Dynamics Dehydration

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DYNAMICS OF Dehydration

Dr. G. A Adeyemi
 What is natural gas dehydration?
This is the process of removing water vapor
from the gas stream to lower the dew point of
that gas.

Water is the most common contaminant of


 What is dew point ?

This is defined as the temperature at which
the natural gas is saturated with water vapor
at a given pressure .
Dew Point Depression is the
difference between the dew point
temperature of a water saturated
H gas stream and the same stream
after it has been dehydrated.
Hydrates - What are they?
Gas Hydrates are solids formed from hydrocarbon gas
and liquid water
 They resemble wet snow and can exist at tempe- ratures
above the freezing point of water
 They belong to a form of complexes known as clathrates

Clathrates - What are they?
 Clathrates are substances having a lattice-like
structure or appearance in which molecules of
one substance are completely enclosed within
the crystal structure of another
 Hydrates consist of host molecules (water)
forming a lattice structure acting like a cage, to
entrap guest molecules (gas)
LATIN: “clathrates” means to encage

There are three basic reasons for the
dehydration of natural gas streams
 To avoid corrosion problems.
 To prevent hydrate formation
 Downstream processing requirements.
 Water increases the volume and decreases the
heating value of natural gas, this reduced line
Example :1
 If the specific gravity of a natural gas stream is
calculated and found to be 0.69, find the hydrate
formation pressure (in psia) at a temperature of 50F.
Pressure–temperature curves for
predicting hydrate formation
Example: 2
 Natural gas, saturated with water vapor at
conditions of 1000 psia and 90F is exposed to
cooling in a flow line due to heat losses, where the
temperature reaches 35F and the pressure
remains the same.
(a) Calculate how much liquid water will drop out of
the gas.
 (b) Assuming that the gas flowing through the
pipeline is to reach a delivery point at 300 psia
pressure, find the corresponding dew point of the
•Water content of sweet, lean natural gas.
Dehydration Methods
1. Absorption, using the liquid desiccants :glycols
and methanol
2. Adsorption, using solid desiccants : alumina and
silica gel)
3. Cooling/condensation below the dew point, by
expansion and/or refrigeration
4. Membrane Processes
Classification of gas dehydration
Adsorption of Water Vapour
by Solid Desiccants
Absorption: Flow diagram of TEG
What is the Problem?
 Produced gas is saturated with water, which
must be removed for gas transmission
 Glycol dehydrators are the most-common
equipment to remove water from gas
 38,000 dehydration systems in the natural gas production sector
 Most use triethylene glycol (TEG)

 Glycol dehydrators create emissions

 Methane, VOCs, HAPs from reboiler vent
 Methane from pneumatic controllers

Source: www.prideofthehill.com
Basic Glycol Dehydrator
System Process Diagram
Dry Sales Gas


Inlet Wet Gas To Atmosphere


Gas Rich TEG

Bypass Glycol
Pump Glycol Reboiler/
Regenerator Fuel Gas
Lean TEG
Methane Recovery: Four
 Optimized glycol circulation rates
 Flash tank separator (FTS) installation
 Electric pump installation
 Replace glycol unit with desiccant
Optimizing Glycol Circulation
 Gas well’s initial production rate decreases
over its lifespan
 Glycol circulation rates designed for initial,
highest production rate
 Operators tend to “set it and forget it”
 Glycol overcirculation results in more
methane emissions without significant
reduction in gas moisture content
 Partners found circulation rates two to three times
higher than necessary
 Methane emissions are directly proportional to
circulation rate
Installing Flash Tank
 Flashed methane can be captured using an
 Many units are not using an FTS

With FTS
40 Without
20 FTS
<1 1-5 >5
MMcfd processed
Methane Recovery

 Recovers ~ 90% of methane emissions

 Reduces VOCs by 10 to 90%
 Must have an outlet for low pressure gas

Flash Emissions

Low Capital Cost/Quick Payback

Flash Tank Costs

 Lessons Learned study provides guidelines

for scoping costs, savings and economics
 Capital and installation costs:
 Capital costs range from $5,000 to $10,000 per
flash tank
 Installation costs range from $2,400 to $4,300 per
flash tank
 Negligible O&M costs
Installing Electric Pump
Dry Sales Gas


Inlet Wet Gas To Atmosphere


Rich TEG
Pump Glycol Reboiler/
Regenerator Fuel Gas
Lean TEG
Overall Benefits

 Financial return on investment through gas

 Increased operational efficiency
 Reduced O&M costs
 Reduced compliance costs (HAPs, BTEX)
 Similar footprint as gas assist pump
TEG Dehydration Design

 Major Factors For Consideration

 Basic Inform ation
 Inlet Gas Wa te r Conte nt
  (lb/mm Scf)
 Dehydra ted(outlet) Ga s Water Content.  (lb/mm Scf)

 Inlet Gas Flow Rate.

  (mm Sc f/day)

 Inlet Gas Temperature(0F)

 Inlet Gas Press ure .(psig.)

 Inlet Gas Specific Grav ity.

 TEG Circulation Rate(LW).

 Contactor Working Press ure. (psig)

Table 4 -6

 Percentage TEG Equilibrium Dew Point Wate r Conte nt of Gas

 Temperature at 100 0F at Dew Point Tempera ture
 And 1 000 Psig
 __ _____ _____ __ ____ _____ _____ ____ _ _____ _____ _____ _____ _

 Gal/lb. H2O Removed

 99
 98
 97
 96
 95

3. De te rmine Theore tical Tray s Number

Step off by Triangulation on Two Mc cable-thiele Diagram Line s. Se e Fig 4-29

4. Actual Tra y Number = No. Of Theoretica l Trays

 Conta ctor Tray Effic ienc y
 2-6 Gal/lb.H2O(Normal Ops.)
 Bubble Cap Tray Efficiency = 25 %
 Valve Tray Efficienc y = 33.5%

 2.5 – 4 Gal/lb.H2O(Field Ops)

 Tray Spacing = 24”

 * Always Round Up Tra ys Number.

Packed Conta ctor Special Consideration. Fig 4-30

Depth of Pack ing = No. Of Theoretic al Tray s.

Depth Foota ge Is Normally Rounded up to Whole No.

3 . Glyc ol Re conce ntrator

 I. Glycol Circulation Rate(l).

  Ga l/hr

 Lw  TEG/H2O Conc. Ra tio  Gal(teg)/lb (H2O)

 Wi  Inlet Gas Water Content. Lbh2o/mm Scf (Ga s)

 Qo  Gas Flow Rate a t Operating Conditions(mm Scf/day )

 Ii. Reboiler
 A. Total He at Loa d(ht)

 TEG Concentration
By Estimation
Ht = 2000 L

Normally Enough for HP Glycol Dehydrator Sizing.

Detail Dete rmination

 99.9%  Possible
Ht = HL + HW + HR + HH

HL  TEG Heat Requirement  Btu/hr

 =

I = TEG De nsity at Reboiler Av erage Temp. Lb/ga l

C = TEG Spe cific Heat a t Reboiler Avg. Te mp. Btu/lb/ 0f

T2 = TEG Outle t Temp. 0F

 99.5%  Adequate
T1 = TEG Inle t Temp. F

 = 1200 for HP TEG Dehy drator

 HW = Water Heat of Vaporization Btu/hr

 = 970.3 (Wi - Wo) Qo

 24

 970.3 = Wate r He at of Vaporization at

 Available Utilities
 21 2 0F and 14.7 Psia in Btu/lbm

 HR = Heat Needed to Vaporize Reflux Water in the Still

 = 0.25 HW Btu/hr

 HH = Heat Losses From Reboiler a nd Stripping Still Surfaces

 = Btu/hr
By Estimation
HH = 5000 to 2 0,0 00 Btu/hr De pending on Size.

By Deta il Determina tion

HH = 0.2 4 AS (T2 - T1)

AS  Total Reboile r and Still Exposed Surface Area FT 2

 Safety & Environmental Regulations
 T2  Ves sel Fluid Temp. 0F

 T1  Min. Ambie nt Temp. 0F

0.24  Heat Load Consta nt For Large Insulated

 Surface s Btu/hr/ft2. 0F

.Fire Box Surface Area

Require d Info.
Heat Flux of About 7 000 Btu/ 0F

AF = Ht = Total Surfa ce Area of Fire Box (FT 2)

 70 00

 Sivalls Charts and Tables

= Fire Box Diamete r X Overall U-tube Length

 = DF X LF

 **Table 4-7 Consists of Spe cs of Glycol Concentration Components.

 4. TEG Circulating Pump

 A. Required Information/data
TEG Circulation Ra te L  Gal/hr.

Max. Operating Pressure  Psig

B. Type s of Pumps

Glyc ol Pumps
Uses Rich Glycol to Pump Le an Glycol.
 See Table 4-8

Positive Displacement and Centrifugal Pumps

5 . Glyc ol Flash Se parator
A. Determine Gas Conte nt of Rich TEG From Pump
From Table 4 -8 Using
TEG Circulating Ra te L

Conta ctor Operating Pre ssure

Determine N Ft 3 Gas/ Gal TEG at 14 .7 Psia & 60 0F

Scrubber Design
Vg = L N

 Determine Type of Scrubber

 B. Flash Separa tor Retention = 5 Mins.
 VL = LT  Settling Volume  Gals
 60

*With the Above Get Other Separator Specs From Table

6. Stripping Still
A. Diamete r De pends on
I. Va por a nd Liquid Loading at the Still Ba se
Vapor  Wate r Vapor(stream) + Stripping Gas
 All Flowing Up
 Guided by Gas Stream IDE
 Liquid  Rich TEG + Re flux
  All Flowing Down

 Ii. Stripping Gas Re conce ntrator Requirement.

2-10 Ft3/ga l TEG Circula ted

Iii. Siva lls Stripping Still Sizing Cha rt Fig 4-31

Determine Still Cros s-s ectional Area Using
TEG Circulation Ra te L (Gph)

TEG to Water Circula tion Rate LW

Composition 2
B. Pac king Height
4ft for 1 .5 Cera mic Intalox Saddles Ty pe Pac king

.Required Number of Trays

1 Theoretical Tra y

 Either 2-phase or 3-phase 2

TEG Dehydration Design
 Gas Capacity of Vertical Gas Scrubber.
 Calculate Gas Flow Rate
 Operating Pressure.
 Operating Temperature.
 Gas Compressibility.

 Determine Scrubber Diameter.

 Gas Capacity
 Operating Pressure.

 Note that Fig 4-50 is 0.7 SG and

100 0F. Gas Charts for Other
Conditions are Available.

 Determine Other Scrubber Specs.
From Tables 4-6 and 4-7. •Fig 4-50 2
 •
Table 4-7
Vertical Scrubbers Specifications
 Gas Capacity of Vertical Gas Scrubber.



TEG Dehydration Design
 Gas Capacity for Tray Glycol Contactors
 Glycol Contactor (Asorber)
 Select a Contactor Diameter.
 Fig. 4-51 For Packed Column
 Fig. 4-52 For Trayed Column
•Gas Capacity mm scf/ ay

 Fig 4-51
 Using;  Fig 4-52 •SL
 Operating Pressure  Scrubber Capacity(mm Scf/day)IDE
 Contactor Inlet Gas Flow Rate. 2
 Approx. Contactor Required Gas
Capacity 5
•Ono •SITP / O & G •
TEG Dehydration Design
•Table 4-6

 Correct Approx. Capacity to Actual •A •B

Contactor Gas Capacity qop( Table 4-6)

qop = qs . Ct. Cg
 qop = Contactor Gas Capacity at
 Operating Condition(mmscf/day)

 qs = Contactor Gas Capacity at

 Standard Conditions of 100 0F
with 0.7 SG and From Fig 4-50.
 = Contator Inlet Gas Flow
 Rate(mm Scf/day)
 Ct = Operating Temperature
 Correction Factor 0F(Table 4-6A)
 Cg = SG Correction Factor(Table 4-6C)
TEG Dehydration Design
TEG Contactors Specifications


•Ono •SITP / O & G •
TEG Dehydration Design
 Determine Required Dew Point
 Determine Outlet Gas Dew Point From
Fig. 4-53 Using
 Operating Pressure.
 Required Outlet Gas Water Content.

 Inlet Gas Assumed Saturated With

Vapor and is at Its Dew Point Temp. and

 Correct Water Content for H2S and CO2 •30

If Present


  Dew Point Depression =

 Inlet Gas Temp.- Outlet Gas Dew •10 •60

 Point Temp. •Fig. 4-53
TEG Dehydration Design
 Rate of Water Removal (Wr).  Tray Contactor Special Consideration
= lb.(H2O) Removed  Type and Number of Trays
 TEG Circulation Rate
 hr  Contactor Diameter.

 Inlet Gas Water Content  Outle Gas Water Content   Gas Flow Rate 
24  Number of Trays Selection.
 Sivalls Tray Chart Fig. 4-54
 Determines Trays Number Using
 Dew Point Depression From Above.
 = Wr = (Wi - Wo) qo
 24  Selected Glycol(gal) to Water(lb)
Circulation Rate(Lw).

 Wr = Rate of Water Removed(lb/hr)  Gives Approx. No. Required for Field

 Wi = Inlet Gas Water Content
 (lb.H2O/mm cf Gas  Do not Address Effect of Contactor
Press & Temp
 Wo = Outlet Gas Water Content
 (lb.H2O/mm cf Gas)
 qo = Gas Flow Rate (mm scf/day)
TEG Dehydration Design
 Sivalls Number of Trays/Packing Chart  Modified McCabe-Thiele Diagram.
 Gives More Detail Consideration
For Required No. For Economic

 Gives Theoretical Number of


 Above Converted to Actual Tray

Number by Tray Efficiency

 TNactual = TNtheor X Ect

 Ect = Tray Efficiency Factor

TEG Dehydration Design
 The Diagram Construction
 Construction of Modified McCabe-
Thiele Diagram  McCabe-Thiele Diagram
 Determine Rich TEG Conc. Leaving Operating Line.
Contactor.  Determine Column Top.
 Point of Gas Outlet With Given
H2O Content and Lean TEG Entry
 Rich TEG Conc. = ( Lean TEG Conc.)  i With Given Conc.
 i 
 lb(H2O)/mm scf(gas) and % Conc.

i =
= Density of Lean TEG - lb/gal
8.34 SG
Lean TEG

 SG = Specific Gravity of Lean

 Determine Column Bottom
 Glycol at Contactor
 Point of Gas Inlet With H2O
 Operating Temperature.
Content As Determined by

= TEG to Water Circ. Rate Operating Press. and Temp. and
Rich TEG Outlet With Conc. as
 Rich TEG Conc.  Conc. of TEG
 From Contactor(%)
 lb(H2O)/mm Scf (Gas) and % Conc.
 Lean TEG Conc.  Conc. of TEG
Rich TEG.
Entering Contactor(%)
TEG Dehydration Plot
These Points and Draw the
Operating Line As Shown Between
the Two Points.Fig.4-29
McCabe-Thiele Diagram  .

 The Equilibrium Line

 Represents Water Content of Gas
That Will Be in Equilibrium With
Various TEG Conc.
 .

 Depends on:
 TEG Circulation Rate(gal/ lb.H2O)
 Number of Contactor Trays
 Choose Various Conc.

 Determine Equilibrium Dew Points at

Contactor Operating Temp. Fig. 4-56

 Determine Gas Water Content for

Each Conc. From Fig. 4-53

 Construct the Equilibrium Line With

the Above Points
Dew Point of Aqueous TEG Vs
•Fig. 4-56
Table 4-6
 Percentage Teg Equilibrium Dew Point Water Content of Gas at Dew Point
 Temperature at 100 0F Temperature and 1000 Psig
 _____________ ______________ ______________________
 99 12 3.2Ib H2O/MMcf
 98 30 6.3
 97 40 9.0
 96 47 11.7
 95 51 13.3
 Determine Theoretical Trays  Tray Efficiency
Number  Bubble Cap Tray Efficiency = 25%
 Step off by Triangulation on the Two
McCable-Thiele Diagram Lines.
 Valve Tray Efficiency = 33.5%
 Actual Tray Number =
 No. of Theoretical Trays  Tray Spacing = 24”
 Contactor Tray Efficiency
 Always Round Up Trays Number
TEG Reconcentrator Specifications

TEG Dehydration Design
 Packed Contactor Special  Reboiler
Consideration.  Total Heat Load(Ht)
 Depth of Packing = No. of Theoretical
 By Estimation
 Ht = 2000 L
 Depth Footage is Normally Rounded up  Normally Enough for HP Requirement
to Whole Number of Glycol Dehydrator Sizing.

 Detail Determination
 Glycol Reconcentrator
 Ht = HL + Hw + Hr + Hh
 Glycol Circulation Rate(L).
 Lw Wi qo  gal/hr
L   HL = TEG Heat Requirement(Btu/hr)
 Lw  Teg/H2O Conc. Ratio
  gal(Teg)/lb (H2O)
 Wi  Inlet Gas Water Content.

 =
L i C  T2  T1 
  lbH2O/mm Scf (Gas)
 qo  Gas Flow Rate at Operating
 i = TEG Density at Reboiler

 Conditions(mm Scf/day)
 Average Temp. lb/gal
 H = Heat Needed to Vaporize
TEG Dehydration
Design R

Reflux Water in the Still

 = 0.25 Hw Btu/hr
 C = TEG Specific Heat at Reboiler
 Avg. Temp. btu/lb/0f
 HH = Heat Losses From Reboiler
 T2 = TEG Outlet Temp. 0F  and Stripping Still Surfaces(Btu/hr)
 T1 = TEG Inlet Temp. 0 F  HH By Estimation
 HH = 5000 to 20,000 Btu/hr
 = 1200 for High
 i C  T2  T1
  Pressure TEG
 Depending on Size.
 HH By Detail Determination
 Dehydrator
 HH = 0.24 As (T2 - T1)

 Hw = Water Heat of Vaporization  As  Total Reboiler and Still

 Btu/hr  Exposed Surface Area Ft2
 T2  Vessel Fluid Temp. 0F
 = 970.3 (Wi - Wo) qo
 24  T1  Min. Ambient Temp.
 970.3 = Water Heat of Vaporization
 0.24  Heat Load Constant For Large
 at 212 0Fand 14.7 psia in btu/lbm Insulated Surfaces IDE
btu/hr/ft2. 0F
 9

TEG Dehydration Design
 Fire Box Surface Area  Types of Pumps
 Required Info.  Glycol Pumps
 Heat Flux of about 7000 Btu/ 0F  Uses Rich Glycol to Pump Lean
Glycol.(Table 4-11 for Selection)

 AF = Ht = Total Surface Area

 Positive Displacement and
 7000 of Fire Box (ft )
Centrifugal Pumps
 = Fire Box Diameter X
 Overall U-tube Length

 Glycol Flash Separator
= D F X LF
 Sized by Retention Time
 Table 4-7 Consists of Specs of Glycol
Concentrator Components.  Flash Separator Retention = 5 mins.
 VL = LT  Settling Vol.(gals)
 TEG Circulating Pump
 VL = Settling Volume gal •SL
 Required Information/data IDE
 T = Retention time - 5 mins
 TEG Circulation Rate L (Gal/hr.) 4
 L = Glycol Circulation Rate- Gal/hr
 Max. Operating Pressure  psig 0
•Ono •SITP / O & G •
TEG Dehydration Design
 Stripping Gas Reconcentrator
 With the Above Get Other Separator
 2-10 ft3/gal TEG Circulated
Specs From Table

 Sivalls Stripping Still Sizing Chart

 Stripping Still Fig 4-57
 Diameter Depends on  Determine Still Cross-sectional
 Vapor and Liquid Loading at Area Using
the Still Base  TEG Circulation Rate L(gph)

 TEG to Water Circulation Rate LW

 Vapor  Water Vapor(Stream)
+ Stripping Gas
  All Flowing Up  Packing Height
 Liquid  Rich TEG + Reflux  4ft for 1.5 Ceramic Intalox
  All Flowing Down Saddles Type Packing
 Required Number of Trays
 1 Theoretical tray
Sivalls Stripping Still Chart
TEG Dehydration Design Example
 Example 4-3
 Size a TEG Dehydrator System for a Gas Stream to be dehydrated to meet the following requirements.
 Gas flow Rate 10.0 mm sfc/day
 Gas specific Gravity 0.70 Glycol Specific Gravity 1.11
 Operating Line Pressure 1000. 0 psig
 Contactor Max. Working Pressure 1440.0 psig
 Gas Inlet Temperature 100 0F
 Outlet Gas Water Content 7.0 lb H2O/mm scf
 Selected Design Criteria:
 TEG to Water Circulation Rate 3.0 galTEG/lb H2O
 Lean TEG Concentration 99.5 % TEG
 Use Trayed-Type Contactor With Valve Trays

 Contactor Sizing
 a. With Gas Flow Rate of 10.0 mm scf/day and 1000 psig Operating Pressure, From Fig 4-26 Select 24” Diameter.
 b. Approx. Gas Capacity at 24” Diameter and 1000 psig = 11.3 mm scf/day
 c. From Table 4- 5
 Ct = 1
 Cg = 1  qo = qs . Ct . Cg = 11.3 x 1.0 x 1.0 = 11.3 mm scf/day

TEG Dehydration Design Example

( Lean TEG Conc.)  i

i 
TEG Dehydration Design Example
 iii. Operating Line Points.
 Column Top 7.0 lb. H2O/mm cf and 99.5 % TEG
 Column Bottom 61 lb H2O/mm cf and 96.0 % TEG

 iv. Equilibrium Line Points

 Percentage TEG Equilibrium dew Point Water Content of Gas at Dew Point
 Temperature at 100 0F Temperature and 1000 psig
 ______________ _________________ _____________________
 99 12 3.2 lb. H2O/mm cf
 98 30 6.3
 97 40 9.0
 96 47 11.7
 95 51 13.3
 v. Construct McCabe-Thiele Diagram See Fig 4-29
 Number of Theoretical trays = 1.48
 Number of Actual trays = 1.48 = 4.44 = 5
 0.33

Is Recovery Profitable?
Three Options for Minimizing Glycol Dehydrator Emissions

Option Capital Annual O&M Emissions Payback

Costs Costs Savings Period
130 – 13,133
Circulation Negligible Negligible Immediate
5 months
Install Flash $5,000 - 236 – 7,098
Negligible – 17
Tank $10,000 Mcf/year
$4,200 - 360 – 36,000 months –
Electric $3,600
$23,400 Mcf/year several
Replace Glycol Unit with
Desiccant Dehydrator
 Desiccant Dehydrator
 Wet gasses pass through drying bed of desiccant
 Tablets absorb moisture from gas and dissolve
 Moisture removal depends on:
 Type of desiccant (salt)
 Gas temperature and pressure

Hygroscopic Typical T and P Cost

Salts for Pipeline Spec
Calcium chloride 47oF 440 psig Least expensive
Lithium chloride 60oF 250 psig More expensive
Desiccant Performance

Desiccant Performance Curves at Maximum

Pipeline Moisture Spec (7 pounds water / MMcf)

Max Spec Line

for CaCl2
Max Spec Line
for LiCl2
Desiccant Dehydrator Schematic

Filler Hatch
Desiccant Level
Dry Sales Gas

Desiccant Level
Drying Bed
Inlet Wet Gas


Drain Valve
Estimate Capital Costs

 Determine amount of desiccant needed to

remove water
 Determine inside diameter of vessel
 Costs for single vessel desiccant dehydrator
 Capital cost varies between $3,000 and $17,000
 Gas flow rates from 1 to 20 MMcf/day
 Capital cost for 20-inch vessel with 1 MMcf/day gas
flow is $6,500
 Installation cost assumed to be 75% of capital cost
MMcf = Million Cubic Feet
How Much Desiccant Is Needed?
Example: Where:
D=? D = Amount of desiccant needed (pounds/day)
F = 1 MMcf/day F = Gas flow rate (MMcf/day)
I = 21 pounds/MMcf I = Inlet water content (pounds/MMcf)
O = 7 pounds/MMcf O = Outlet water content (pounds/MMcf)
B = 1/3 B = Desiccant/water ratio vendor rule
of thumb

D = F * (I - O) * B
D = 1 *(21 - 7) * 1/3
D = 4.7 pounds desiccant/day

MMcf = Million Cubic Feet Source: Van Air
Calculate Vessel Inside
Example: Where:
ID = ? ID = Inside diameter of the vessel (inch)
D = 4.7 pounds/day D = Amount of desiccant needed
T = 7 days T = Assumed refilling frequency (days)
B = 55 pounds/cf B = Desiccant density (pounds/cf)
H = 5 inch H = Height between minimum and
maximum bed level (inch)


ID = 12* 4*D*T*12 = 16.2 inch


Commercially ID available = 20 inch

Note: Source: Van Air
cf = Cubic Feet
Operating Costs

 Operating costs
 Desiccant: $2,059/year for 1 MMcf/day example
 $1.20/pound desiccant cost
 Brine Disposal: Negligible
 $1/bbl brine or $14/year
 Labor: $1,560/year for 1 MMcf/day example
 $30/hour
 Total: ~$3,633/year

 Gas savings
 Gas vented from glycol dehydrator
 Gas vented from pneumatic controllers
 Gas burner for fuel in glycol reboiler
 Gas burner for fuel in gas heater
 Less gas vented from desiccant dehydrator
 Methane emission savings calculation
 Glycol vent + Pneumatics vents – Desiccant vents
 Operation and maintenance savings
 Glycol O&M + Glycol fuel – Desiccant O&M
Gas Vented from Glycol
Dehydrator Where:
GV = ? GV= Gas vented annually (Mcf/year)
F = 1 MMcf/day F = Gas flow rate (MMcf/day)
W = 21-7 pounds H2O/MMcf W = Inlet-outlet H2O content (pounds/MMcf)
R = 3 gallons/pound R = Glycol/water ratio (rule of thumb)
OC = 150% OC = Percent over-circulation
G = 3 cf/gallon G = Methane entrainment (rule of thumb)

GV = (F * W * R * OC * G * 365 days/year)
1,000 cf/Mcf

GV = 69 Mcf/year

Glycol Dehydrator Unit

Source: GasTech
Gas Vented from Pneumatic
Example: Where:
GE= ? GE = Annual gas emissions (Mcf/year)
PD= 4 PD = Number of pneumatic devices per
EF = 126 Mcf/device/year EF = Emission factor
(Mcf natural gas leakage/
pneumatic devices per year)

GE = EF * PD Norriseal
GE= 504 Mcf/year Pneumatic Liquid
Level Controller

Source: norriseal.com
Gas Lost from Desiccant Dehydrator

Example: Where:
GLD = ? GLD = Desiccant dehydrator gas loss
ID = 20 inch (1.7 feet) ID = Inside Diameter (feet)
H = 76.75 inch (6.4 feet) H = Vessel height by vendor specification (feet)
%G = 45% %G = Percentage of gas volume in the vessel
P1= 15 Psia P1 = Atmospheric pressure (Psia)
P2 = 450 Psig P2 = Gas pressure (Psig)
T = 7 days T = Time between refilling (days)

GLD = H * ID2 * π * P2 * %G * 365 days/year
4 * P1 * T * 1,000 cf/Mcf
GLD = 10 Mcf/year
Desiccant Dehydrator Unit
Source: usedcompressors.com
Desiccant Dehydrator and
Glycol Dehydrator Cost
Type of Costs and Savings Desiccant Glycol
($/yr) ($/yr)
Implementation Costs
Capital Costs
Desiccant (includes the initial fill) 13,000
Glycol 20,000
Other costs (installation and engineering) 9,750 15,000
Total Implementation Costs: 22,750 35,000
Annual Operating and Maintenance Costs
Cost of desiccant refill ($1.20/pound) 2,059
Cost of brine disposal 14
Labor cost 1,560
Cost of glycol refill ($4.50/gallon) 167
Material and labor cost 4,680
Total Annual Operation and Maintenance Costs: 3,633 4,847

•Based on 1 MMcfd natural gas operating at 450 psig and 47°F

•Installation costs assumed at 75% of the equipment cost
Partner Reported

 Partners report cumulative methane

reduction of 12.5 Bcf since 1990
 Past emission reduction estimates for U.S
offshore is 500 MMcf/year or $1.5 million/year
Case Study

 One partner routes glycol gas from FTS to

fuel gas system, saving 24 Mcf/day (8,760
Mcf/year) at each dehydrator unit
 Texaco has installed FTS
 Recovers 98% of methane from the glycol
 Reduced emissions from 1,232 - 1,706 Mcf/year to
<47 Mcf/year
Lessons Learned

 Optimizing glycol circulation rates increase gas savings,

reduce emissions
 Negligible cost and effort
 FTS reduces methane emissions by ~ 90 percent
 Require a gas sink and platform space
 Electric pumps reduce O&M costs, reduce emissions,
increase efficiency
 Require electrical power source
 Desiccant dehydrator reduce O&M costs and reduce
emissions compared to glycol
 Best for cold gas
 In a central separation and treatment plant, 100
MMSCFD of gas containing 10% H2S are collected
at 500 psia and 80 F. The gas is first treated using a
DEA process to reduce its H2S content down to 3
ppm. The sweet gas is then compressed to 1500 psia
and cooled down to 110F. The gas is then
dehydrated using a glycol dehydration process
which reduces its water content down to 7
lbs/MMSCF. Finally, a solid desiccant process is used
to further dehydrate (polish) the gas to reduce its
water content to less than 1 ppm as shown below.
•Temperature profile for a two-tower operation.
 Assuming that the gas is fed to the compressor at
500 psia and 80F and that it is saturated with water
vapor, determine the amount of free water in the
gas after its compression and cooling (1500 psia
and 110 F).
 Why is it necessary to compress and cool the gas
before the dehydration process?
 Determine the required diameter of the glycol
contactor using CD=0.852 and dm=120 mm.
 Determine the required glycol circulation rate in
gallons per minute and the reboiler duty assuming
the lean glycol concentration to be 98.5%.
 Discuss the limitations on the temperatures of the
glycol and gas.
 Draw the process flow diagram of the solid
desiccant dehydration process used for
polishing the gas.
 Determine the volume of the desiccant
needed and the diameter and height of the
absorber given that the maximum superficial
velocity allowed in the tower is 40 ft/min and
using a cycle time of 8 h.
Discussion Questions

 To what extent are you implementing these

 How can the Lessons Learned studies be
improved upon or altered for use in your
 What are the barriers (technological,
economic, lack of information, regulatory,
focus, manpower, etc.) that are preventing
you from implementing this technology?

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