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• Scalars are quantities that have magnitude only.

• They are independent of direction.

• Vectors have both magnitude and direction.  The

length of a vector represents magnitude.  

• The arrow shows direction.


• These are useful in converting the Maxwell's

equations from point form to integral form and vice

• They relate a surface integral to its corresponding

volume integral and also a line integral to its
corresponding surface integral.

1. As is known, the volume is always enclosed by a closed surface
and the surface is always is enclosed by closed path. The path is a

2. Similarly the integration of a vector along a closed path can be

related to the integration of the same vector over the surface
enclosed by the path through Curl theorem.

3. The integration of a vector over the closed surface can be related

to the integration of the same vector throughout the volume
enclosed by the surface through the divergence theorem.

The surface is also by definition a vector and, by
definition, is always surrounded by a closed path.

The direction of the surface at a point over it can be

found by drawing a closed path, direction being same
as that of the path surrounding the total surface,
surrounding that point.

The direction pointed by the right hand thumb when

wrapped by the fingers around the point gives the
direction of the surface at that point

• Electromagnetic field theory or electromagnetic wave
theory is the study of electrical and magnetic
properties of the regions i.e. parts of the space.

• The region surrounding the stationary charge

distribution is called electric field or to be precise
electrostatic field. The study of the electrostatic field
is electrostatics.

The region surrounding the conductor carrying direct
current (dc) distribution is called magnetic field or to
be precise steady magnetic field. The study of the
steady magnetic field is magnetostatics.

The electrostatic fields and steady magnetic fields

together are called static fields or dc fields. In static
fields the field intensity can be function of position and
independent of time.

• The region surrounding the conductor carrying
time varying or alternating current (ac)
distribution is called time varying
electromagnetic field.

• In these fields there exists both electric field

intensity and magnetic field intensity which are
related to each other.

• This relation i.e. the relation between electric

field and magnetic field in time-varying fields is
given by Faraday’s law and Maxwell’s relation
Time varying fields exhibit one important property
which is not possessed by static fields. There exists
travelling wave and consequently energy flow called
radiation in time varying electromagnetic fields.

The intensity of the electric field is a vector quantity

indicated by E with units volts/meter.
The magnetic field intensity is also a vector quantity
indicated by H with units……..??

Electric field intensity is function of the medium

properties where as the magnetic field intensity is
independent of the medium of the field.
A quantity D=εE called electric displacement density can also be
defined for electric fields with units coul/m2.

A quantity similar to this can be defined for magnetic fields also.

It is called magnetic flux density denoted by B with units of tesla
or webers/m2. It is related to the magnetic field intensity through

The electric displacement density is independent of the medium

whereas the magnetic flux density is dependent upon the medium

For static fields these are functions of position only where as for
time varying fields they are functions of time also.


Gauss law is useful to compute the field intensity when the charge distribution is highly
symmetrical i.e. plane symmetry, cylindrical symmetry or spherical symmetry.

Depending upon the symmetry exhibited by the charge distributions, the Gaussian
surfaces (surfaces over which integration is performed) can be a pill box, coaxial
cylinder or a concentric sphere.

The application of the Gauss law to find the field intensity of charge distribution
requires the prior knowledge of the field.

The integration of the Gauss law becomes simpler only if the field is either normal or
tangential to the Gaussian surface and when ever it is normal its value must remain
Gauss law is useful to compute the field intensity when the charge
distribution is highly symmetrical i.e. plane symmetry, cylindrical
symmetry or spherical symmetry.

Depending upon the symmetry exhibited by the charge

distributions, the Gaussian surfaces (surfaces over which
integration is performed) can be a pill box, coaxial cylinder or a
concentric sphere.

The application of the Gauss law to find the field intensity of

charge distribution requires the prior knowledge of the field.

The integration of the Gauss law becomes simpler only if the field
is either normal or tangential to the Gaussian surface and when
ever it is normal its value must remain constant.


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