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Let's start with the fact that under the name of the butterfly,
we present beautiful creature, which has colorful wings and
collect nectar from our favorite plants,flowers.
But is it? Looking at these photos, where butterflies under the
microscope, we see that they aren’t so good, and if they were big
in this form, we probably would be afraid of them.
Тhinking about a butterfly, we don’t think that it was primarily a
caterpillar, which is h Тhinking about a butterfly, we don’t think
that it was primarily a caterpillar, which is harmful to gardening.
armful to gardening.
Interesting facts about butterflies

1.Butterflies are
one of the largest
groups of insects
- to Lepidoptera.
In addition to
these creatures,
this group also
includes moths
and butterflies.
At the moment,
there are about
lepidoptera insect
2.Science that studies the butterflies called lepidopterist.
3.The largest
moth is
Attacus aitas. Its
wings have a span
of about 30 cm
and it is often
confused with the
bird. The most
hardy butterfly
in the world is
called "Monarch".
It can cover a
distance of a
without stopping.
Butterflies Never
4.In some countries in Asia and South America, butterflies are considered a
5.The most complex organ in the structure of these amazing creatures - eyes.
They consist of 6 thousand tiny pieces, which are called lenses.
6.The only continent where no live Lepidoptera - is Antarctica.
7.Taste buds have butterflies are on their feet, that is standing on the plant,
they can feel its taste.
8.Butterflies - one of the most common sites for collecting among the most
famous people in the world, such as Nabokov, Rothschild, Bulgakov, Mavrodi.
9.In the world there is not one type of these insects, which can therefore be
considered as rightfully rare. One of them is the Queen Alexandra sailboat - the
largest butterfly of the world. Detect it is possible only on the territory of Papua
New Guinea and thanks to collectors, this species is on the verge of extinction.
10.In Russian, the word "butterfly" is derived from the word "woman" because our
ancestors believed that witches become butterflies after death.
to be "Blue
the world,
the scope
of which
the wing is
only 1.4
13.Butterflies can distinguish yellow, green and red colors.
14.Butterflies do not hear. But they feel the vibration, which helps them to recognize
15.Among the butterflies there are predators. For example, Calyptra eustrigata. The food
of these butterflies - animal blood, which they extract, a sharp piercing proboscis covers
animals. Predators are the only males. Females prefer juices of plants and fruits.
Butterflies symbolization in different countries

Iconic Symbols: Butterflies are frequently used to represent the "soul".

Butterflies are also used frequently in culture to represent freedom.

China: In Chinese culture, two butterflies flying together symbolize love.

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