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Class IV
Subject – English
Topic – Kinds of Sentences
1. A sentence is a group of words
that makes a complete sense.
2. It begins with a capital letter .
3. It ends with a full stop(.) ,
question mark(?) or
exclamation mark(!) .
Kinds of Sentences

1. Declarative Sentences
2. Interrogative Sentences
3. Imperative Sentences
4. Exclamatory Sentences
Declarative Sentences
Sentences that state a fact or an argument and
end with a full stop are called declarative
For example:

Our final examinations are always held in March .

Many children are afraid of thunder .
Interrogative Sentences
Sentences that ask a question and end with a
question mark are called interrogative
For example:

Who is the Governor of your state ?

Which is the largest animal ?
Imperative Sentences
Sentences that express commands, make
requests or give advice and end with a full
stop are called imperative sentences.
For example:
Be in school by 9 o’clock tomorrow. (command)
Please give me a pen. (request)
Instead of watching TV all the time, you should
spend some time outdoors. (advice)
Exclamatory Sentences
Sentences that express strong feelings and end with
an exclamation mark are called exclamatory
For example:
What a brave soldier he is !
What a wonderful sight the hill slopes of the
Northeast are !
Hurrah ! We won the match.
Put correct punctuation mark and identify
the kind of sentence also:
1. He did not go to the market . Declarative

2. Is it a holiday today ? Interrogative

3. Do not close the windows . Imperative

4. How hot the water is ! Exclamatory

Revise the topic

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