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Agility &

Hobbies Gait

PWR! PWR! Moves

Aerobics Strength

Reach Taylor Mills
& Flexibility
Grasp Central Michigan University
Balance Function
 Dr. Becky Farley is the founder of Parkinson Wellness Recovery (PWR!) and
helped previously develop the LSVT BIG program
 PWR! allows therapists to adapt and modify these interventions rather than following
a structured, inflexible program like LSVT BIG program

 The PWR! program provides evidence-based exercises and support for people
with Parkinson’s Disease (PD) and for healthcare providers who treat these

 Program addresses both motor and non-motor symptoms that someone with PD
 Target specific movement deficits, decrease fall risk, and improve one’s mood,
mobility, function, and quality of life

 Applies the neuroplastic principles framework

Neuroplastic Principles2
1. Use It or Lose It

2. Use It and Improve It

3. Specificity

4. Repetition Matters

5. Intensity Matters

6. Time Matters

7. Salience Matters

8. Age Matters

9. Transference

10. Inference
PWR! Moves1
 Involve performing large amplitude, functional movements
 Incorporate multiple aspects of rehabilitation and various healthcare
disciplines, such as physical therapists, occupational therapists, and speech
language pathologists
 Exercises can easily be progressed, regressed, and modified for an individual
 Target Specific Parkinson’s Motor Symptoms:
 Rigidity – Perform Moves slowly, rhythmically, and with sustained effort for active
stretching to improve posture and spinal flexibility
 Bradykinesia – Perform Moves with high effort and repetitions while using large
amplitude body movements to reduce small, slow movements involved with PD
 Incoordination/Balance – Link whole body movements to sequences of function,
ADLs, and agility
 Automaticity – Focus on adding in attention activities and dual tasking
PD Functional Deficit Target Basic PWR! Moves

Antigravity Extension PWR! Up

Weight Shifting PWR! Rock

Axial Mobility PWR! Twist

Transitions PWR! Step

 PWR! Moves can be performed in various developmental positions, such as

supine, prone, quadruped, sitting, and standing

 Each move can be performed independently or used as a “flow” to combine

multiple moves to simulate performing an activity of daily living

 Can add in “Boosts” to progress exercises and incorporate dual tasking, such
as involving voice/speaking, hand gestures, breathing, and eye movements
PWR! Twist
PWR! Rock
PWR! Step
Extra Resources to Learn More

 Become a PWR! Moves Certified

Therapist or Certified Instructor
to teach community programs
 Visit

 PWR! Gym in Tucson, AZ for

people with Parkinson’s Disease

 PWR! Retreat for people with PD

to further expand their
knowledge about this program
and learn how to individually
manage their condition

 1. Parkinson Wellness Recovery. PWR! Moves Therapist Training &

Certification Workshop. Tucson, AZ: NeuroFit Networks, Inc; 2018.
 2. Kleim JA, Jones TA. Principles of experience-dependent neural plasticity:
implications for rehabilitation after brain damage. J Speech Lang Hear Res.
2008 Feb;51(1):S225-39. doi: 10.1044/1092-4388(2008/018).

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