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Demand Forecasting

• Forecast is an estimate about the future value of a

variable such as demand. The better the estimate,
more informed decision can be taken.

 Long Term: Strategic

 Short Term: Operational
Classification of Demand
Forecasting Techniques
1. Judgmental Forecasts: Qualitative
2. Time-series Forecasts: Based on the historical data
with assumption that future will be like past.
3. Associative Forecasts: dependent and independent
Demand Forecasting
Product Design
Features of Demand Forecasting
1. Timely
2. Accurate
3. Reliable
4. In writing
5. Simple to understand and interpret
Techniques of Demand Forecasting
1. Quantitative Methods
2. Qualitative Methods
Qualitative Methods
1. Consumer Opinion Survey
2. Sales Force Composite
3. Group Discussion
4. Delphi Technique (Selected independent experts
answers questionnaires in two or more rounds,
without face to face interaction)
5. Market Simulation
6. Test Marketing
7. Market Research

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