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ELC 101, Mr.


• Day 3
• Unit 2
• Electrical Quantities and Ohm’s Law
Day 2 Assignment: pp 53-79

• Review Question p. 79 1-14

1) What is a Coulomb?

• A set quantity of electrons, approximately

6.25 1018 or 6,250,000,000,000,000,000
2) What is an ampere?

• An ampere is one coulomb passing a set

point in one second. In other words,
ampere a quantity of electrons in
movement, i.e. electrical current
3) Define voltage?

• Voltage is electromotive force (EMF), or the

potential difference in electrons between
points that when a circuit is closed between
these points, this potential both pushes and
pulls current through the circuit. In terms of
quantities, a volt is the potential necessary
to cause 1 coulomb to produce 1 joule of
4) Define Ohm?

• One ohm is a quantity of resistance that

allows one ampere of current to flow when
the applied voltage is one.
5) Define Watt?

• Wattage is power and is proportional to

voltage and amperage. P = EI
6) An electric heating element has a resistance of 16
 and is connected to a voltage of 120v. How much
current will flow in this circuit?

• E=RI, I=E/R, I = 120/16, I=7.5

7) How many watts of heat are being
produced by the heating element in
Question 6?
• P = EI,
• P = 120 x 7.5
• P = 900W
8) A 240V circuit has a current flow
of 20A. How much resistance is
connected in the circuit?
• E = RI, R = E/1
• R = 240/20
• R = 12Ω
9) An electric motor has an apparent
resistance of 15. If 8 A of current
are flowing through the motor, what
is the connected
• E = RI voltage?
• E= 15x8
• E = 120V
10) A 240V air-conditioning
compressor has an apparent
resistance of 8 Ohms. How much
current will
• E = RI, I=E/Rflow in the circuit?
• I = 240/8
• I = 30A
11) How much power is being used
by the motor in Question 10?
• P = EI
• P = 240x30
• P = 7200W or 7.2kW
12) A 5kW electric heating unit is
connected to a 240V line. What is
the current flow in the circuit?
• P = EI, I = P/E
• 5kW = 5000W
• I = 5000/240
• I = 20.8A
13) If the voltage in question 12 is
reduced to 120V, how much current
would be needed to produce the
same amount
• I = P/E of power?
• I = 5000/120
• I = 41.6A (if the voltage is cut by half then
the amps have to be double to reach the
same power level)
14) Is it less expensive to operate
the electric heating unit in Question
12 on 240 V or 120V?
• In theory it should cost the same to operate
since one pays for watts and the watts have
not changed.
• It is less expensive in terms of wires to run
higher voltage because you draw less amps
and so you can use smaller wires.
Coulomb’s law of electrostatic
charges, states that the force of
electrostatic attraction or repulsion is
directly proportional to the product of
the two charges and inversely
proportional to the square of the
distance between them

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