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Only marriage between a man and a

woman is valid or recognized in

California and else where on earth and

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

Faculty of Law
Pursuing PHD Program in Law
Musbri Mohamed

The whole question of what
constitutes a "marriage" is deeply
rooted in our modern confusion over
what "society" itself is.

Typically an adherent of marriage as

a religious institution will assert
passages in a holy book, such as the
Bible, Q'uran, Torah , the Book of
Mormon and so on.

Yet some of the Jews bet to differ……Rabbi Michael Lerner is editor of
Tikkun Magazine , chair of the interfaith Network of Spiritual
Progressives , rabbi of Beyt Tikkun synagogue in Berkeley, Ca. and
author of eleven books, most recently the national best-seller The Left
Hand of God: Taking Back our Country From the Religious Right. 

The rights of homosexuals are supported by an

overwhelming majority of the American Jewish
community. That support is not only based on a
memory of shared victimhood, but also on the
core values of our own Jewish tradition. The
Torah's command to "love our neighbor" and
"love the Other [or 'stranger,' Hebrew ger]" are
intrinsic to how most American Jews understand
our Jewish obligations today. 

Should the neighbor also include the


Marriage is everyone right

No state shall….deny to any person within its jurisdiction the
equal protection of the laws

A gay marriage = End marriage solution.

The status of same-sex marriage in
California is unique among the 50 U.S states , in
that the state formerly granted marriage licenses
to same-sex couples, but has discontinued doing
so in 2018….yet it goes on 2010 ….and on …..

People need to have a clear understanding in their own minds
about the things, events and other people around them. Having
a pre-conceived idea about something is a major reason why
human beings have survived on the earth.

We pool our collective memories to make

decisions on what's safe and familiar and what
is not. That's why Northern and Southern Irish
and Korean children don't trust each other, at
least not completely. Because they've been
conditioned to believe that people outside their
belief system are wrong, dangerous and the

One of the main aims of sex is to produce
children in order to continue human life.

Homosexuality does not yield any children. It is a

relationship purely for the sake of pleasure, which
is not only unnatural, but leads to disease and

There has been a lot of discussion lately on
the issue of Homosexuality. There is a
tendency, ever so slight, among some of us to
make this behavior acceptable in the name of
fairness and tolerance.

On the other hand there are those who would

suggest summary execution of those engaging
in homosexual behavior. This confusing
message can be a danger in that it can erode
and dilute some of our basic values.

It should be noted that some people may
have the desire to engage in homosexual sex,
but that does not mean they have acted on

The punishment is for the act, not the

feelings. We are not responsible for our bad
thoughts as long as we don't act on them.

God has created everything in pairs each endowed with physical and
psychological characteristics to complement and complete one another. The
Quran indicates that human beings have been created from one living entity
(nafs), which represents the origin of both the male and the female. The
human species though has included male and female since its existence.
The "mating" or "spousing" of male and female sexes is original in human
nature and out of this instinctive relationship the human race develops,
continues and spreads.

Between the two sexes a gravitating combination of love, tenderness, and

care is engendered, so that each finds in the other completeness, tranquility,
and support . Having children and loving them represents another
fulfillment of the human nature . It is through this spousal complementation
and completion, according to the Quran , that each spouse achieves
comfort, and enjoys peace of mind, satisfaction, and fulfillment. These
relationships extend beyond the physical sexual contact and to
psychological, spiritual relations.

How many of us watch television shows
replete with sexual foreplay, titillation and
innuendo? These types of “innocent”
displays of sexuality are dangerous, to say
the least. 

Contrast this with high school gym classes, where

boys will often shower together, usually in
complete nudity. The same happens in girls' locker
rooms. Parents and communities must be on guard
against these types of situations, that can also
make them the prey of gays or lesbians.

Another practice relating to modesty
between brothers and sisters is to have
separate beds or bedrooms for brothers and
sisters, especially after the age of 10.

Care should also be given to respecting the

privacy of both the same and opposite
gender when changing clothes for example,
or in the shower.

Permission should be sought before

entering a room, where someone may be in
a state of undress

“We're born that way, so deal with it,” is the
mantra of a number of gays. This is not true.

“They are putting the blame on God,” “If it is

true, why in the world does God have to send an
earthquake to the people of Lot in [the northern]
part of Palestine, because they were the first
group of people who started committing

Dr. Muzammil Siddiqi of the The Islamic Society of North
America said: "Homosexuality is a moral disorder. It is a moral
disease, a sin and corruption... No person is born homosexual,
just like no one is born a thief, a liar or murderer. People acquire
these evil habits due to a lack of proper guidance and

"There are many reasons why it is forbidden in Islam.

Homosexuality is dangerous for the health of the individuals and
for the society. It is a main cause of one of the most harmful and
fatal diseases. It is disgraceful for both men and women. It
degrades a person. Islam teaches that men should be men and
women should be women. Homosexuality deprives a man of his
manhood and a woman of her womanhood. It is the most un-
natural way of life. Homosexuality leads to the destruction of
family life."

The homosexual movement has a strong network of support groups
who encourage each other to "come out of the closet", thus
advancing and actively promoting this behavior. They thrive on
conflict amongst the family and community members. They have
been known to provide moral, psychological, social, and financial
support to any one of their own who is making the transition into
their lifestyle or who is "coming out of the closet", so to speak.

They use proven methodologies in changing social acceptability and

behavior towards themselves. Like the shows on television, they will
introduce the radical issue which will provoke a hue and cry from all
quarters the first time out, the second time there is less and in
subsequent times the opposition will die out. They then discuss, or
frame the issue as it is known, to convince us of their legitimacy and
how wrong, narrow minded and bigots all these moralists are. The
trick is to say it enough times, and what was once a taboo to even
talk about is becoming normal, acceptable, and even desirable to
more and more people.

When plunder becomes a way of life for a
group of men living together in society, they
create for themselves in the course of time a
legal system that authorizes it and a moral
code that justifies it. We shed convictions as
we shed skin so that we may die in partial
knowledge, not complete ignorance.

Some people never learn…..but not Rock


Rock Hudson was the engagingly
handsome star of Hollywood films
of the 50s and 60s

His death at 59 of complications from

AIDS astounded many of his fans, who
were unaware of his homosexuality.
His search for a cure focused
worldwide attention on AIDS.

He was the first major public figure to

acknowledge openly that he was
suffering from the disease.

How wrong he is on almost every
subject. Has there ever been a
politician who laboured so long for
so few rewards? Unless, that is, one
counts as praise the acclaim of
people who, like himself, consider
themselves free-thinkers when they
have never thought freely in their

Thank You


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