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Providing Effective Math Intervention within the Eureka Math Curriculum

Glenn Estacio
North Carolina State University - NC State Educational Leadership Academy

Who and Why Logic Model Analysis

Southwest Elementary School has 655 students in grades K-5. The population is 48% black, 24% latinx, and
19% white. Southwest is a Title I school with 60% of the kids receiving free and reduced lunch. Since Comparing 2nd Quarter Performance Task data to the daily exit ticket data, I made the
2015, math scores have increased, but there remain persistent gaps for many of our sub-groups. Durham following conclusions:
Public Schools has adopted the Eureka Math curriculum, and there has not been any differentiation nor - - The number of students that are grade level
small group instruction. proficient increased
- the number of students that are near grade
proficient increased
- the number of students that are far below
grade level proficient decreased.
- If we had had the opportunity to administer the
3rd Quarter Performance Task, I believe the
growth in GLP students would be the same
- Students 6, 8, and 13 performed
consistently low
on their exit tickets. These students need even
more attention and targeted interventions.
- Students 14, 15, 17, and 20 scored
high on their exit tickets and would benefit from
exposure to more challenging mathematics

What Pre-assessment Data Recommendations

Goal: Each student will demonstrate growth in math each year. We will also close achievement gaps by DPS Quarter 2 Performance Task - 2nd Grade Math
The Eureka math curriculum does a good job providing students with grade-level
increasing the achievement of our black, latinx, and exceptional children subgroups. Finally, by increasing content and helping students by spiraling in previous learning. The data from this
the growth of our 2nd grade students, we will also increase the number of students that are grade-level Problem of Practice shows that students will further benefit from personalized, small
proficient when this cohort is in 3rd grade. group instruction. I recommend expanding this model for Eureka instruction that
includes time for small group intervention and enrichment. Furthermore, I
Since there is not a BOY assessment for
recommend teachers emphasize turn and talk strategies during whole group
math in 2nd grade, to establish a baseline
instruction to increase learning for each student. Finally, I recommend supplementing
for measuring progress, we used results
the Eureka curriculum with the iReady tool which will provide appropriate content
for the DPS Quarter 2 Performance Task.
for each student and allow the teacher to create learning centers during small group
For the standards measured, the majority
of students were not grade-level

How Results Reflections

A school administrator must be the cultural and instructional leader in their school. I can improve the
culture for the teachers by supporting their efforts in their classrooms. I can support students by
In this problem of practice, we will use results from 2nd quarter performance task as well as daily exit ensuring that each student has access to a blend of grade-level content and personalized instruction. In
tickets to assess students’ understanding. Then, we will streamline the concept development phase of the future, I can increase buy-in from teachers by providing more evidence and data showing how the
the lesson to allow time for small group intervention and enrichment. Finally, we will compare changes will benefit the students in the teacher’s classroom. Another challenge with this specific
performance task data from 3rd quarter to 2nd quarter to assess effectiveness of interventions. problem involved the assessment and short turnaround time before the data was needed. When I
collaborate with teachers to improve instruction, we must devise a plan that is manageable for all
involved in order to attain our goals. This problem of practice also showed me how I can be a better
instructional leader by improving teaching and increasing student learning. First, I recognized that
some of the students’ struggles were due to poor instructions and assessments. I can work with teachers
to create in-house, relevant, and personalized assessments that are superior to the assessments that are
We used data from daily exit
provided by the district or that are prescribed by the curriculum. I also saw that several of the students’
tickets to track student learning.
performances resulted from lack of motivation. I realized that I must work with the to provide
After calculating the average
students with immediate feedback in order to motivate them and give them more ownership of their
score for each student, ten
students scored 2.5-3.0, eight By enhancing the culture in the school and improving instructional practices in the school, I can
students scored 2.0-2.4, and transform a school and ensure each child can grow academically.
three students scored below 1.9.

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