Deepak UK

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What are the first things which come

into your mind when you hear the
words 'England' or 'the English ?
Brief Background

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

commonly known as the United Kingdom, the UK, or
Britain) is a country and sovereign state located off the
northwestern coast of continental Europe.
UK as a developed
• It has world's sixth largest economy by nominal GDP .
• It was the sixth largest country by purchasing power parity.
• It was the world's first industrialized country
• It is a recognized nuclear weapons state while its military
expenditure ranks third or fourth in the world, depending on the
method of calculation.
• It is a Member State of the European Union, a permanent member
of the United Nations Security Council,
• A member of the Commonwealth of Nations, G8, G20, NATO, OECD
and the World Trade Organization.
• Royal Coat of Arms of the
United Kingdom of Great
Britain and Northern
Ireland as used by Queen
Elizabeth II from 1953 to the
present (as used in all her
realms except Scotland).
• Capital: London (Largest city)
• Official language: English (de facto)
• Recognized regional languages: Irish, Ulster Scots,
Scottish Gaelic , Scots, Welsh, Cornish
• Government: Unitary parliamentary democracy and
constitutional monarchy
• Monarch: Queen Elizabeth II
• Prime Minister: David Cameron MP
• Anthem: "God Save the Queen"
• Queen Elizabeth II
• Population
2010 estimate: 62,041,708 (22nd)
• Land area: 93,278 sq mi (241,590 sq km);
total area: 94,526 sq mi (244,820 sq km)
• Monetary unit: Pound sterling (£)
Religion in UK
Religion Percent
Christianity 71.8%
None 15.1%
Not Stated 7.8%
Islam 2.8%
Hinduism 1.0%
Sikhism 0.6%
Judaism 0.5%
Buddhism 0.3%
Traditional Drinks in
England - Tea
Britain is a tea-drinking nation. Every day they drink
165 million cups of the stuff and each year around
144 thousand tons of tea are imported
Eat out food

Fish and Chips


Buckingham Palace London Eye, UK

Madame Tussaud’s Tower Bridge
Top Ten Philippine
Imports from UK
1. Pharmaceutical preparations
2. Other petroleum products
3. Passenger cars
4. Crude oil
5. Civilian aircraft engines
6. Collectibles (antiques, artwork, stamps)
7. Industrial engines
8. Civilian aircraft parts
9. Precious metals other than gold
10.Nuclear fuel
Top ten Philippine
Exports to UK
1. Semiconductors & related devices
2. Cotton household furnishings & clothing
3. Computer accessories, peripherals & parts
4. Non-cotton household furnishings & clothing
5. Automotive parts & accessories
6. Furniture & other household items
7. Electric apparatus
8. Household items
9. Fish & shellfish
10.Goods returned then re-exported
Trade Agreement
• The Philippines is pursuing a free trade agreement with
the European Union (EU) after negotiations for a EU-
ASEAN trade deal suffered a major setback.

• It experience smooth implementation experience in

ASEAN engagements with other countries like China and
Words with English
• Thank you: Go raibh maith agat 

• You're welcome: Tá fáilte romhat 

• Hello: Dia dhuit 

• What is your name?: Cad is ainm duit? 

• My name is Judith Flynn: Judith Flynn is ainm dom 

• How are you?: Conas tá tú?

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