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Vision Saver Optical

Management System
Chapter V
Results and Discussions

This chapter discusses about the results finding of

the system by the different screenshots.
Developed System
This module authenticates
the administrator’s account and
it needed a username and
password to proceed to the
main page of the system. From
this section, this allows the
system for security of the
whole program so that there
will be no other user to
intercept the system.
shows the view of the
system, where this
form is the main page
and the center of the
system. Upon this
form, there is: Patient
Inventory, Point of
Sales, Report and the
The function of this
module is to manage
patients information, and
this was used to create new
data to the database. Upon
this module has its
previewing of the whole
information of the client.
this view is the
diagnosis of the
patient’s information
under the module of
the Patient
Information. From this
module, the diagnosis
shows the information
just by picking up the
date and inside this
module also print the
shows the inventory of
the system where this
process is intended for
the products from the
clinic. It has the
managing of the product
like add, update and
delete. Once the admin
add another product/s in
the inventory, it
immediately processes
the response to the
database for having
another data.
shows the lists of
all products in the
view of Crystal
Report. It
contains in the
table are the
products in fully
shows the manipulation
of the sales, and this
module can use to add
another transaction and
deleting inside the
POS. In this interface,
there is a managing of
data from adding, new
transact, print and
This shows the report of
the diagnosis of the
patient for every
session. This function
gives the report of the
status in the terms of
date and the diagnosis of
the patient
This shows the
actual view of the
official receipt of the
Optical Clinic.
This report shows
the generating of
report for the
monthly sales. This
module gives the
processes in DATE,
where the DATE is
needed a gap from
past to the present
This shows the report
for the monthly sales
in the clinic from the
view of Crystal
This report shows the
generating of report for
the daily sales. This
module gives the
processes in DATE,
where the DATE is
needed to view the
inputted record/s from
the suggested day.
Compatibility Testing Result
The developers conducted compatibility
testing to given hardware specification.
About the compatibility testing, all the
functions or modules gave the specific
performance process of each that’s inside
the system developed.
System Features’ shows the compatibility testing
Checklist scenario and respond time and
√ √ √ it is also showing the three (3)
Login of the system
compatible Operating Systems:
√ √ √ Windows 10, Windows 8 and
Adding patient
Windows 7. As it is shown
√ √ √ above the table was the general
Search of the patient
situation inside the processing
√ √ √ of system. Every process of
Add of the product
each function was just marked
√ √ √ by checked and it meant so say
Search of the product
that it is good in running from
√ √ √ the assigned operating system.
Print inventory report The result shows the different
√ √ √ Windows can adopt and run
Receipt print the system interface design and
Evaluation Result
Usability Result

Learnability - Degree to which a product or

system can be used by specified users to achieve
specified goals of learning to use the product or
system with effectiveness, efficiency, freedom
from risk and satisfaction in a specified context Usability Result
of use.

Operability - Degree to which a product or

system has attributes that make it easy to operate 4.40 STRONGLY AGREE
and control.

Used error protection - Degree to which a system

protects users against making errors.
Accessibility - Degree to The study used the Usability because
which a product or
the system records the client’s information
system can be used by
immediately, and the system used by
people with the widest
range of characteristics 4.60 STRONGLY AGREE specified user to achieve specified goals
and capabilities to with effectiveness, efficiency and
achieve a specified goal satisfaction in a specified context of use.
in a specified context of
The grand mean shown from the criteria is
rated in 4.62and its qualitative rating was
User interface
Strongly Agree. Under the evaluation and
aesthetics - Degree to
computation, the outcome of the
which a user interface
4.70 STRONGLY AGREE Learnability is 4.90; under Operability is
enables pleasing and
satisfying interaction 4.40; used error protection is 4.50;
for the user. Accessibility is 4.60; and used interface
Mean 4.62 STRONGLY AGREE aesthetics is 4.70.
Reliability Result

Maturity - Degree to which a

system, product or component
meets needs for reliability
under normal operation.

Availability - Degree to which

a system, product or
component is operational and 4.80 STRONGLY AGREE
accessible when required for
The study used the Reliability
Fault to tolerance - Degree
to which a system, product because the system is automatically
or component operates as
4.50 STRONGLY AGREE calculating every transaction done, the
intended despite the
presence of hardware or system is capable to restore previous
software faults.
data and the system is secure from any
authorized person. The grand mean
Recoverability - Degree to shown from the criteria is rated in 4.63
which, in the event of an
interruption or a failure, a
and its qualitative rating was Strongly
product or system can
4.70 STRONGLY AGREE Agree. Under the evaluation and
recover the data directly
affected and re-establishes computation, the outcome of the
the desired state of the
Maturity is 4.50; under Availability is
4.80; Fault to Tolerance is 4.50; and
Mean 4.63 STRONGLY AGREE Recoverability is 4.70.
Chapter VI
Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendations
This chapter discusses summary, conclusion and
recommendation. The conclusion states the observation of
the users based on performance, quality of information
and security and control. Recommendations are based on
the results that might lead to the improvement of the
system and enhancement of the implementation of the
Optical Clinic is a shop that offers different type services like Pediatric and Adult Eye
Examination, Binocular Vision and Orthotics, Management, Amblyopia and Strabismus
Treatment and Optical Clinic offer various type of eyewear, eye drops, contact lens, eye ware
frames. the researchers developed the study on record management system and inventory for
Optical to provide a faster and reliable of patient’s record, and as well as a time efficient and
reliable inventory of eye lenses, eye glasses and other optical products. From this system, it is an
automatic system that is used to manage patient information by their products. It is meant to
provide the administrator, with information in real time to make their work more interesting and
less stressing, and it makes the flow of transaction makes better.
The main objective of this study was to design and develop a
Computerized Record Management System and to examine the
functionalities of the system. To accomplish this goal, it became necessary to
reach some qualification.

The researchers used different technologies in the project as .NET

Framework, used to organize codes, prevents data redundancy, it makes code
readable, reusable, reliable and enables us to maintain the program code,
modify it and easy determine any exceptions.
The study used the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) using Rapid Application
Development (RAD). It is methodology for compressing the analysis, design, build and
test phase into a series of short iterative development cycle. In contracting the system the
researcher use the as a tool used the testing tool such as performance, integration
and capability.
The researchers’ Study is located at Vision Saver Optical Clinic and which they’ve
evaluated. This is situated along at the 2nd floor, XentroMall, Barangay, Villasis,
Santiago City. As the Data Flow Diagram illustrates how the data is processed by a
system in terms of inputs and outputs. Entity Relationship Diagram was also used to
illustrate the structure of the data in the database of the system. Functional
Decomposition Diagram was use to show the level of functionalities of the system.
Fishbone Diagram also known as the Ishikawa Diagram, it was also known the
requirement specification of the system. The Cost Benefit Analysis was used by the
searchers to quantify the necessary budget of the sponsoring agency. From the Gantt
Chart, it was used for the wireframe was used to plan and design the blue print of the
system. Compatibility Checking, though the use of it was to identifying the hardware
and software availability and procurement if necessary.
1. The Vision Saver Optical Clinic Record Management System can:

 In the system, it composed of many managing modules to be use such as:

management for the patient’s information, bills of patient, and daily and
monthly sales.
 Monitor and Inventory Stocks
 Generation of Reports such as: Patient Information and Diagnosis, Daily,
Monthly and Sales and Inventory of Stocks and Patient’s optical
diagnosis history.
2. The proponents used Compatibility Testing to test the
compatibility to the different functionality of the system
using the operating system: Windows 7, Windows 8 and
Windows 10. The result shows that the system is working
using any of the Windows operating system versions 7, 8
and 10.
3.The result of the system’s evaluation using the ISO 25010 criteria
such as: Usability and Reliability, the system obtained a grand mean
of 4.62. For Usability obtained a grand mean of 4.62; Reliability
obtained a grand mean of 4.33, and they both also acquired a
qualitative rating of Strongly Agree. This statistic implies that the
system was fully functional based on the standards set by the ISO
25010 criteria.
The proponents aimed the following recommendation for
the future researchers:

2.Scheduling of Patients Appointment
3.Printing of graphical eye with defect

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