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A.Sree Charan
Periodic Heat Flow

In nature the variation of climatic conditions produces a non- steady state. Diurnal variations produce
an approximately repetitive 24-hour cycle of increasing and decreasing temperatures. The effect of
this on a building is that in the hot period heat flows from the outdoors into the building, where some
of it is stored, and at night during the cool period the heat flow is reversed: from the building to the
outside. As this cycle is repetitive, it is described as periodic heat flow.

The diurnal variations of external and internal temperatures is a periodic cycle. In the morning, as the
outdoor temperature increases, heat starts entering the outer surface of the wall. Each particle in the
wall will absorb a certain amount of heat for every degree rise in temperature, depending on the
specific heat of the wall material. Heat to the next particle will only be transmitted after the temperature
of the first particle is increased. Thus the corresponding increase in the internal temperature will be
The outdoor temperature reaches its peak and starts decreasing, before the inner surface
temperature has reached the same level. From this moment the heat stored in the wall will be
dissipated partly to the outside and only partly to the inside. As the out door air cools, an increasing
proportion of this stored heat flows outwards, and when the wall temperature falls below the indoor
temperature the direction of the heat flow is completely reversed.

The two quantities characteristic of this periodic change are the time lag (φ) and the decrement
factor (ù). Decrement factor is the ratio of the maximum outer and inner surface temperature
amplitudes taken from the daily mean.
In nature the variation of climatic conditions produces a non- steady state. Diurnal
variations produce an approximately repetitive 24-hour cycle of increasing and
decreasing temperatures. The effect of this on a building is that in the hot period
heat flows from the outdoors into the building, where some of it is stored, and at
night during the cool period the heat flow is reversed: from the building to the
outside. As this cycle is repetitive, it is described as periodic heat flow.

The diurnal(daytime) variations of external and internal temperatures is a periodic

cycle. In the morning, as the outdoor temperature increases, heat starts entering
the outer surface of the wall. Each particle in the wall will absorb a certain amount
of heat for every degree rise in temperature, depending on the specific heat of the
wall material. Heat to the next particle will only be transmitted after the
temperature of the first particle is increased. Thus the corresponding increase in
the internal temperature will be delayed.
The outdoor temperature reaches its peak and starts decreasing, before the
inner surface temperature has reached the same level. From this moment the
heat stored in the wall will be dissipated partly to the outside and only partly
to the inside. As the out door air cools, an increasing proportion of this
stored heat flows outwards, and when the wall temperature falls below the
indoor temperature the direction of the heat flow is completely reversed.
suppose there is snow in a hot day. first they have different
temperatures. but the snow transfers energy to the heat energy to the
hotness. the hotness loses heat energy, so its temperature decreases. the
snow gains so its temperature rises. so now everything is the same.
The transfer of thermal energy from a hot area to a cool area is known as heat
flow. This occurs when a certain object or material is at a different temperature
than surrounding objects. The principle behind this process involves the fact that
thermal equilibration needs to occur between objects, also known as the second
law of thermodynamics. In essence, when a difference in temperature exists
between materials, the heat flow can only be slowed, not stopped.
Heat flow relies heavily on the concept of conduction. Basically, the transfer of the
heat energy relies on free electron diffusion. In order for the heat to move from
one object or material to another, adjacent atoms vibrate against each other. This
is caused by the electrons moving from one atom to another. In terms of liquids,
the molecules are further apart, which is the reason thermal energy is transferred
at a slower rate when this state of matter is present.
CONVECTION is also important to heat flow. This occurs when a solid object or
surface is located near a gas or liquid. The rate of thermal transference increases
as the motion moves faster. Two different types of convection exist within the laws
of thermodynamics: natural and forced. Buoyant forces due to density variations of
the gas or liquid naturally occur, while forced convection is in response to a man-
When heat is transferred from materials through an empty space, the concept is
known as radiation. This occurs for all objects above absolute zero, even those
located within a perfect vacuum. For example, radiation from the Sun travels
through the vacuum of space before impacting the earth and other planets.
The general principle of thermodynamics and heat flow were established by Sir
Isaac Newton. The law of cooling states that "the rate of heat loss of a body is
proportional to the difference in temperatures between the body and its
surroundings, or environment." This can be observed by analyzing food. For
example, when a pie is removed from the oven and placed in a cool window, the
rate of heat loss is determined by the temperature of the air.
One interesting side effect of heat flow can occur when vapor changes into its
liquid phase. Known as condensation, this process relies on the gaseous form of a
liquid changing. This is seen in nature in the form of fog or on a cool glass on a
hot day.

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