Tips and Benefits of Maintaining A Healthy Lifestyle: Name:Ridwan Herdiawan Class:1-A Farmasi

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Name :Ridwan Herdiawan

Class :1-A Farmasi

Tips and benefits

z of maintaining a

healthy lifestyle

 As teenagers we just always take care of our

health,not to assume that illnes Will come
when we enter old age. Because the disease
does not look at who and regardless of age .
What is a healthy lifestyle ??

 Healthy lifestyle is a lifestyle that can

affect health.
 As : dietary habit, break pattern ,
cleanliness,and sports
By implementing a healthy lifestyle you can grow
strong,not easily sick and smart.
 The first thing that affects a healthy
lifestyle is diet “You are,what you eat” so
what you eat ia a reflection of yourself, of
you diligently eat butritious food than you
Will be healthy, otherwise of you are lazy
to eat butritious food you Will often get

 Many people find it difficult to regulator and

even tend not to play attention to their
diet,such as consuming foods high on
sugar,salt and fat but low in vitamins and
fiber. Of the food is consumer in large
quantities can increase the disk of obesity,and
non communicable disease such as hyperten
sion, diabetes,heart disease,stroke,and
2. Break pattern

 Always try get enough sleep and avorc

the habit of sleeping late at night. So
that the body is always healthy and fit.
3. Exercise

 Do 150 minutes of exercise a week .

 There Times a week with a duration of 50

minutes each time you exercise.
 Five Times a week with a duration of 30
minutes each time you exercise.
 As : cyclong, swimming,run, futsal ,badminton.
The benefits of living a healthy lifestyle

 Increase endurance so as to prevent

various diseases
 Make the mind fresher and body morefit

 Make sleep more quality

 Make a fresh and attactive appearance

so that you are more confidence and
more productive in your activities.

 Thank you

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