TME GR 5 Presentation+Geeta

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Prepared By:

Ankur C. Patel – EMP21/A/28

Dhruv Kapil – EMP21/A/05
Anupam Tiwari –EMP21/A/40
Prasenjit Pal-EMP21/A/24
Geeta is about relationships within
oneself, with others, with the World
& the interaction between the three
essential elements of managerial life.
Journey from oneself to world
• The Geeta provides Guidance for Self–Development & Self-
• The Geeta clearly gives positive outlook towards life;
– “Lord Krishna had accept the job charioteer fro Arjuna’s Chariot, this
show, we should understand & able to respond to the need of the
situation, you should not have complexes”
– Same is applicable with us in the organization we should be ready to
accept any job as per the need of organization.
• Lord Krishna has woven the eternal values of human life into the
• The Geeta gives consolations to each and every person ranging from
the worst sinner to the supreme devotee.
• We should have control on our EGO and we should be able to manage
our emotions and respond to the demand of situation.
Journey from oneself to world contd..
• Geeta Says: Janmamrityu Jaravyaadhi – Be indifferent to senses, ego,
evil in birth, death, sickness and pain [13/9]
• You must not be detached but you should not have strong
attachments or possessiveness towards your friends and family.

• Same is applicable in the organization, in organization “we have to do

what is required to do” as per the org demand rather that “what we
should be doing”

• To motivate oneself Geeta Says: Uddhare daatmanaatmaanam – You

have to uplift your own self [6/5]
• Do not lower yourself for you are creator of your own destiny.

• Geeta teaches us that self-management is all about managing owns

emotions, impulses & feelings.
Journey from oneself to world contd..
• When Arjuna was in need of guidance, he showed his humility in the
battlefield, he had asked to Lord Krishna to teach him what to do?
• Same is applicable to us, whenever we are in need, we must recognize that
we are in need and seek the help from the one who can help us, means we
should be humble and down to earth person in ourselves and with others

• Geeta Says: Pratyavayo na vidhyate – There are no problems [2/40]

• Take every situation like a challenge and it will make you stronger.
• Geeta says: Kshudram hradaya daurbalyam – Cast off the weakness of
your heart [2/40]
• You are capable. You are not helpless. You can fight for yourself.

• Geeta doesn’t teach us to fight battles, but to fight the negative emotions
like anger, jealously, frustrations, etc., impulses & feeling that makes us
powerless. Hence we need “objective mind” for correct assessment.
Journey from oneself to world contd..
• Human beings are emotional being & the heart rules the mind a lot of
time. So, how do we balance between being practical and being

• Geeta says try to bring out right emotions like Love, Kindness,
Compassion, Fairness, Responsibility, etc. in all situations in life and in
our profession in everything being done.

• Self management requires one to become an emotionally matured


• Same is applicable in the organization, we should be emotionally

matured to take right decision at right time, which will be beneficial to
the organization in long run.
Journey from oneself to world contd..
• THE PURPOSE OF HUMAN LIFE: Human cannot be satisfied with
limitations that we feel. We want to become free from all the
limitations. We cannot be satisfied with status quo.

• Geeta says human being is born with desire to grow, for doing the
same first we have to understand our selves and than the process of
achievement. The development of self is continuous process.

• INDIVIDUAL PERSPECTIVE: Geeta explains the individual perspective by

the way of consumer and contributor.

• A consumer is a person who thinks that he is helping himself; he may

be helping himself in a short un, but hurting himself in a long run. So it
is short-term gain & long term pain.
Journey from oneself to world contd..
• A contributor will look like he is hurting himself, which he may be in a
short run but helping himself in a long. The contributor is a value that
Bhagvad Geeta teaches.
• The ethics comes in from very fundamental values. Value is that the
company should prosper, depends on how you measure prosperity,
whether the company measures prosperity simply by profit, how does
the company look upon itself: as a consumer or contributor? Your
company looks upon itself as contributor to its shareholders and to its
employees also.
• Self-centeredness to be removed.
• THE HAPPINESS: We have some ambitions in our life & we keep striving
to achieve them. The frustration exists throughout the life because of
differences between what we can do & what we want to do.
• Human desires never ends, we have to become satisfied in every stage
of our personal & professional life.
Journey from oneself to world contd..
• Due to want of something more we becoming greedy and
subsequently unhappy.

• Geeta says to sense true happiness we need to become contributor

rather than only a consumer.

• The essence of personal & professional life is,

– I cannot be worthy, when I am angry
– I cannot be worthy, when I am hurting somebody
– But I feel worthy when I am helping, when I am fine, when I am compassionate.

• SUBJECTIVE Vs. OBJECTIVE: Geeta suggests that being subjective is

being mechanical. Rational intellect does not come to play when one
is subjective but when one is objective.
Geeta guidance for Self-development
• Develop self-confidence

• Change my circumstances

• Become a True Human Being

• Develop Virtues in my life and spread its Fragrance to all

• Enhance my Concentration and Purify My Mind

• Change my Outlook towards Others

• Geeta philosophy is

“If we are able to manage our self then we are able

to manage our relations with other and whole world
at large, capability of individual to resolve the
conflict between oneself, others and the whole world
by the way of self management and self development
is to provide the excellence in managing the
interaction between the three essential elements of
managerial life.”

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