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XTM trial

Update 1
Feb 11

Confidential © 2019 Agoda. All rights
Workbench. Setting up. General settings

• Confirming
segments – untick
first option

• Choose how to

• QA settings

• Displaying

Don’t forget to
press APPLY 2
Confidential © 2019 Agoda. All rights
Workbench. Setting up. Font, shortcuts, filters

• You can set up your

own preferred
shortcuts for
different actions

• And preset and save

the most used filters

• Again, don’t forget to

press Apply if you
want the settings to
be applied
Confidential © 2019 Agoda. All rights
Working on segments and translation. Navigation

• Navigation – set shortcut Click to add picture here

Confidential © 2019 Agoda. All rights
Working on segments and translation. Concordance

• Concordance: Click to add picture here

- Press Source/Target

- Sort by: Score, customer, etc

Confidential © 2019 Agoda. All rights
Working on segments and translation. Terms

• Add Term in the termbase Click to add picture here

Confidential © 2019 Agoda. All rights
Working on segments and translation. Status Change

• Mass confirm segments

- Go to File

- Select Change status

- Make change

Confidential © 2019 Agoda. All rights
Working on segments and translation. QA

• Various QA options:

- If you want to run QA and

spell check as you go, press
F9 (Run QA check on
displayed segments)

- You can stop it at any moment

by pressing F9 again or by
clicking on the Stop QA check

Confidential © 2019 Agoda. All rights
Your questions from week 1

Question Answer
Can segments be sorted? For now no. Will find out if it’s planned
When filter for frequency is on, XTM doesn’t jump to next Noted, will check with XTM
non confirmed segment
Group sourcing doesn’t run smoothly like memoQ Will change project settings to suit your needs. Let me
know which linguists and projects
Segments are marked as confirmed immediately after we Change settings in your Workbench as shown above
move to the next segment
Connection to server lost every few minutes, so we need The system will kick you out for security reasons + license
to re-login every time. optimisation
- After 60 mins of inactivity
- If the network is lost (you go to the meeting room on
the different floor)
If happens more often or another case please let Menn
know, he will report to support

Confidential © 2019 Agoda. All rights
Your questions from week 1

Question Answer
Chat only works with PM. There’s an option to chat with I changed settings. Try again please.
other linguists, but clicking on it will open a new chat
window with PM.
No mass confirm option Please, proceed as shown above. If you have a specific use
case that doesn’t work this way, let me know
Email for resetting password takes more than 30 minutes, Reported to support
for authorizing the device as well
No views (blocker for TOU, legal) In the pipeline. Give me a specific use case – will see how
we can accommodate for your needs
NO regex – for search and replace In the pipeline

Confidential © 2019 Agoda. All rights

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