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Trading body to a territorial power: subsequent

The unrivalled position of the Portuguese in holding monopoly of trade
with the East was an eyesore for some of the maritime powers. England in
particular was very keen to establish commercial relations with the East, and
share its lucrative trade. On September 22, 1599, some prominent London
merchants held a meeting in Founder’s Hall with the Lord Mayor in the chair.

After great deliberations, they petitioned the Queen to incorporate them into a
company for carrying on trade with the Indies. On December 31, 1600, they
succeeded in procuring a Royal Charter. Thus East India Company under the
name of “The governor and company of merchants trading into the east
Indies” came into existence.
 The first Charter of 1600 was mainly designed for trade in order to meet
competition with the Portuguese and the Dutch. Charter of 1600 laid the
foundations for British Government in India, although at that time no one in
England dreamed for the establishment of British rule in India. However,
this Charter contained all the provisions necessary for the constitution of a
government according to law in any territory.

 This Charter granted permit to traffic and use the trade of merchandise and
to assemble themselves in any convenient place, to make reasonable laws
and ordinances for the good government of the East India Company. The
factories, on the other hand, were given power to make reasonable laws and
impose punishments.
 The second Charter of 1661 gave East India Company the power to coin money, to
administer justice and to punish the interlopers. It also empowered the Company to
constitute Governor’s council and appoint other officers for their government.

 The Governor and councils were authorised to administer justice in all causes,
civil as well as criminal, according to the laws of the kingdom and to execute
judgment accordingly. Charter of 1661 gave the East India Company power to
make peace or war with non-Christians, erect fortifications, and seize interlopers.

 Thus, it will be seen that various aspects of sovereignty were conferred by the first
Charter of sixteen hundred and they were further extended by the Charter of 1661.
 For the first time the Charter of 1669 gave territorial sovereignty
to the East India Company by granting to it the port of Bombay.

 It also enlarged its administrative, judicial and other

governmental powers.

 The East India Company was also invested with Civil and
Military Government

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