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Match the following phrasal verbs
1 put a to
2 brighten b aback
3 cool c down
4 take d to
5 get carried e down
6 let f away
7 pull oneself g up
8 pick h to
9 take i down
10 warm j on
1 become very excited or
l 4 involved in something
1 g e t c a r r i e d a w a y 2 make someone
t a 6 3 become, or to cause
d r p someone to become, less
m angry or excited
3 c o o l d o w n i
4 begin to like someone or
w t a k e a b a c k something
n o k 5 surprise or shock someone
p o 9
6 criticize, punish, or be unkind 8 p u l l o n e s e l f t o g e t h e r
to the same person t a
7 criticize someone, especially
d k
when other people are present
8 control your emotions and o e
behave calmly w
9 start doing something as a 10 b r i g h tt e n u p
habit n o
10 start to feel happier
Fill in the gaps with an appropriate phrasal
 She’s the kind of person you … immediately.
 Tom's latest book has been severely … in the newspaper
 Some drunk guy in the bar started … me because he didn't
like my shirt.
 I … yesterday and cleaned all of my apartment.
 Just … . There's no point crying about it.
 When I was sent to prison, I really felt I had … my parents … .
 She was so depressed she … drink.
 Your mother really … when she got the flowers you sent.
 Just try to … and think rationally.
 I was a little … at the directness of the question.
Match the collocations and explain them
1 go a immaculately
2 hair b slender
3 figure c oval, round, pointed
4 appearance d bushy
5 face e dumpy
6 tot f thick, jet-black, dark, ginger, fair, sleek, shoulder-
length, coarse
7 woman g lovely
8 nose h shoulders, hips
9 lanky i slim
10 complexion j tiny
11 broad k bald, grey
12 eyebrows l straight, upturned
13 waist m youthful, striking
14 groomed n portly
15 gentleman o youth
Describe the following
pictures using collocations
from unit 18

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