Suspended Judgement and Six Thinking Hats

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Suspended judgment is a
cognitive process and a rational
state of mind in which one
withholds judgment particularly
drawing moral and ethical
Suspension of judgment is typically associated
with positivism (valid knowledge) with
and skepticism (questions the possibility of
certainty in knowledge)
It can be related to….
Objective of suspended judgment is to

Overconfidence  Self-Serving 
Bias Bias

Confirmation Framing Cognitive Bias

Bias (way information is presented)

Representativeness Heuristic
Hindsight Bias (Mental shortcut) (Making
(Two thoughts) judgment based on
Overconfidence Bias
• a person's subjective confidence in his or her
judgements is reliably greater than the
objective accuracy of those judgments,
especially when confidence is relatively high.
Self-Serving bias 
• people's tendency to attribute positive events
to their own character but attribute negative
events to external factors.
Confirmation bias
•  tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and
recall information in a way that confirms or
strengthens one's prior personal beliefs or
Cognitive bias
• Our brain at any moment is carrying out trillions of mental
• constantly looking for strategies and rules of thumb that can
be applied across various situations to ease the burden of
executing all those mental processes.
• especially when it comes to making decisions and
judgments that are complex.
• to simplify information processes, we may take mental
shortcuts that lead us down the wrong path.
• These thinking errors that we make when we are processing
information are known as cognitive bias.
Cognitive bias
• Example:
• Cognitive biases develop for several reasons. For
example, errors in memory can affect how you think
about a particular event.
• This, in turn, influences how you think about similar
events, which can lead to cognitive bias. It's also
thought that cognitive bias helps us process
information more quickly.
• Cognitive biases can cause us to make inaccurate
judgments, decisions, and interpretations.
Hindsight bias 
• tendency of people to overestimate their
ability to have predicted an outcome that
could not possibly have been predicted.
Representativeness heuristic
• Simply described as assessing similarity of
objects and organizing them based around the
category prototype
• Making judgment based on similarities
Premature judgment

Premature judgment
involves drawing a
conclusion or making a
judgment before having
the information
relevant to such a
Characteristics of Suspended Judgement

•Waits for all the facts before making a decision.

•Based on standard research methodology to encourage

the decision.

•Decisions are verified by peer-reviewers.

Rules under suspended judgement
• Only information that you actually know to be
true should be accepted.
• Take known truths and break them down into
their basic components.
• Solve the simplest problems first.
• Take the remaining problems and make
complete lists of them.
Benefits of Suspended Judgment

Six Hat Technique
• Important and powerful technique - used to look
at decisions from a number of important
• This forces you to move outside your habitual thinking
style, and helps you to get a more rounded view of a
• Each 'Thinking Hat' is a different style of thinking.
These are explained below:
White is associated with truth
(Data, information, and facts).
• With white thinking hat you focus
on the real data available.

Look at the information you have,

and see what you can learn from
Red color is associated with feeling
and emotions.
Wearing' the red hat, you look at
aspects/decisions using intuition, gut reaction,
and emotion.
Also try to think how other people will react

To demonstrate the decision considering

feelings and emotions (without justification)
Black color is associated with dark side
of the decision (problem, difficulties,
risk, and weakness)
• Using black hat thinking, look at all the
bad points of the decision.
Look at it cautiously and defensively.
Try to see why it might not work.
This is important because it highlights
the weak points in a plan. Black Hat
thinking helps to make your plans
'tougher' and more resilient.
Yellow is associated with

Identify the positive points in

decision/situation even if it is

Yellow hat looks for the

The yellow hat helps you to think
positively. Yellow Hat thinking helps you to
keep going when everything looks dark and
Green is associated with growth and
The Green Hat stands for creativity.
This is where you can develop
creative solutions to a problem. It is a
freewheeling way of thinking, in
which there is little criticism of ideas.
Blue is associated with process
Blue hat ask for summaries,
conclusions, and decisions
The Blue Hat stands for process control.
This is the hat worn by people chairing
meetings. When running into difficulties
because ideas are running dry, they may
direct activity into Green Hat thinking.
Name of the Person?
The Great: Ratan Naval Tata
Name the first Indian Movie submitted for
Oscar Award Competition?

Mother India in 1957

What are the character names of Saif Ali
Khan and Radhika Apte in Sacred Games?
You are running a race. You
overtake, the second person, what
position are you in?
Second Position
In which sport do winners move
backwards and losers move
Tug of War

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