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Create 3D Surfaces from Interpretations

1. The first process in editing the input data is
creating 3D surfaces out of the 3D seismic lines.
This process is summarized by the following
steps: Expand the Utilities item in the Process
Pane, and then double click on the Make/Edit
Surface. The Make/Edit Surface dialog box
2. In the Input Pane window, select the 3D seismic
lines whose surface is to be created; in this case
select Top c Sand Then go to the Geometry tab,
and select the Automatic.
Press Apply. A surface will be created in Result surface as
shown in Fig.

1. Repeat the same process for the all horizon . But before
you create the other surfaces you have to remove the
previous surface by right clicking and choose Remove icon
from drop site and click No.
Create a
New 3D

•To create pillar gridding, follow the steps:

• Start the process of creating a new 3D Grid.
• Go to Structural Modeling item in the Processes pane.
• Double click on Pillar Gridding tab in the Processes pane.
•The Pillar Gridding process dialog box pops up. A 2D window will automatically open and
display the faults model in map view, as shown
Displayed in 3D window
Geometrical Property Modeling

Geometrical Modeling is the process where you can use some pre-defined functions to generate properties (e.g.
Bulk Volume, Depth, Height above Contact, and more). This section will describe general things about the
property modeling, such as using filters and the property player. The distribution of properties in 3D, based on up-
scaled logs, will also be described in general. Geometrical properties are properties created by using pre-defined
system variables such as Cell Height, Bulk Volume, Depth and Above Contact. Each cell will get a numerical value
corresponding to the selected system variable. These properties can be important in volume calculations and in
mathematical operations between petrophysical properties (e.g. for Sw transforms). Geometrical Modeling is not
restricted to simple geometrical properties such as bulk volume or volume above a contact level but also covers
more complex property distributions such as: Random, Normal Distribution, Zones, Segments, Zones/Segments,
Faults, Faults/Segments, Seismic, Connected Volumes.
Property Modeling

•To create a bulk volume property, follow the steps:

• Choose Property Modeling item from Processes
• Double click on the Geometrical Modeling
• A Geometrical Modeling with Top Tarbert
window pops up. Select Create new property
option, see Fig. 1
• Change the Select Method option to use for
generating the new property to Cell Volume
• case use Bulk Volume as property template, as
• Press Apply.
• Click OK. See Fig.3.
Fig. 3: Geometrical Modeling displayed in a 3D
window along with the Pillar Gridding and zones
while the Bulk volume is shown under the
Properties tab in the Model Pane.
Upscaling in the Vertical Direction

Scale Up Well Logs

The scale up of well logs is an automatic process with some user settings available. When scaling up the well logs
Petrel will first find the 3D grid cells that the wells penetrate. For each grid cell all log values that fall within the cell
will be averaged according to the selected algorithm to produce one log value for that cell. The resulting 3D grid will
only hold values for the 3D grid cells that the wells have penetrated

How you can upscalling the logs:

1. Choose Property Modeling item from Processes Pane.
2. Double click on the Scale up will logs process.
3. In the Scale Up Well Logs Process dialog use the Create new Property option.
4. Select the wells to be included in the process.
5. Select the porosity log as the Log to be used.
6. Define Scale Up Settings. Arithmetic as average Method, treat the log as lines and use Neighbor cell as Method.
Press OK to create the property model. See Fig1
Repeat the Upscale steps again for permeability logs.
Under the Models tab check the Properties folder that new properties have been created. Display them in the 3D
See Fig. 2
Scale up will logs dialog box
:Properties of Porosity displayed in a 3D window
Petrophysical Modeling

Deterministic Modeling
When the well logs have been scaled up to the resolution of the cells in the 3D grid, the values for each cell along
the well trajectory can be interpolated between the wells in the 3D grid. The result is a grid with Property values
for each cell.

To deterministic modeling, follow the steps:

1. Activate the depth converted grid under the project.
2. Open the Petrophysical Modeling process.
3. Select Use Existing Property and select the Porosity
property as the property to be modeled from the drop
down menu.
4. Select the c sand top from the Pull down menu and de-
select the Leave Zone Unchanged icon for that zone to
create a realization.
5. Select the Moving average as the Method; leave all other
settings as default, as shown by Fig.1.
1. Click OK to create the property model and display the
model in the 3D Window.
2. Use the Zone Filter to display the appropriate zone.

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