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The entire load demand curve is divided into various periods of a day,

Low period (00.00–05.00 h),
Offpeak period (05.00–09.00 h and 14.00–19.00 h) and
Peak period (09.00–14.00 h and 19.00–00.00 h) respectively.
Ntotal, V= 50000 Load factor
Average battery capacity pv 10kW h Average load
Nvmax= 10% Nvmax
SOCmin 20%
SOCmax 90%
charging and discharging eff 85%
SOC dep 50%
SOC pre> dep
This case has considered the coordinated
charging of PEVs in which vehicles are charged from grid during low and off-peak periods and discharged during
peak load period.

According to declared day-ahead electricity price, vehicle owner can select his
vehicle’s charging/discharging schedule to obtain profit.

As seen from the load pattern it

is clear that for a complete 24 h period, low and off-peak period
is larger than peak period and most vehicles tend to charge at
lower electricity price during off-peak hours which overburdens
the load pattern during off-peak period compared to peak
period and results in 0.56% increase in total cost compared to
Case 1
The sum of V2G can be treated as a special
unit. Considering there is an increasing
marginal cost to involve more EV owners, the
cost function of V2G is assumed to be a
quadratic function
The lower limit of SoC is 30%. The average of SoC before dispatching
is 70%. The average battery capacity of EVs is 22 kWh. The quantity of
EVs that can conduct V2G is 7000. In order to facilitate management,
this paper assumes that the system operator will only sign contract of
V2G if the EVs are available in the evening. Accordingly, the available
periods of all the EVs are the same, assumed 20–24 o’clock. The
available capacity of V2G at these hours is 18, 17, 16, 15, and 14 MW,
respectively. The maximum bearing capacity of the grid for V2G is
assumed to be 18 MW at each hour.
Calculate the total cost of V2G
An independent system operator with 50 000 registered GVs was
simulated in this study. For GVs, the following parameter values were
considered: S = 15 kW, H = 24 h, minimum Ψdep = 40%, ζ = 85%, and
vehicles’ range of lifetime = 2−15 and 2–12 years.

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