POV 12 Multicloud Platform Management

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IBM PoV: #12 Multicloud Platform Management Preliminary -- for Internal Use Only

Enables client’s realize and benefit from their Multicloud Platform strategy
Industry Setting and Problem The New Approach
Clients are on an explorative journey to transform I&O to become "Smart, Fast and Fluid" to meet  Multicloud Managed Services offering using standard pre-integrated tools, modern service
their business metrics. (IT Operations Management 2023 Scenario: Smart, Fluid and Fast, Gartner). management processes and talent pool, available in a pay as you go consumption model
Technology Disruption: Pace of technology disruption is changing client's buying behavior; shorter  Seamless digital experience - single portal visibility across ecosystem to Order, Deploy,
and digital engagement, value driven services from Multicloud experience, pay as you go model, Operationalize and Govern
opex versus capex, leverage automation and analytics, etc. This also introduces the challenge of  Highly automated environment driven using principles like SRE, cognitive capabilities like
upkeeping the skills and expertise at the pace of shifting technology. Watson and data from decades of experience in managing IT Infrastructure
Market Dynamics: The technology shift brings forth similar challenges for clients from mature and  “High Touch managed services” engagement for clients through their journey to cloud
emerging markets. Enterprise and SMB sector clients tend to 'start small and then expand' on any  Microservices based architecture with well defined integration framework across offerings
cloud, with Enterprise continuing to need “high touch” engagement. leveraging APIs., etc.
The MSPs that can demonstrate differentiated high value services across Multicloud (Public &  Joint solution using Offering and IS delivery capabilities to compliment and fulfill client
Private) and Hybrid environments will gain the edge. requirements

olutions Insights | Audience Roles and Objectives Benefits and Proof Points
CEO / CFO : Define company goals and business directions / metrics  Quick cycle time improves throughput of the Sales and Solution organization
CIO/Director of IT: Primary decision maker for I&O; accountable for transformation in line with  Quick deployment improve clients time to value
business directions
 Opex based PAYG models significantly improve opportunity to cross and up sell
IT Director / Partner Group IT: Responsible for I&O run and manage. Measures MSPs for
operational excellence and responsible for the transformation journey . Wishes to have a consistent  Improved time to market for rapidly changing technology landscape
& consolidated view of their entire IT landscape.
Enterprise Architect: Responsible for technical transformation of I&O ensuring alignment to  High GP performance in a purely services based offering over the last 5 years
business directions / metrics
• Needs consistent service management across Multicloud & hybrid ecosystem  Validation from external third party consultants like E&Y and MSP certification partners for AWS
• Requires to adopt Zero Touch operations (via automation), Digital & Cognitive delivery to drive and Azure
faster time to market and improve market value  Feedback from existing client base of ~220 clients
• Has increased sensitivity towards Security & Privacy of data at store, transit and rest at all layers
across ecosystem Critical Success Factors
• Has constant drive to reduce costs, needs opex based pay as you go Zero TCV engagements
with no lock in period  Model to progressively transition the client from a customized to standard delivery model
• Demands higher value services, in spite of being price sensitive, Multi-vendor model and  Sales incentive plans that support PAYG models and focus on emerging markets
requires constant upskill / training investments due to technology shifts
 Integrated seamless managed services experience from deal solution stage through delivery
hortcomings of Current Approaches  Aligned Offering and Delivery operations and business objectives
  Investment in talent to quickly support and reduce time to value for clients from the changing
Traditional engagement models: with long cycles of sales engagement, T&T, etc.
 Customers are exploring Multicloud strategies and require “High Touch manage” engagement, technology shifts in the industry
including local language support  Need to develop ‘high touch’ managed services capabilities to actively participate in clients
 Multiple hand offs and Disintegrated delivery experience journey to cloud
 Internal processes weighing down time to “Go Live” support
 Lack of a portal based self-service capabilities and better managed services visibility across
platforms, control and transparency across services
 Lack of flexibility to integrate and agility to scale with current tools architecture

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