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1. Manage (mengelola) management (pengelolaan)

I try manage my money from senior high school so my monay management is good now
2. Move (pindah) movement (gerakan)
Andra want to move her body but she is latter so I make movement with push on her body
3. State (pernyataan) statement (menyatakan)
Any state from Stikes Hangtuah if everyday will caremony and puket 3 was statement
4. Argue (debat) argument ( memperdebatkan)
I was argue with Lia because arguement about kdrama
5. Improve (perbaikan) improvement (memperbaiki)
Indra improve her song with but sound so he will improvement her song
6. Adjust (menyesuaikan) adjustment (penyesuaian)
Tika need some adjust from senior high school to university and she’s adjusment just I week
7. Judge (pertimbangan) judgement (mempertimbangkan)
She judge that girl if she more beautifull but that judgement is does right
8. Pay (membayar) payment (pembayaran)
I have to pay my food and I use credit card payment

1. Collide (bertabrakan) collision (tabrakan)

Sains and mathematies have a collide times at the same time happen a collision on the beside of the school
2. Contribute (menyambung) contribution (kontribusi)
I contribute another song at the party and evenyone contribution with dancing together
3. Confuse (bingung) confusion (kebingungan)
I was confuse how to make cake so I ask to Lisa and her confusion too
4. Creat (membuat) creation (yang membuat)
I creat some creation from paper
5. Decide (memutuskan) decision (keputusan)
I decide to be a nurse from decision with my mom
6. Devote (mencurahkan) devotion (curahan)
I want to devote my feels to my perents. And my parents know what my devotion
7. Discus (membahas) discussion (sedang membahas)
Lintang discus about home work when she discussion with another girl
8. Educate (mendidik) education (pendidikan)
The teacher educate students about healty education
9. Penticipate (ikut) panticipation (mengikuti)
Namira to be a panticipate of singing contest and the panticipation ask her home

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