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The most unusual

buildings in the
Savytska Anna
& Nazar Shyika
1. "The curve house"
In the city of Sopot on Heroes Monte-Kassino Street (Poland) one of the most unusual houses of the
planet is located, it is called - the Curve house. Looking at it, the impression is made that it, whether
melted on the sun and was bent or it is optical illusion and it not the house, but reflection in a huge curve
The curve house really is curve and doesn't contain not a uniform equal place and a corner, it is built in
2004 on the project of two Polish architects
At construction of the house
architects embodied a set of
unusual and extraordinary ideas
thanks to which the Curve house
became worldfamous. In
registration of a facade the most
different materials are used: from
glass to a stone, and the roof
from the enameled plates
reminds a curved back of a
dragon. Doors, windows just as
walls of the building are
asymmetrical and fancifully bent,
creating the house a type of
some fantastic izba.
2. Library to Kansas – City
You won't confuse library to Kansas City (United States of America) with anything.

The reason is an unusual architecture of a facade, in creation which the local population took part.
Inhabitants were suggested to be helped with a choice of the most known books where mentions of their
hometown meet. Result of the conducted survey – emergence of a facade of the building in the form of a
book shelf – the big backs of books built in a row authors famous for the whole world.
The wall was decorated with backs of popular books the sizes of 7,5х2,5 meters so the full impression of
a book shelf is made. In total 22 copies of various literary directions – from "Lord of the Rings" Tolkien to
"451 degrees Fahrenheit" of Ray Bradbury are presented.

Now the Public library Kansas City which represents the latest complex created state-of-the-art and
science, surely looks forward and enters a top of 10 most beautiful libraries of the world.
3. "Cubic houses"
Cubic houses are located in the Netherlands, the city of Rotterdam and Helmonda. They were
constructed in 1984 on the project of the architect Peter Blom, represent cubes. He simply
turned a house parallelepiped on 45 degrees and put the house a corner on a six-sided pole.
In Rotterdam of such houses 38, all of them are connected among themselves.

Peter Blom planned suit
shops, kindergartens,
cafe on first floors of the
houses, and in top to
make premises. In one of
houses made the
museum Show Cube
where photos are
located, video and 3D -
panels by means of
which it is possible to
learn about life in cubic
4. Temple of the Lotus
The world famous Temple of the Lotus located in the Indian capital of Delhi is one of the most grandiose
and majestic buildings created last century.
The temple costs in the center of huge
park and is surrounded to nine pools, the
acting sides petals of the building located
practically between. Together with
adjacent territories the Delhi House of
Pokloneniya Bakhai occupies the space
about 10 and a half hectares.
5. Building grand piano and violin
It" musical" the building in the form of a grand piano and a violin – a unique, surprising and beautiful
architectural miracle.

It is located in the city of Huainan, in China. The main building is in a grand piano made of black glass,
and in a violin from transparent glass the ladder is located.

It was developed by Hefeysky university of technologies and constructed in 2007 to draw attention of
society to recently built up area. Serves as exhibition complex in which hold cultural meetings where
various ideas and prospects of development of the new city are presented.
This remarkable architecture
the displaying pride of high
musical art, became popular
sight for tourists and the most
fantastic building in China.
Thanks for attention

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