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DB2 10.

5: Installation

© 2010 IBM Corporation


Getting Started
DB2 pureScale Installation Methods
Pre-installation checks for pureScale AIX/Linux
Installing using the db2setup command 图形界面
Installing using the db2_install command
DB2 pureScale Instance - db2icrt
Extending an Instance using db2iupdt – Adding a member of CF
Dropping Instances using db2iupdt – Dropping a member or CF
Post Installation checks
Removing pureScale Feature – db2_deinstall, db2idrop

© 2010 IBM Corporation

DB2 pureScale Installation Methods
• DB2 Setup Wizard – GUI Installer which can install and setup the instance –
• Response file Installation – Silent Installation
• Command line installation – db2_install
This Installation requires manual configuration.
Install on Instance Initiating Host (IIH) then create instance
Extend instance either to a member or CF (PowerHA pureScale Servers)
• Instance Utilities:
- db2icrt /db2icrt_local– Instance Creation
- db2iupdt/db2iupdt_local – Instance Update / Upgrade Instance from ESE -> DSF
- db2ilist - list instances
- db2idrop/db2idrop_local – drop instance
- db2isetup – instance setup on remote hosts using a response file:
db2isetup –R –r /tmp/db2i0013.rsp –l <logname> -t <trcename>
- db2iset – registry variable setter.

© 2010 IBM Corporation

Pre-Installation checks - AIX
• Software Product Compatibility Reports
• Check that the operating system meets the requirements

• If 7.1 TL3 SP4 RSCT must be installed

• Minimum C++ runtime level – lslpp -L xlC.rte – or higher
• Minimum openssh level supported is:

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AIX Requirements - SSH
• Verify the version of openSSH installed, minimum level is

If not installed, can be found at:

• To check the level installed: lslpp -l | grep openssh

# lslpp -l | grep -i ssh
openssh.base.client COMMITTED Open Secure Shell Commands
openssh.base.server COMMITTED Open Secure Shell Server
openssh.license COMMITTED Open Secure Shell License COMMITTED Open Secure Shell
openssh.msg.en_US COMMITTED Open Secure Shell Messages -
openssh.base.client COMMITTED Open Secure Shell Commands
openssh.base.server COMMITTED Open Secure Shell Server

• Edit the ssh configuration :

/etc/ssh/ssh_config /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Port 22 PermitRootLogin yes
Protocol 2,1 PasswordAuthentication no

© 2010 IBM Corporation

AIX Requirements - SSH
• Configure password less ssh for the root user across the servers in the PureScale cluster
• Svr1:
mkdir $HOME/.ssh
cd $HOME/.ssh
Ssh-keygen -t dsa (use the defaults) e.g:
# ssh-keygen -t dsa
Generating public/private dsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/.ssh/id_dsa):
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in /.ssh/id_dsa.
Your public key has been saved in /.ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
e6:e9:df:15:ce:3d:a6:bd:80:a8:ee:3b:87:ae:a8:61 root@svr1
dsa => Digital Signature Algorithm

• Copy the to authorized_keys

# cat >> authorized_keys
# chmod 644 authorized_keys

• Create the for each of the other servers and add to the authorized_keys file
# cat >> authorized_keys
• Copy the authorized_keys file to each of the other servers $HOME/.ssh directory

© 2010 IBM Corporation

AIX Requirements - Network
• Verify required uDapl and IB filesets are installed for IB / RoCE
(lslpp -l bos.mp64 devices.chrp.IBM.lhca.rte devices.common.IBM.ib.rte
devices.pciex.b3154a63.rte devices.pciex.b315506714101604.rte udapl.rte)
udapl => User Direct Access Protocol Library

# lslpp -l bos.mp64 devices.chrp.IBM.lhca.rte devices.common.IBM.ib.rte devices.pciex.b3154a63.rte devices.pciex.b315506714101604.rte udapl.rte

Fileset Level State Description
Path: /usr/lib/objrepos
bos.mp64 COMMITTED Base Operating System 64-bit Multiprocessor Runtime
devices.chrp.IBM.lhca.rte COMMITTED Infiniband Logical HCA Runtime Environment
devices.common.IBM.ib.rte COMMITTED Infiniband Common Runtime Environment
devices.pciex.b3154a63.rte COMMITTED 4X PCI-E DDR Infiniband Device Driver
devices.pciex.b315506714101604.rte COMMITTED RoCE Host Bus Adapter (b315506714101604)

Path: /etc/objrepos
bos.mp64 COMMITTED Base Operating System 64-bit Multiprocessor Runtime
devices.chrp.IBM.lhca.rte COMMITTED Infiniband Logical HCA Runtime Environment
devices.common.IBM.ib.rte COMMITTED Infiniband Common Runtime Environment
devices.pciex.b3154a63.rte COMMITTED 4X PCI-E DDR Infiniband Device Driver
devices.pciex.b315506714101604.rte COMMITTED RoCE Host Bus Adapter (b315506714101604)

© 2010 IBM Corporation

AIX Requirements – Network RoCE
• Check the adapters on the server:

# lsdev -Cc adapter

ent0 Available Virtual I/O Ethernet Adapter (l-lan)
hba0 Defined 00-00 PCIe2 10GbE RoCE Converged Host Bus Adapter
hba1 Available 01-00 PCIe2 10GbE RoCE Converged Host Bus Adapter
mlt0 Available Multilink Communication Adapter
pkcs11 Available ACF/PKCS#11 Device
roce0 Available 01-00-00 PCIe2 10GbE RoCE Converged Network Adapter
vsa0 Available LPAR Virtual Serial Adapter
vscsi0 Available Virtual SCSI Client Adapter
vscsi1 Available Virtual SCSI Client Adapter

• Check that the Infiniband Communicaiton manager is running:

lsdev -l icm
icm Available Infiniband Communication Manager

• Verify that the hba0 is IB enabled

# lsattr -El hba0
bar0 0xfbf00000 Bus memory address 0 False
bar1 0xfc000000 Bus memory address 1 False
bar2 0x80000000 Bus memory address 2 False
busintr 0 Bus interrupt level False
busintrl 45568 Bus interrupt False
devid 0xb315506714101604 Device ID False
intr_priority 3 Interrupt priority False
rom_mem 0x80080000 ROM memory address False
stack_type aix_ib RoCE Stack Type True
• To change hba0 to be IB enabled: chdev -l hba0 -a stack_type=aix_ib
© 2010 IBM Corporation
AIX Requirements – Network IB
• Check the adapters on the server:

$ lsdev -Cc adapter

ent0 Available Virtual I/O Ethernet Adapter (l-lan)
iba0 Available InfiniBand host channel adapter
iba1 Available InfiniBand host channel adapter
mlt0 Available Multilink Communication Adapter
vsa0 Available LPAR Virtual Serial Adapter
vscsi0 Available Virtual SCSI Client Adapter
vscsi1 Available Virtual SCSI Client Adapter

• Verify that the Infiniband Communication Manager is configured:

lsdev -l icm
icm Available Infiniband Communication Manager

• Check ICM configuration – smit icm

Change / Show an Infiniband Connection Manager
[Entry Fields]
Infiniband Communication Manager Device Name icm
Minimum Request Retries [1]
Maximum Request Retries [7]
Minimum Response Time (msec) [100]
Maximum Response Time (msec) [4300]
Maximum Number of HCA's [256]
Maximum Number of Users [65000]
Maximum Number of Work Requests [65000]
Maximum Number of Service ID's [1000]
Maximum Number of Connections [65000]
Maximum Number of Records Per Request [64]
Maximum Queued Exception Notifications Per User [1000]
Number of MAD buffers per HCA [64]
© 2010 IBM Corporation
AIX Requirements – Network IB
• Configure IB network interface(s).
– The IP address is for the RDMA interconnect
Change / Show an IB Interface
[Entry Fields]
Network Interface Name ib0
INTERNET ADDRESS (dotted decimal) []
Network MASK (hexadecimal or dotted decimal) []
IPV6 ADDRESS (colon separated) []
Prefixlength []
HCA Adapter [iba0]
* Adapter's port number [1]
Partition Key [0xFFFF]
MTU [65532]
Queue Sizes [4000]
QKey [0x1E]
Superpacket off
Interface Specific Network Options
('NULL' will unset the option)
rfc1323 [1]
tcp_mssdflt []
tcp_nodelay [1]
tcp_recvspace [262144]
tcp_sendspace [262144]
Current STATE up

• The IP Address must match the hostname in /etc/hosts that is used in the /etc/dat.conf

• Reference:

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AIX Requirements – Network
• Edit /etc/hosts for the interconnect
• For RoCE connections, the IP address is a pseudo address and is not pingable

The long form of the hostname is before the short name

• E.g:
# IP4 network hosts lpar212ps1 ps1 lpar213ps2 ps2 lpar214ps3 ps3 lpar215ps4 ps4 lpar102ps1 ps5 lpar103ps2 ps6 lpar104ps3 ps7 lpar105ps4 ps8
# Pseudo hosts for ROCE must match /etc/dat.conf lpar212ps1-en1-1 # member 0 lpar213ps2-en1-1 # member 1 lpar212ps1-en1-2 # CF 0 lpar213ps2-en1-2 # CF 1

• Edit the /etc/dat.conf to match the IP Adress to the RoCE card and port
hca0 u2.0 nonthreadsafe default /usr/lib/libdapl/libdapl2.a(shr_64.o) IBM.2.0 "/dev/roce0 1 lpar212ps1-en1-1"
hca1 u2.0 nonthreadsafe default /usr/lib/libdapl/libdapl2.a(shr_64.o) IBM.2.0 "/dev/roce0 2 lpar212ps1-en1-2"

© 2010 IBM Corporation

AIX Requirements – Network
• Test the RDMA interconnect using udapl_ping
• Create Hosts-Hca file
(hostname interface IB port (in /etc/dat.conf):
lpar212ps1 lpar212ps1-en1-1 hca0
lpar213ps2 lpar213ps2-en1-1 hca0
lpar212ps1 lpar212ps1-en1-2 hca1
lpar213ps2 lpar213ps2-en1-2 hca1

# validateUdaplPing Host-Hca
100 bytes from seq=0 time=53
100 bytes from seq=1 time=27
100 bytes from seq=2 time=29
100 bytes from seq=3 time=25
100 bytes from seq=4 time=28
round-trip average: 32
uDAPL ping from lpar212ps1-en1-1 (client) to lpar212ps1-en1-1 (server) was successful
100 bytes from seq=0 time=61
100 bytes from seq=1 time=24
100 bytes from seq=2 time=23
100 bytes from seq=3 time=23
100 bytes from seq=4 time=22
round-trip average: 30

© 2010 IBM Corporation

Disk Requirements
• Each disk to be used by GPFS and for the tie breaker MUST have the same Physical
Volume Identifier
• List the PV
# lspv
hdisk0 00f8c66193782fd6 rootvg active
hdisk1 none None
hdisk2 none None

• Change the PVID for the disk(s)

# chdev -l hdisk1 -a pv=yes
hdisk1 changed
# chdev -l hdisk2 -a pv=yes
hdisk2 changed
# lspv
hdisk0 00f8c66193782fd6 rootvg active
hdisk1 00f8c661da77f1a9 None
hdisk2 00f8c661da78064a None

Then on each of the servers in the PureScale cluster relod the hdisks
# rmdev -dl <disk>
# cfgmgr
# lspv
hdisk0 00f8c66193782fd6 rootvg active
hdisk1 00f8c661da77f1a9 None
hdisk2 00f8c661da78064a None

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Disk Requirements
• The following local free disk space on each host ( df -g):
• 3 GB to extract the installation
• 6 GB for the Installation path
• 5 GB for the /tmp directory
• 5 GB for the instance home directory
• 5 GB for the /var directory.

• Storage Support for SCSI-3PR recommended

• PR = Persistent Reserve
• Provides fast I/O fencing capabilities


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Pre-Installation – Snapshot for AIX Setups

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Pre-Installation checks - Linux
• OS Level SUSE SLES 10 SP4 : /proc/version and /etc/SuSe-release
Linux version Kernel
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 (x86_64)

• Open Fabrics Enterprise Distribution: Transport Layer between the CF and

Member (rpm -qa | grep OFED-IBM-DB2-pureScale-PTF) for RDMA


• Infiniband: ibstat / ibv_devinfo/ ibv_devices/ modinfo mlx4_ib/ : Infiniband

Mellanox QDR Cards
CA 'mlx4_0'
CA type: MT26428
Number of ports: 2
Firmware version: 2.9.1000
Hardware version: b0
Node GUID: 0x0002c9030007ecda
System image GUID: 0x0002c9030007ecdd

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Pre-Installation checks - Linux (cont.)

• configuration in /etc/dat.conf : DIRECT ACCESS TRANSPORT

OpenIB-cma-name u2.0 nonthreadsafe default dapl.2.0 “netname 0” “”
• Disks : Supported storage is IBM/LSI RDAC or EMC PowerPath
WWID or WWN for storage disks– should be same across nodes in the clusters ( /dev/disk/by-id
or fdisk -l)
lsmod | grep –I mpp will show that you have the required drivers loaded.
RSCT Tiebreaker disks can be UNIPATH only
Note: As in AIX MPIO , there is DM MP in Linux which is called native multipathing, disks using
Multipathing cannot be used for RSCT tiebreaker. Linux allows you to set tiebreaker but the
role will not be exercised when maintaining “QUORUM”, you can use IP tiebreakers but not
recommended in CUSTOMER installations.

Open SSH – and in /usr/lib and /usr/lib64 required

© 2010 IBM Corporation

Install Options

• Manual installation
• e.g. db2_install -b DB2DIR -p ese_dsf -t /tmp/db2_install.trc -l

• Response file installation

• Can both install and create instance
• e.g. db2setup –r dsf.rsp –l /tmp/db2setup.log –t /tmp/db2setup.trc

• db2setup

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db2setup (launchpad)

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• Click on Install a Product

• Click Install New

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db2setup (install action)

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db2setup (License Agreement)

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db2setup (response file)

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db2setup (Install Path)

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db2setup (Select language)

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db2setup (location to Information center)

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db2setup (Instance Setup)

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db2setup (Instance owner information)

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Db2setup (fenced user)

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Db2setup (Cluster File System)

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Db2setup (host list)

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Db2setup (add host)

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Db2setup (Summary Panel)

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Db2setup (complete)

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Installing DB2 pureScale manually – db2_install
• Manual Installation:
Run the db2_install and db2icrt/db2iupdt commands to install DB2 pureScale, create and extend
The db2_install command will install DB2 along TSA MP and GPFS on Instance Initiating Host (IIH)

• Method:
- download db2 product, then uncompress install package to get the ese_dsf
(enterprise server edition_data sharing feature) folder

- db2_install -b DB2DIR -p ese_dsf -t /tmp/db2_install.trc -l /tmp/db2_install.log

db2_install -b /opt/IBM/db2/V10.5 -p ese_dsf -t /tmp/db2_install.trc -l

• Installation Checks:
Verify install logs for DB2 along with TSA MP and GPFS installed (default under /tmp )
- lslpp -L sam*, /usr/sbin/rsct/install/bin/ctversion , /usr/sbin/rsct/bin/samversion
- lslpp -L gpfs* or rpm –qa | grep -i gpfs
- Check global.reg for install entries like db2, TSA MP and GPFS

© 2010 IBM Corporation

DB2 pureScale Instance - db2icrt
• Method:
- Creation of a member or CF can be done using db2icrt and can be done either on Instance Initiating Host
(IIH) or on a remote host
- If DB2 V10.5 is not installed on the remote host, then db2icrt will install and create the instance
- Only one member and one CF can be created using a db2icrt command

• Example:
db2icrt -d -instance_shared_dev /dev/hdisk2 –tbdev /dev/hdisk4 \
-cf coralpib101 -cfnet coralpib101-ib0 -m coralpib99 -mnet coralpib99-ib0 \
-u db2v105 db2v105

• Notes:
- Option “–d“ turns on debugging, check /tmp/db2icrt.trc.ProcessID
- Use “bootinfo –s hdisk2“ to check the size of disk for Cluster Filesystem and Tiebreaker (MByte).
- In case of user pre-defined cluster filesystem (GPFS) use the „-instance_shared_dir“ option and
file system path. TSA tiebreaker still needs to be passed into db2icrt command.
This type of GPFS is called “USER DEFINED GPFS“ and is not written in the global registry. When
dropping the instance we will not remove the GPFS.

© 2010 IBM Corporation

Adding a new member or CF using db2iupdt

• Method:
- db2iupdt command can be used to add a member server or CF
- adding can only be done when the instance is in offline state in v10.5.
- the instance can remain online when adding a member or CF in v11.1.

• Example:
db2iupdt -d -add -m coralpib100 -mnet coralpib100-ib0 -u db2v105 db2v105

db2iupdt -d -add -cf coralpib102 -cfnet coralpib102-ib0 -u db2v105 db2v105

• Notes:
- Option “–d“ turns on debugging
- Topology changes - check “lssam“ for new ressources added, db2diag.log and db2nodes.cfg

© 2010 IBM Corporation

Dropping a member or CF using db2iupdt

• Method:
- db2iupdt command can be used to drop a member server or CF
- dropping can only be done when the instance is in offline state in v10.5
- in v11.1, instance can be online while dropping CF. For dropping member,
instance has to be stopped.
- Instance will be removed and even peer domain and node from the GPFS
cluster but db2 will not be uninstalled on the remote host.
• Example:
db2iupdt -d -drop -m coralpib100 db2v105

db2iupdt -d -drop -cf coralpib102 db2v105

• Notes:
- Option “–d“ turns on debugging
- Topology changes - check "lssam“ for new ressources added, db2diag.log and db2nodes.cfg

© 2010 IBM Corporation

Post Installation Checks
• db2instance –list: will return instance and host states
• db2cluster –cm –list -domain: domain should be available ‘online’ on machine
• db2cluster –cm –list –host -state: the node that was added should be ‘online’
• db2cluster –cm –verify –resources : should be consistent with db2nodes.cfg
• db2cluster -cm -list –tiebreaker : Lists the type of device (type DISK) being
used as the DB2 cluster services tiebreaker
• db2cluster –cfs –list –domain : Cluster domain should be ‘active’
• db2cluster –cfs –list –host –state : the node that was added should be
• db2cluster –cfs –list –filesystem <fsname> -disk: will list which disk is being
used for GPFS
• db2cluster -cfs -list –tiebreaker: Lists the type of device being used as the
GPFS tiebreaker.
• <DB2INSTALLDIR>/bin/db2greg –dump: global registry should be updated.

© 2010 IBM Corporation

• Recovering from a failed db2iupdt –add or –drop action
- If the instance creation fails at the stage of resource creation, the instance will be rolled back, which
removes the node from GPFS and TSA PEER_DOMAIN.
- If the instance is in inconsistent state then run “db2iupdt –fixtopology” to drop the error prone instance

• In cases of adding extra disk to the existing GPFS , increasing user space, this
can be done online.
- db2cluster –cfs –list –filesystem
--------------------------------- -------------------------
svtfs0 /db2fs/svtfs0
svtfs1 /db2fs/svtfs1
- db2cluster –cfs –add –filesystem svtfs0 –disk /dev/dm-0

• In cases of using same TSA domain and you want to create new resource model
db2cluster –cm –verify -resources
db2cluster -cm -delete -resources
db2cluster -cm -create –resources

© 2010 IBM Corporation

Removing pureScale Instance – db2idrop
• Dropping the instance globally: db2idrop -d -g <instance name>
- global drop will destroy TSA peer domain and remove nodes from the GPFS
- GPFS cluster node from which db2idrop command was called will not be removed
- global registries on the nodes will be updated accordingly
- In cases of using db2idrop_local , only instance and related registry entries will be
removed, not the domain and cluster nodes

© 2010 IBM Corporation

db2_deinstall and post uninstall checks

• db2_deinstall –a: will uninstall db2 along with db2 and TSA MP and GPFS
• db2_deinstall –a –s TSAMP –s GPFS: will uninstall db2 but not TSAMP and
• Check for db2_deinstall.log in /tmp for components uninstalled and also, run
lslpp -L sam* and lslpp -L gpfs* for filesets related to the components

Note: If TSAMP and GPFS were not getting uninstalled, it means these entries
were not added to /var/db2/global.reg, so check your global.reg before you
uninstall or vice versa.

© 2010 IBM Corporation

Removing pureScale - manual cleanup
• Manual cleanup of a DB2 managed cluster file system:

db2cluster -cfs -list -filesystem

FILE SYSTEM NAME                       MOUNT_POINT

---------------------------------      -------------------------
db2fs1                                 /db2sd_20100911135206

db2cluster -cfs -stop -all

db2cluster -cfs -set -tiebreaker -majority
db2cluster -cfs -start -all
db2cluster -cfs -delete -filesystem <filesystem name>
db2cluster -cfs -list -domain
db2cluster -cfs -stop -all
db2cluster -cfs -delete -domain <domain name>
db2greg -delvarrec service=GPFS_CLUSTER,variable=NAME,installpath=-
db2greg -delvarrec service=DEFAULT_INSTPROF,variable=DEFAULT,installpath=-

© 2010 IBM Corporation

Installation diagnostics

• Install is done by root – most diagnostics not going to be in db2diag.log, so where?

• /tmp

• Using -d option for creating or updating instances (db2icrt/db2iupdt) always helpful

providing a trace that can be monitored.

• DB2 installs everything on remote hosts as well – not a bad idea to check for prereqs
before starting that process as it can be very time consuming! .. db2prereqcheck

• Adding members to a cluster entails many steps. Carefully review where the error is
• Extending TSAM/RSCT cluster
• Extending GPFS cluster

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Installation and Instance looking healthy
• db2instance -list : First command to check state of your instance.

• db2greg : Global registry – verifying DB2 is aware of the various components.

• lssam : After starting the members, check that the TSAM resources are Online and
ready to go (if one member has resources terminated, may not be able to see
anything – sometimes helps to run from a different node)

• mmlsmount all -L : Verify filesystems are mounted properly on all hosts.

• Verify the installation and instance creation logs (ie. /tmp/db2icrt.*). It is possible DB2
reports successful, even if something “small” has failed. Cause lots of grief moving

• db2ckgpfs / db2cktsa : On the DB2 image (ie. DVD), find these commands and verify
the level that's installed.

• Overview of rpm lists

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Cleanup procedures

• Two useful Info Center links when things go horribly wrong:

• Cleaning up an incomplete DB2 pureScale instance drop
• Cleaning up an RSCT peer domain

© 2010 IBM Corporation

Finding your way around
• Install path : /opt/ibm...
• Diagnostics : /tmp

• Instance path : /home/dtw/sqllib...

• Diagnostics (CF and members alike) : ~/sqllib/db2dump

• GPFS executables : /usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/

• Diagnostics : /var/adm/ras

• TSAM/RSCT executables : /usr/bin

• Diagnostics : /var/ct/db2domain*/log/mc

• Important areas:
• Global registry / helper files: /var/db2
• Global shared sqllib : /db2_instance/dtw/sqllib_shared
• uDAPL configuration : /etc/rdma/dat.conf; /etc/dat.conf

© 2010 IBM Corporation

Finding your way around : GPFS Commands!

GPFS native commands DB2 db2cluster -cfs wrapper

/usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/mmadddisk db2cluster -cfs

/usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/mmaddnode -create filesystem
/usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/mmchcluster -add filesystem
/usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/mmchconfig -remove filesystem
/usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/mmcrcluster -delete filesystem
/usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/mmcrfs -set -tiebreaker
/usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/mmcrnsd -list -filesystem
/usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/mmlscluster -verify -configuration
/usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/mmlsconfig -mount -filesystem
/usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/mmlsdisk -delete -domain
/usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/mmlsfs -start -host
/usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/mmlsmount -stop all
/usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/mmlsnode -list domain
/usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/mmlsnsd -list -host -state

© 2010 IBM Corporation

Finding your way around : TSAM (not RSCT) Commands!

TSAM native commands DB2 db2cluster -cm wrapper

/usr/sbin/rsct/bin/lsrel db2cluster -cm

/usr/sbin/rsct/bin/lsrg -list -domain
/usr/sbin/rsct/bin/lsrgreq -delete -resources
/usr/sbin/rsct/bin/lssam -create -resources
/usr/sbin/rsct/bin/lssamctrl -repair -resources
/usr/sbin/rsct/bin/mkequ -start -domain
/usr/sbin/rsct/bin/mkrel -stop -domain

© 2010 IBM Corporation

Finding your way around : RSCT Commands!
RSCT native commands DB2 db2cluster -cm wrapper

/usr/bin/addrpnode db2cluster -cm

/usr/bin/chcomg -list -domain
/usr/bin/ct_get_hostname -create -domain
/usr/bin/lscomg -add -host
/usr/bin/lsrpdomain -remove -host
/usr/bin/lsrpnode -delete -resources
/usr/bin/mkcomg -create -resources
/usr/bin/mkrpdomain -start -domain
/usr/bin/preprpnode -stop -domain
/usr/bin/rmcomg -verify -resources
/usr/bin/rmrpdomain -clear -alert
/usr/bin/rmrpnode -list -alert
/usr/bin/stoprpnode (with force

© 2010 IBM Corporation

• db2 prerequisite check -

• Network Interface adapters:

• RoCE

• Infiniband

• Sockets

• /etc/dat.conf file

• Installation methods:


db2_install (mostly used)

Response file installation

• “-d” option to debug installation or instance creation failure

• All logs are saved under /tmp

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Questions ?

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