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Project is at Project is Project is Project is 30 Project is not over

Time least 2 between under 1- sec - 1 30 seconds
(5 points) minutes of 1:30 - 2 1:30 minutes minute
content. minutes

Great content, video is Okay content, video is not Not based around
geared towards motivation fully motivation based or not motivation,
in some manner, school fully school appropriate inappropriate
(10 Points)

Students are able to explain Students explain what Students are unable
Explanation what kind of motivation the motivational factors apply to describe how
(5 Points) video applies to correctly mostly correctly their video applies
to motivation

All group
Participation members
(5 points) participated
in video

Total Score
Alternative Assignments
● In class motivational speech
○ Student will give a one minute motivational speech in front of the class. The student will then
be explain what motivational factors that their speech was playing to.
● PowerPoint Presentation
○ Student will present a 5 slide PowerPoint, with at least four points on each slide, on what
motivates them or recapping a motivational video and present this to the class. Motivational
terms must be used in the explanation and if discussing a video the video will be shown.
● 500 word paper
○ Student will write a short 500 word essay on what motivates them in their lives or on a
video/speech that motivated them. The essay must include motivational terms and the
significance of them. Also include the link if it is from a video.

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