Diapositivas VPN

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Teacher: Ing. Rafael Monterroza Barrios
Universidad del Sinú – Elías Bechara Zainum
Seccional Cartagena
Virtual Private Networks
• Concept
• Common topologies
• Common uses
• Common VPN protocols
Virtual Private Networks (VPN)

•VPN is a technology that allows to

extend a private network over a public,
insecure network (like Internet).
Virtual Private Networks (VPN)
• VPN are point-to-point connections across a private or
public network that permits the Company remote
internal communications using insecure channels.
• A VPN client uses special TCP/IP-based, protocols for
this kind of communications
Virtual Private Networks (VPN)

• The protocols used to provide VPN

connections are called “tunneling
Types of VPN

• Remote Access VPNs (road warrior)

• Enable remote users to connect, on-demand,
to the Company network
• Site-to-Site VPNs
• Enable communication between two or more
offices of the company or with other
Remote Access VPNs
Remote Access VPNs
• Allows for remote users to connect to a server or to
the whole organization LAN
• This kind of connection is made on-demand by the
remote user
• The protocols used for this kind of connections
provide some means of authentication and/or
authorization. Some can also use an already existing
authentication/authorization system.
Site-to-Site VPNs
Site-to-Site VPNs
• Allows two or more organizations offices to interconnect
securely using an insecure channel like Internet.
• The connection is not made on-demand, but it’s a permanent
link between the VPN end-points (normally routers)
• The internal network devices (PCs, printers, servers) are not
aware of the VPN connection. They communicate as if they
were in the same network or using normal routing protocols,
without knowing that there is a tunnel to send the traffic to
and from the offices
Common uses of VPNs
• Teleworking / Telecommuting
• Secure remote communications
• Bypass firewall blocking rules
• Unblocking geo-restricted content
• Staying anonymous online
• Secure browsing over unsecure networks (public Wi-Fi)
• Avoid eavesdropping
• Protect VoIP communications
• Etc.
Known VPN protocols

VPN Protocol Encryption Site-to- Remote Access

PPTP – Point to Point Tunneling Protocol Weak X
L2TP (Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol) None X
IPSec/IKEv2 (IP Security/Internet Key Strong X X
SSTP (Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol) Strong X
OpenVPN Strong X X

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