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Introduction to Orthodontics

drg. Natalya Wijaya

Manado, August 5 2019

Program Studi Pendidikan Dokter Gigi

Fakultas Kedokteran
Universitas Sam Ratulangi
Learning Objectives
Students are able to differentiate
cases of malocclusion, identify the
level of difficulty of orthodontic
treatment, the authority, ability
and limitations to achieve the
successfull of orthodontic
1. SKDGI 2015 domain 4 no 13.1.2
Penentuan indikasi perawatan maloklusi dental
dan skeletal

2. Buku Program Pendidikan Dokter Gigi Indonesia

2016 CPL no 4b
Menguasai konsep aplikatif teknik perawatan
klinis di bidang kedokteran gigi
Normal Occlusion  VS Malocclusion
Definition and History of

“The branch of dentistry concern with facial

growth with development of the dentition
and occlusion and with the diagnosis,
interception and treatment of occlusal
anomalies” Mitchel, 2017
The History of orthodontics
1900 – Dr. E.H Angle
1911- Noyes
American Association of Orthodontics
Who needs treatment?

Psycososial problem
Oral function
Periodontal problem
Masticatory function
Trauma to the anterior teeth
Dental disease such as caries
and tooth impaction
“malocclusion is not a disease .”
Benefit of treatment: Improved function and aesthetic
Classification of malocclusion
Angle’s Classification

Class II
division 1
Class II division
Class II

Class III
Pseudo class III

Class III subdivision
Classification of Malocclusion

Deep Over bite


Dental trauma
because of
Crossbite protrusion

Open bite Protrusion

Classification of malocclusion

Malocclusion dental
Malocclusion skeletal
Malocclusion dental and skeletal
Preventif : Serial extraction, Topical Flour.
Interseptif: Space maintainer, space
regainer, myofunctional appliance.
Curative : Removable orthodontic
appliance, myofunctional appliance, fixed
orthodontic appliance.
1. Buka e-learning dan unduh
tugas 1
“kartu status bagian Ortodonsia”
Bersama teman 1 kelompok yang
terdiri dari dua orang tadi, berlatih
mengisi kartu status tersebut di

Minggu depan bersiap untuk ‘Role

Play’ dokter gigi – pasien untuk
1. Proffit, W.R., Fields, H.W., Sarver, D.M.
(2013) Contemporary of orthodontics.
2. Rakosi, T., Jonas, I., Graber, T. (1993)
Colour Atlas of Dental Medicine
Orthodontic-Diagnosis. New York: Thieme
Medical Publisher. pp. 57,80.
3. Bishara, S. (2001) Textbook of
Orthodontic. United State of America:
W.B.Saunders Company. pp.83

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