connected. Each measure
has to be connect to a site (plant)

Equipment code This is the equipment code to wich the measure is connected. Each
With this functionality you can measure has to be connect to an equipment code.
Tranfer out / Transfer In or
Date Start / End This is the period to which the measure value refers
Compare the data in excel o
csv format, for the equipment Value This is the value read
Measure Type This is the type of measure read

Last reading This is the date of last reading

Button Comments

Select the button if you want to export the data in word format
Select the button if you want to export the data in excel format
Select the button if you want to execute the transfer or compare operations
Payment Process
Update Measures

Activity: Real Estate Portfolio Management // Lease Administration // Process

Task: Payment process: update data // Lease Measures Fundamental informations

Before using this functionality you have to know :
- the measure type you want to update ( you can find it in the Backup
information). If you need to use a measure type that you don’t find you have to
contact your process owner.
Field Comments

ID This is the id code of the measure

Print Screen

Lease code This is the lease code to wich the measure is connected. If it is
connected to more than one lease (property) you have to leave this field

Measure Type This is the type of measure read

Value This is the value read

Weight It is a fixed factor apllied to the value

With this functionality you can Tranfer
out / Transfer In or Compare the data in Value with weight = Value * Wheight
excel o csv format, for the lease If you select the reading type Manual you have to update that value.
Date Start / End This is the period to wich the measure value refers
You need to update all the value of lease
measures that have reading type Last reading This is the date of last reading

Button Comments

Select the button if you want to export the data in word format
Select the button if you want to export the data in excel format
Select the button if you want to execute the transfer or compare operations
Payment Process
Calculate Automatic Measures

Activity: Real Estate Portfolio Management // Lease Administration // Process

Task: Payment process: update data // Calculate automatic measures Fundamental information
You can calculate the current value for all the lease measures
defined “Automatic”. For this operation can need a lot of time
(it depends on the number of records updating). If you want to
reduce the time, you can select only the records with “Date
Next Adjustment” in the current month.

Archibus follows the “Order By” field for define the sort order of
the operations. It calculates the data for all the lease selected.
Print Screen

You need to use this functionality AFTER the manual update of

"equipment measures and lease measures" and BEFORE the
"adjust cost by measure rules"

With this functionality you can calculate

automatically the value of all the lease
measures with reading type like

Button Comments
You can choose if you want to make the calculations only for a subset, in this case you need to select them by checking the

box. Otherwise you can press “select all rows”.

If you want to change your selection, press this Button for cleare selections

Select this button to start the calculations for all the selected records. Archibus will calculate the data based on the the field
“Order by”. With this operation Archibus will update the informations: Value, Wheight, Value with weight, Last reading

Payment Process
Adjust Cost by Index

Activity: Real Estate Portfolio Management // Lease Administration // Process

Task: Payment process: update data // Adjust Cost by Index Fundamental information
You can see a lease in this functionality only if it has at least
one recurring cost with
Date Next Adjustment = current month
in the adjustment parameter.
You can set this data with the functionality in the path
Module: Real Estate Portfolio Management
Process : Lease Administration
Activity: Process
Print Screen

Task: Edit Lease

Tab: Adjustments

When you select a lease in the left window, Archibus shows you
the list of its recurring cost subjected to the adjustment. You
can execute the adjustment for each recurring cost, for all the
recurring cost of the lease or for all the lease in the left window.
We can divide the operations in 2 cases:
1) Recurring cost with fixed amount: in this case Archibus
will update the amount income/expense of the recurring
2) Recurring cost with automatic cost calculation : in
this case Archibus will update the Unit Cost of the price list
Button Comments
connected with the recurring cost
When you press the button, archibus calculates the new amount and the formula is always:

stores the follow informations:

New Amount = Old Amount * (End index value / Start
• Procedure id • Start index value index value) * % of Transmission
OR • Recurring cost code • End index value
• Price code • % of transmission
• Lease code • Initial amount
• Adj Rule • New amount
Payment Process
Calculate Costs by rules

Activity: Real Estate Portfolio Management // Lease Administration // Process

Task: Payment process: update data // Adjust Cost by Measure Rule Fundamental information
You can see a lease in this functionality only if it has at least
one recurring cost with
Date Next Adjustment = current month
in the Cost Rules parameter.
You can set this data with the functionality in the path
Module: Real Estate Portfolio Management
Process : Lease Administration
Activity: Process
Print Screen

Task: Edit Lease

Tab: Cost Rules

When you select a lease in the left window, Archibus shows you
the list of its recurring cost subjected to the cost rule. You can
execute the calculations for each recurring cost, for all the
recurring cost of the lease or for all the lease in the left window.
The formula is always:
New Recurring Cost Amount = sum of all the price list
active and usable (for date, status, range, relations and so
forth) moltiplied for the quantity (value with weight) of the
measure connected.
For each price list we have:
Button Comments
Amount = Fixed Cost + Unit Cost * Quantity
When you press the button archibus calculates the new amount and
After we sum all the value usable and define the recurring cost

stores all the lease measures used. For each measure Archibus makes a
print of: amount.

OR • Lease code • Price list code

• Recurring cost code • Reading type
• Measure type • Economic Value
• Measure value • Used or not for amount
calculation 21
Payment Process
Define Invoice

Activity: Real Estate Portfolio Management // Lease Administration // Process

Task: Payment process: update data // Define Invoice Fundamental information


In this functionality you are able to schedule costs, approve
them and create invoice. You can see a cost in this functionality
only if it has at least one recurring cost set in the path
Module: Real Estate Portfolio Management
Process : Lease Administration
Activity: Process
Task: Edit Lease
Print Screen

Tab: Base Rent

When you select a cost in the left window (Schedule tab), you
need to click on the Schedule button in order to insert the end
date of which you want to schedule and Archibus will generate
scheduled costs needed to be approved in the Approve Tab
according to the period of the cost.
Once the cost is approved it will disappear from the Approve
tab and it will be shown in the Invoice tab where the scheduled
cost will be translate into a invoice by clicking on Create

Button Comments
(Schedule TAB) When you press the button you are able to schedule costs for the period indicated

(Approve TAB) When you press this button you approve the scheduled cost and Archibus will generate a cost transaction

(Invoice TAB) When you press this button you create the invoice

Payment Process – Define Invoices
Cost Modification – Modify Button

For each cost, it is possible to change it’s amount before issuing the invoice by pressing on
the modify button. All cost changes will be logged detailing the user, date, time, old amount
and new amount inputted. The log is only available for administrator users.

Payment Process
Approve Invoice

Activity: Real Estate Portfolio Management // Lease Administration // Process

Task: Payment process: update data // Approve invoice Fundamental information

In this functionality you are able to approve the invoice already
Print Screen

When you search for an invoice you will see it in the grid and
you can choose either if you need to delete it either if you need
to approve it.

Approving it, means that the invoice, where the SAP integration
is active, is ready to be sent in SAP.

By clickin’ on the “X” button you are able to delete the invoice
and re-issue in the Invoice tab of the Define Invoice

Clickin on Simulate Print, you are able, where Invoice templates

are present, to see a first look of the invoice.

Button Comments
When you press this button you approve the invoice and it is ready to be sent to SAP, where the integration is active

When you press this button you are able to delete the selected invoices

When you press this button you are able, where Invoice templates are present, to see a first look of the invoice

Payment process
Approve invoice - Invoice billing and due date

It is now possible to set from ARCHIBUS a billing date of an invoice before the current date.
Moreover, it is now possible to set manually the due date of an invoice. ARCHIBUS sets by default
the end of month of the billing date. In case necessary, the user can now overwrite it manually
04/29/2020 25
Payment Process
Print Invoice

Activity: Real Estate Portfolio Management // Lease Administration // Process

Task: Payment process: update data // Print Invoice Fundamental information

In this functionality you are able to print the invoice already
When you search for an invoice you will see it in the grid and
you can choose either if you need to delete it either if you need
to print it.

Clickin on Print Invoice, you are able, where Invoice templates

are present, to see the invoice.
Print Screen

By clickin’ on the “X” button you are able to delete the invoice.
Following are the logics in order to delete the invoice:
- If the integration status is ACTIVE you are able to delete from
Archibus but you need to delete from SAP also;
- If the integration status is IN TRANSFER you cannot delete
from Archibus;
- If the integration status is N/A or CREATED you are able to
delete from Archibus since the transfer is not yet started or the
invoice is Closed and the integration status is not Active.

Button Comments
When you press this button you are able to see the discardings on the invoice, where the SAP integration is active

When you press this button you are able to delete the selected invoices

When you press this button you are able, where Invoice templates are present, to see the invoice

Lease Administration – Background Data
Define GL Account

This functionality allows the user to create new GL Accounts or modify already existing one.
These GL accounts are used in the invoice integration flow between ARCHIBUS and SAP.
Moreover, the user can insert now the description of the GL account (debit and credit).
The GL accounts created on ARCHIBUS need to be created also on SAP system in order to
accept the relative payments.

04/29/2020 27
Lease Administration – Process
Associate GL Account

Inside the recurring cost details window, it is possible to change the GL account to
which the recurring cost is associated. ARCHIBUS fills on the creation of a new cost a
default value already in use for all recurring costs.
04/29/2020 28

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