Introduction To Homeopathy: Common Remedies For Babies and Children

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Colics – Colocynthis - bending double from pain
- Feels Better lying on the abdomen
- Better for hard pressure
- sometimes has to be teamed-up with Nux Vomica for a better

Chamomilla - angry baby, screams, demanding

- hard to please, would cry so loud that all neighbors would hear him
- wants to be carried and also likes movement

Mag phos - great antispasmodic medicine

- especially for colics due to gas
- pain is Better by pressure and also heat

Dioscorea - child will throw its head backwards and arch like a bow
- opposite modalities to Colocynthis
- great flatulence with rumbling
Esophageal reflux : - Nat phos ( tissue salt) -2 or 3
- Acidity
An overly acidic system. Indigestion or heartburn.
Lactic acid build-up. Rheumatism – painful muscles and
connective tissue. Sciatica. Complaints from fatty food.
Acne with greasy skin
Chamomilla - no 1 remedy to help children to go through the teething process
(adults also)
-angry and demanding baby/child
Pulsatilla - gentle, weepy children, love consolation
- pulls mommy’s dress all the time wanting to be held
- thirstlessness/ loves outside
Rheum Palmatum - sour diarrhoea during dentition
- difFicult dentition
- characteristic sour smelling (all discharges and exhalations)
Tissue salts mix - Calc fluor + Calc phos + Silica ( + Mag phos)
-2 or 3 times/day during the acute phase
Constipation – Nux Vomica - frequent innefectual urging or passing
small quanities of stool at each eattempt
- may be nausea and bitter taste in the mouth
- indigestion caused by over-eating
-also too much toxicity (used successfully to detox allopathic
Opium - no urging/ no activity on the bowels( could be even weeks) due
to paresis of the intestines
- stool is hard, round, black balls like sheep dung.

- child is dull, wanting nothing

Silica - rectum has no power to expel/ child strains a great deal to
force, but most of the time stool recedes partially back
-extremely hard and large stools
Calc Carb - large and hard stool
- stool at first is hard, then pasty, then liquid
- in most of the cases, child is not aggravated by the
Bryonia - constipation due to extreme dryness of mucus membranes
- child would not feel the desire or urge for stool for a day or two
- - lips are dry/marked thirst
- stools are hard, dry, black as if burnt
- child cries while passing the stool which hurts him
Enterocolitis / Food
Arsenicum album - vomiting and diarrhoea
- no appetite /nausea
- lethargy, pale face
- anxiety, fear of being alone
- thirsty for small sips
Phosphorus - vomiting/diarrhoea
-anxiety relieved by company
- very thirsty for cold water
-vomiting as soon as cold water warms up in stomach
Ipecac - constant nausea with pale face
- excessive salivation
- vomiting with total disgust for food
Nux Vomica - indigestion, nausea and vomiting with much retching
- constant desire to vomit, but usually unsuccessful, child
knows that if would vomit, would feel better
Pulsatilla - vomiting in children especially after ice cream, pastries, heavy foods
-vomiting of undigested food ( long eaten before)
-marked thirstlessness
-sour vomiting, leaving a foul taste in the mouth
Travel sickness - cocculus indicus
- tabacum
- nux vomica ( sea sickness included)
Common colds – Aconite - no 1 remedy to take at the beginning of
anything with sudden onset: Shock, panic, cough, earache, etc
- caused by exposure to cold dry air( could be draught)
- chilli, feverish and thirsty
- frequent sneezing
- restlessness and anxiety
Alium Cepa - profuse, clear discharge
- one of the best medicines for cold at the head
-watery eyes
- acrid discharge, usually excoriates the upper lip
- prolonged sneezing
- much Better in open air

Arsenicum album - chilly patient, anxiety, restlessness

- low energy, prostration
- thirsty for small sips
- dryness

Belladona - congestion, red and hot- cold feet

- dilated pupils
- may crave lemonade/ thirstless
- headache, tonsillitis, earache…
Gelsemium - weak feeling in the body, patient feels weird and with dull headache

- patient feels better near the fire

- droopy eyelids, wants to lie down quietly

Nux Vomica - usually signs after a heavy meal

- nose is dry, obstructed, stopped at night and runs during the day
- sore (scaraped) throat
- chilly patient, cannot get warm even with lots of covering
- patient is oversensitive, irritable and touchy

Pulsatilla - usually called for the “ripe” cold, when there is a lot of
yellow/yellowish-green thick discharge
- copious flow in the morning
- loss of smell, stuffed nose at night
- lips chapped and peel, child has a tendency to moisten them
- thirstlessness/ better in open air
ACONITE - any type of shock - physical, mental + “ARNICA” for the eye (any
trauma to the eye ball)
ARNICA - any trauma on the muscles( falls, bruises, tooth extractions, after-
birth pains, after surgery pains…)

BELLIS PERENIS – trauma to soft tissue -breast, testicles( deeper than arnica’s

LEDUM – insect bites, puncture wounds( injections)

APIS - insect bites, especially if there is local inflammation and redness

- better by cold applications

HYPERICUM -trauma to nerve rich area( finger tips)

- also injections in the spine (alternantly with Ledum)
- prevents infections after insect bite
Thank you!

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