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Extended Surfaces (Fins)

An extended surface (also know as a combined conduction-

convection system or a fin) is a solid within which heat transfer by
conduction is assumed to be one dimensional, while heat is also
transferred by convection (and/or radiation) from the surface in a
direction transverse to that of conduction

Chapter 3 Perpan bab 3 1

Chapter 3 Perpan bab 3 2
Chapter 3 Perpan bab 3 3
Chapter 3 Perpan bab 3 4
Chapter 3 Perpan bab 3 5
Chapter 3 Perpan bab 3 6
 Boundary conditions :
1. The temperature at the base of the fin ( x = 0 )
𝜃 ሺ0ሻ = 𝑇𝑏 − 𝑇∞ ≡ 𝜃𝑏 ..................... (3.63)

2. The second condition , specified at the fin tip ( x = L ) ,

may correspond to any one of four different physical situations .

A. The first condition, case A :

Considers convection heat transfer from the fin tip

ℎ 𝐴𝑐 ሾ𝑇ሺ𝐿ሻ− 𝑇∞ ሿ= − 𝑘 𝐴𝑐 ฬ
𝑑𝑥 𝑥=𝐿

ℎ 𝜃 (𝐿) = −𝑘 ฬ
𝑑𝑥 𝑥=𝐿
Chapter 3 Perpan bab 3 7
𝑠𝑖𝑛ℎ 𝑚𝐿 + ሺℎΤ𝑚𝑘ሻ𝑐𝑜𝑠ℎ 𝑚𝐿
𝑞𝑓 = ඥℎ𝑃𝑘𝐴𝑐 𝜃𝑏
𝑐𝑜𝑠ℎ 𝑚𝐿 + ሺℎΤ𝑚𝑘ሻ𝑠𝑖𝑛ℎ 𝑚𝐿

Af  luas total seluruh

permukaan sirip termasuk
ujung sirip

Chapter 3 Perpan bab 3 8

The second tip condition, case B :
Perpindahan panas konveksi di ujung sirip DIABAIKAN
 ujung sirip ADIABATIK

Chapter 3 Perpan bab 3 9

A. The temperature is prescribed at the fin tip, case C :

𝜃 ሺ𝐿ሻ = 𝜃𝐿

A. The very long fin, case D :

Chapter 3 Perpan bab 3 10

Chapter 3 Perpan bab 3 11
 Fin effectiveness , 𝜺𝒇 :
It is defined as the ratio of the fin heat transfer rate to the heat transfer
rate that would exist without the fin.

𝜀𝑓 =
ℎ 𝐴 𝑐,𝑏 𝜃 𝑏
𝑨𝒄,𝒃 is the fin cross-sectional area at the base.
In general, the use of fins may rarely be justified unless: 𝜺𝒇 ≳ 𝟐
Fin resistance : 𝜽𝒃 𝟏
𝑹𝒕,𝒇 = 𝑹𝒕,𝒃 =
𝒒𝒇 𝒉 𝑨𝒄,𝒃
𝜺𝒇 =
𝑹𝒕,𝒇 (Kasus C)

Chapter 3 Perpan bab 3 12

Fin Performance
 Fin efficiency :
𝒒𝒇 𝒒𝒇
𝜼𝒇 = =
𝒒𝒎𝒂𝒙 𝒉 𝑨𝒇 𝜽𝒃

(Kasus B)

Panjang terkoreksi sirip rectangular 

Panjang terkoreksi sirip pin 

Dengan syarat

Chapter 3 Perpan bab 3 13

Chapter 3 Perpan bab 3 14
Karena w>>t P≈ 2w
Luas Profil Sirip terkoreksi Ap = Lc t

Volume bahan sirip V = w Lc

Chapter 3 Perpan bab 3 15
Chapter 3 Perpan bab 3 16
Chapter 3 Perpan bab 3 17
Chapter 3 Perpan bab 3 18
Chapter 3 Perpan bab 3 19
Overall Surface Efficiency

Chapter 3 Perpan bab 3 20

Chapter 3 Perpan bab 3 21
M. Rizal Fadillah

Naufal Rakawijna Ersya

Chapter 3 Perpan bab 3 22
• Two main phenomena: metabolic heat generation
and thermal energy exchange between flowing
blood and the surrounding tissueheat transfer in
living tissues more complex
• Pennes modified the heat equation to account for
these effects Pennes or Bioheat equation

Chapter 3 Perpan bab 3 23

Chapter 3 Perpan bab 3 24
Chapter 3 Perpan bab 3 25
Sari :(gemetar) mampus hamil nih aku
Emak :(cuek) aaahhh gak mungkin.
Sari : tapi akhir-akhir ini aku sering
muntah-muntah mak.
Emak : alah paling masuk angin saja.
Sari :(menangis) tapi mak, kenapa
sekarang aku suka makan yang
asam-asam yha mak?
Emak :(dengan kesal berteriak)
Berhenti berkhayal Saripudin!!!
Emak tabok kepalamu baru tau.
Bencong mana bisa hamilll....hah.

Chapter 3 Perpan bab 3 26

Chapter 3 Perpan bab 3 27
This is the end of Chapter 3
Thank you very much for your attention,
patience and participation during the
Jangan lupa singkirkan dan letakkan
piring gelas sendok kotor ke tempat yang
sudah disediakan saat usai makan minum
di kantin Mesin ITS

Chapter 3 Perpan bab 3 28

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