Public Policy: Guided by Dr. S.N Singh

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Public policy is a set of decisions by governments and ‘other political actors’ to

influence, change or frame a problem or issue that has been recognized as in the
political realm by policy makers and the wider public. The term ‘other political actors’
includes other pressure group, non governmental organization etc. In India the Non
governmental organization are playing important role in development of policy.
A non governmental organization (NGO) is a citizen based association that operates
independently of government, usually to deliver resources or serve social or political
According to David L. Sills NGOs is a group of persons organized on the basis of
voluntary membership, without state control, for the furtherance of some common
interest of its member.
According to World Bank NGOs are "private organizations that pursue activities to
relieve suffering, promote the interests of the poor, protect the environment, provide
basic social services, or undertake community development"
 NGOs classified on the basis pf orientation and co-operation

NGOs on the basis of Orientation

• Charitable Orientation
• Service Orientation
• Participatory Orientation
• Empowering Orientation
NGOs on the basis of Co-Operation
• Community- based Organization
• City- wide Organization
• National NGOs
• International NGOs

• Independent- NGOs are independent in planning and implementation of their

program. They are not bound by the hard and fast rules as in Government
• Voluntary: They are formed voluntarily. There is an element of voluntary involvement
in the organization. NGOs are built upon commitment of a few persons.
• Legal Status: NGOs are registered with the Government under the Societies Act, Trust
Act and a few under Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA) with the Ministry of
Home Affairs, Government of India. This is to get entitled for obtaining funds abroad.
• Flexible: NGOs are flexible in interventions. They are not bound by red tapes and bureaucratic
obstacles. In the name of audit objections, they won’t cease peoples initiatives.
• Quicker in Decision-Making: NGOs take quick decisions in response to the needs of the
community. As decisions are taken quickly, their services are delivered timely to the people.
NGOs could overcome the constraints of cumbersome procedures and act readily to the
community demands.
• Non-Profit Oriented: NGOs are not run on profit motives. The surplus and gains from
economics projects, if any are not distributed to the members or stake holders. They are re-
used for development purposes.
• Not Self-Serving: NGOs are constituted not or the benefit of the promoters. NGOs serve the
poor and impoverished for their upliftment and not for that of NGOS themselves. The NGO
members are nurtured by the response and co-operation of the people. This offers a great deal
of mental satisfaction to the NGO members which inspires them to do better and more.
• High Motives: The member and staff are endowed with high motivation and
inspiatio0n to work for the cause of the poor. Their hours of work are not clock
bound. They strive tirelessly to achieve their purpose for the benefit of the target
• Freedom in Work: NGO workers enjoy their maximum freedom in their field work,
in organizing the community and carrying out the development schemes. Such
freedom becomes a source of motivation to accomplish the task in spite of their
less numeration. They are not pinched by their bosses for petty mistakes.
• Value Driven: NGOs are driven by social values and humanitarian principles and
hence they try to promote a value based society.

• To supplement Government programs to provide choices and alternatives ta the

rural poor to enable them to improve quality of their life.
• To serve as eyes and ears of the villagers.
• To devise simple, innovative, flexible and inexpensive strategies and projects of
participative types.
• To activate and improve responsiveness of the delivery system to meet the felt
needs of the poorest of the poor.
• to disseminate information about on-going and proposed welfare and
development programs of the Government
• To stimulate local communities to adopt a self-reliant attitude of mind.
• To demonstrate more effective utilization of local resources, material and human, to
the local people.
• To demystify and simplify technology and make it available to the rural poor.
• To motivate communities to mobilize local resources for self-reliant development
• To create social awareness among the poor to demand better performance of services
from concerned public sector ageuzies and also to impose local accountability on
their performance.

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